[UPDATE: Sega’s Ken Balough offers more clarification on the jumbled mess that is the timeline. Read the full quote at the bottom.]
Brace yourselves one more time. This could be a bumpy ride.
The start of PAX today in Seattle allowed attendees to get a first taste of Sonic CD on the Retro Engine before making its way to consoles, computers, and mobile devices, running through the entirety of Palmtree Panic Zone. Initial reactions from the crowd are fairly positive.
While trying out the game, forum member Shade Vortex got to speak to Patrick Riley, a staff member at Sega of America, [UPDATE: Ken Balough, Sonic Digital Brand Manager,] about the game. A few of the details revealed by Retro Engine creator Christian “The Taxman” Whitehead might have been a little premature.
Regarding the functionality of the Sonic 2 spindash, Balough said that the feature could still be removed from the final game if it is found to cause problems within the game, going on to say that developers shouldn’t talk about features so early on for this reason.
More on that point, when asked about the inclusion of the U.S. soundtrack, Balough stated that it is not currently planned for use in the full release, due to licensing issues in using Spencer Nilsen’s soundtrack. However, Sega is trying to work around that and come up with a solution. Meaning, if an agreement is reached, this may include paid DLC, if the game can support it. For now, the game is International soundtrack only.
When asked about the curious use of Sonic 4 assets in the reveal trailer for the game, Balough confirmed that Sega has retrofitted Sonic CD‘s place in the timeline as after Sonic 3 and Knuckles but before Sonic 4: Episode 1. The rationale behind this was that Sonic CD’s developers never put any direct mention of Sonic CD‘s place in the timeline.
Even if a slight nod to its place exists within the original game itself.
So how exactly does this work? When Sonic CD is released later this year and Sonic 4: Episode 2 is announced, there will be a trailer where Sonic escapes from his time-travelling detour. In all the Sonic 4 trailers, Sonic is chasing Eggman from the left of the screen to the right. In the Sonic CD trailer, there’s a signpost instead, and when he hits it, he takes a detour and does the story of Sonic CD. Once his CD adventure is over, his detour ends, and he goes onto Sonic 4: Episode 2, coming out sometime next year.
Wait… so Sonic 4: Episode 1 happens, Sonic CD, then Sonic 4: Episode 2? I guess this fits with the whole “after Sonic 3 and Knuckles” thing, but wouldn’t this technically make it a side-sequel to Sonic 4: Episode 1 then? Just hit me with the Hazama cameo. Blast you and your odd time travel logic, Sega!
Opinion injection aside, there’s one more point that was tackled.
With The Taxman’s earlier details revealing that Sega now owns a license to his Retro Engine, used to power the popular fan game Retro Sonic Nexus, fan speculation rocketed if Sonic 4: Episode 2 will throw away the criticized physics engine it used in favor for the Retro Engine.
And with the precision of Sonic shooting down one of Eggman’s many airships, Riley responded with a flat “No,” continuing by saying that Sonic 4 “will never” use the Retro Engine because the code base is incompatible with the existing Sonic 4 engine, which they are still using for Episode 2.
Hopefully with quite a few tweaks and lessons learned from Sonic Generations. I know, opinion injection again. My apologies.
Special thanks to Shade Vortex for conducting the interview because some of us couldn’t make it to PAX this year.
[ADDED 8:33am EDT] Due to the confusion caused by the two statements, Balough took the time to clear up the situation in a greeting-card post saying he will be at PAX.
Hi Everyone!!
Ok so I’m at PAx right now showing off Sonic CD to every lucky person who’s attending the show (by the way if you are here – it’s at the MSFT booth.)
But I have a few minutes and I’ve seen some confusion about Sonic CD being a prequel – and it is!! Just as you imagined it.
which is basically my way of saying – allow me to illuminate the situation.Remember back during Ep 1, I was saying we had outlined a great story for the Sonic 4 Saga? It all come back to that Cliffhanger at the end – where we brought back Metal Sonic. Sonic CD was never really tied to the numberical Sonics in any significant way back in the 90’s. Sonic 4 is going to change that, and bridge these adventures together in a meaningful way.
While we are not taking away “when CD happened” in relationship to the numerical versions, we can tell you that the events in CD are very important to 4 (as you can imagine from us bringing Metal Sonic back)So before we take you to Ep 2, we’re gonna give all you fans a chance to experiance CD for the first time in years – and with a terrific presentation in wide screen. And yes the physics are fine!
So as you can see from the Trailer we created – Sonic took a slight detour into “The Past”, and later will be propelled back into the future to resume the Sonic 4 Saga
And if your at PAX come say Hi!
Taking it back to the original thought that no one knows when the game happened, the release is to show a plot connection in Episode 2, which relies on Sonic CD in some form. Spinning around at the speed of sound, is everyone satisfied now? You can see a more updated and accurate account at this link here.
And just like that, everyone’s views of Sonic CD is changed forever.
My brain hurts
You are correct.
What’s our contestant won today, Johnny?
A brand new CAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRReing brand icepack.
And we thought George Lucas won the award for most revisions of an original product. (Blu-Ray refit seems to fix it well from what I’ve seen.) I guess he still does, but he’s getting a competitor. ^_^
So wait.
If NOW Sonic CD takes place in-between the Classic-to-Modern timeline shift… then where does that place Sonic CD? Classic Sonic or Modern Sonic?
Also, does this interfere with the Generations Timelines?
Sega, you dun goof’d.
Thank you my friend!
okay so let me get this clear
after Episode 1 sonic does the CD Adventure then after, is Episode 2 (no time travel)(if so this means Sonic CD is Sonic 4 Episode 2 then)
or After Episode 1 he found the post sign go back the past and do his CD adventure then after he go back into the future to do Episode 2
i am really confuse on this one
Can we get some BlazBlue fans to explain timeloops and continuum shifts to us please?
nah.avi (mainly because I don’t know CRAP about BlazBlue Continuum Shift/CSII/CSExtend)
Needs more Hype Dog.
I’m still pissed that they did this timeline change. =/
If anything ends up being wrong, blame Riley, not me. It’s not like he hasn’t been wrong before. He justified saying that he had said Colors used the Hedgehog Engine last year, by this year stating that “It uses parts of it, but couldn’t use the full engine because the Wii hardware is incompatible with it”.
I am honestly confused as to where S4E1 fits in if his statements were accurate. Maybe it never actually happened.
Unfortunately there’s no candle to blow out for that so face the truth :3
Well, in any case, we’ll see how much of this stuff is true in time. The most stuff that turns out is true, the more credibility Patrick, and I have if people absolutely can’t trust me.
Hell, I can try to interview him again today, but record it this time.
This story kinda cemented on what I originally thought. Now that Sega owns the retro engine, this most likely means Retro Sonic Nexus will never be released. Knowing how big companies work, theres no way that they’re let The Taxman complete a free Sonic Fangame, that could potentially compete with a retail game. Case in point, the Streets of Rage Remake. Only after 2 weeks it was completed, Sega forced the creators of this Kick-Ass game to be deleted on their website.
Sega doesn’t own the engine. Taxman still does; Sega owns a license to use it. Retro Sonic Nexus is just taking a very long hiatus.
Let me say it one more time for clarity: Sega does not own the Retro Engine.
But it sure isn’t going to be of much use to the community now, is it! Not without paying a fee, at the very least.
Sonic CD always has, and always will, take place between Sonic 1 and Sonic 2.
Your fanon cannot defeat apparent canon.
Damned straight… Why is sega trying to confuse the ever living hell out of it’s fanbase? What does Yuji Naka have to say about all of this deck shuffling? Having Metal Sonic Appear first in Sonic CD (after silver sonic in Sonic 2), He reappears in Knuckles Chaotix in one form and in Sonic 3-Knuckles… How the hell are they going to explain Metal Sonic existing after All of those instead? Why do you have to Modify Sonic CD’s place in the Sonic Universe just so you can justify re-release it like the fans wanted for so long? Couldn’t they have given Episode 2 a better damned plot than to have to leach off of Sonic CD, or are they gonna add mechanics from Sonic CD into Episode 2?
Apparently, Takashi Iizuka doesn’t believe Knuckles Chaotix ever happened. True story.
In addition, if you think about it, it does make sense in some regards. Tails isn’t there? He could have started his transition to working more on machines and less following Sonic around. After all, in SA1, he says he hadn’t seen Tails in a long time
Knuckles isn’t there? Master Emerald.
Metal Sonic’s appearance? Well, if you think about it, the CD design is the one Eggman kept and even upgraded and reprogrammed so many times. Clearly, it’s the sleekest, fastest, and most advanced iteration. Silver Sonic was clunky, and Mecha Sonic was bulky and slow.
Alos, Hogfaher’s “See you next game” argument? If SFE1 is being skipped, and if the S4E1 ending is any indication, Tails’ next appearance is S4E2, which would make S4E2 the next game with Tails in it, timeline-wise.
My brain hurts.
This is more discussion about a platformer’s timeline than should be considered legal. Can’t I just be a speedy little hedgehog who assaults morbidly obese men?
Bollocks to that, I liked Chaotix. So the iizukamang’s rewriting the classic canona and removing parts he doesn’t like. cool. :I
^Agreed. I don’t care if Sega are trying to force a timeline change, just because this SCD re-release just so happens to come out just before Sonic 4 Ep 2.
Uh, Tails is gone in the story for both CD and 4-I so it makes sense. Plus…you’ll have to wait for the comment I make below because honestly I need to get this message out to everyone (hint: it’s to relate to timeline issues)
I’m sorry, but Sega’s proved themselves to be incompetent with canon too many times. They just lost their canon privileges.
R-really? Examples please?
And to argue against it: How come Nintendo haven’t been berated for the same reasons for the Legend of Zelda timeline? (no, seriously, NOBODY knows when most of the games take place and where)
LOL. Seriously, if this game is going to be launched at holidays, why do they say that anything could go scrapped and Taxman shouldn´t talk early??? If they are making an XBLA version, they need to pass the certification, so they either have the game nearly finished by now, or they won´t meet the holidays deadline. They should have Sonic CD nearly finished by now, which means anything scrapped should be now currently.
This…no. just no. They shouldn’t ignore canon and just change it’s place in the time line. Theres no damn point to it.The only thing this could accomplish is alienating the fans sonic 4 was made for even more.
Ya know sega, for trying to please the “retro classic sonic” and the “new sonic”
fans, you guys sure have been pissing all over the former.
What canon? Sonic CD was never pinpointed. The only games we know are canon and go in a straight line are Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3K, (Sonic 4), Sonic Adventure. All the others are somewhere around there, so there’s nothing saying Sonic CD can’t happen between Sonic 4 1 and Sonic 4 2.
Thank you, good sir. It’s not like everything released has to be canon in order of release…that’s like Sonic 4 took place after Unleashed. IT DID NOT HAPPEN THAT WAY.
If you think about it, it *high pitch* kiiiiiiiinda *normal* makes sense. S4Ep1 ended showing us Metal Sonic, Sonic CD happens and he meets Metal, then in Ep2 they meet again? *Scratches head*
There was never any doubt that Metal Sonic was going to be involved, but I’m not exactly sure about 4-II. CD, due to the ending of 4-I, makes sense to have that game placed in the timeline after all these years.
Oh dear god, it’s the Zelda timeline all over again…
But seriously, until now, I’ve always been content with the fact that Sonic had no complicated timeline, if not even having one at all. I mean really, the different areas, technology advances and regressions, and character situations (Seriously, someone tell me when the hell Riders and rivals take place in the timeline), as well as the various gaping holes in logic (Blaze being a Princess of another dimension, only to be a survivor of the apocalypse in 06, THEN going back to being a princess again in Rush Adventure), it’s clear that SEGA just does what they please with the timelines.
But this is…just stupid. Are you seriously trying to tell us that CD takes place between episodes 1 and 2? Good luck explaining how Sonic’s design drastically changes. This is pretty much the equevlant of saying “Hey, you know that futuristic, highly advanced world that Riders had, where the characters seemed older? Yeah, that takes place after Sonic Adventure.”
Sega, Sonic HAS no timeline. Don’t try to fix something that’s been broken for decades.
Wish I’d stop having to explain this to people. It’s not that hard. Blaze doesn’t live in an alternate dimension, she’s in the future. Nega was lying. Case in point, her world has a statue of Sonic in ‘Rush Adventure’. The one from Sonic 06 is an alternate future and takes place before it’s changed in time for Sonic Rush / Rush Adventure to happen. This was all explained in the Rivals series.
CD is between 3&Knuckles and Episode 1, btw.
I actually never realised that Sonic 06 point…I shall join the fight for correct timeline placement with this new knowledge! (though I probably should do some more research before I go ahead and do so, similar to what I’m thinking about the LoZ timeline…which was split due to a certain Ocarina of Time)
I’d say branches of games have timelines, like 1-3K, SA1-Shadow, Rush to Rush Adventure, you get me? But I never thought Sonic CD was part of any timeline, it’s just a story on its own, which has now been crammed into the Sonic 4 saga for no reason.
Here’s how Sonic design changes.
He’s design 1, then design 2. That’s it. It’s as simple as “why did Mickey go white-face to tan-face.” It’s a visual detail. Not important to story or canon.
That is…until Sonic Generations. Now where does THAT take place in Sonic canon? (LOL)
Sonic Generations alters nothing 😛 As for where it takes place in canon, after Colours, it seems, while by the model they’re using, young Sonic seems to come from around the Sonic 1 time.
See the comment I made below using the example of the Fantastic Four time-travelling. If a story like that is done and when they’re in the past, in the 60’s, they get drawn like a 60’s comic, it’s not something that’s part of the story or canon- it’s a visual joke and reference for us, the reader. The use of modern/classic designs for Sonic is the same.
Heck, I don’t even know whether Generations IS Canon or not! Nobody actually does know for sure if it is!
I never really considered the Riders series canon. I would assume the Rivals series takes place post ’06 but then again ’06 never happened so …. post Shadow?
I AM interested in Limey’s Blaze theory but for all we know Sega might not consider the Rivals series canon as oppose to the Rush series, which IS canon.
My head still hurts.
great, international soundtrack only. that’s it. ill stick to the sega cd version.
Thank god for Sonic Gems Collection.
Seriously, what’s wrong with the international soundtrack? Some of the tracks fit better than the American tracks, to be honest.
Nostalgia factor, mostly. It’s what some people grew up with. That, and others prefer the more rock/pop style than the dance style the International soundtrack offers.
I liked Sonic 4, but if they aren’t going to make the physics better, the game won’t sell nearly as much. I want the game to sell well!
And does this mean that now Sonic CD will have better collision detection?
Well, it IS on the Retro Engine…
Sonic timeline or how Sega managed to place to good ol’ Sonic CD after Sonic 4 Episode 1 in order to promote Episode 2. F*ck marketing, Sonic CD has a cult status et Sega masterminds don’t even think to capitalize on it…
and now I shall complain about the character design and get baww’d at by modern fans everywhere ;_; If they used the same models to advertise Sonic CD, obviously they’re gonna use them to make Sonic 4 episode 2…so if it’s the same Sonic, why are both Sonics in Generations? Make up your mind Sega…
Having said that, I disapprove of them dragging down an obscure gem like Sonic CD into the Sonic 4 canon. Why must they squeese their green eyes and slope physics into the classic timeline?
I really sound like a butthurt, replying this repeatedly on the comments of this news article.
That’s because I am.
As far as the story’s concerned, Sonic’s Sonic. Black eyes or Green eyes are just design choices that have no bearing in plot, like Mickey’s face going white-tan-white again in Epic Mickey.
Both Sonics are in Generations because nostalgia.
“Riley confirmed that Sega has retrofitted Sonic CD‘s place in the timeline as after Sonic 3 and Knuckles but before Sonic 4: Episode 1.”
I’m not understanding why people are thinking it takes place after Episode 1, but before Episode 2. That doesn’t make sense when the quote clearly says it’s before Episode 1. It wouldn’t make sense to have a game with a completely separate story between 2 episodes.
Funny enough, unlike the consensus, I’ve always considered Sonic CD to take place after Sonic 3 specifically because Metal Sonic is the more advanced mecha compared to his Sonic 2 counterpart. I always assumed at this point Tails was off on his own Game Gear adventure. lol. And of course Knuckles Chaotix would fit after Sonic CD.
A little later on, he talks how the trailers fit together, where he implies it happens between both Sonic 4:1 and 4:2. That’s where the confusion comes from.
All it takes is saying which one did he mean to end any confusion.
As much as I hate moving CD’s place in the timeline, I’m more comfortable with the “Between 3&K and 4:E1” ploy than the “Between 4:1 and 4:2” crud. I really hope they go with the former, if they’re so dead on for moving CD down the timeline
Well, you DO have to realise they had this in the planning for literally years? The entire story for Sonic 4 was written, perhaps suggested by the ending of Episode I that they put Sonic CD in mind.
I was looking for the Retro Engine to be used in Sonic 4, oh well I guess this confirms lock-on to Episode 1 that they’re sticking with the old engine, maybe Sonic 5 will use the Retro Engine “if that ever happens”.
That said, I don’t get how Sonic 4 Episode 1 have happened before Sonic CD? so up until Sonic 4 Sonic never met Amy? also why is he modern then classic then modern again? I’m not complaining about “baw green eyes” shit, I actually like modern Sonic way more than his classic design, but I don’t understand the logic, I guess SEGA were trying a bit too hard on it but I don’t blame them because the fans were bitching and complaining that Sonic 4 Episode 1 didn’t have a plot, again that didn’t bother me, I liked that actually because old school gaming never needed a story besides “good guy, bad guy, fight” and that’s what Sonic 4 gave me, oh well still good news about Taxman’s Retro Engine being used in Sonic CD and hopefully future titles!
NO! Nonononono…a ruined Sonic 4 is enough! We don’t need more rubbish games called “sequels” to the original trilogy!
If it uses Taxman’s Retro Sonic engine then I don’t mind many other titles, and maybe this time Sonic Team will work on it!
I wouldn’t count on it. The fact that SEGA trusted Dimps to make Sonic 4 probably means they would do the same for any other sequels. And besides, this is SONIC we’re talking about, not Mega Man.
Considering the sprites used, the nod in the hidden pictures, and how this has been set with fans for so long, I’m losing so much hope in Sega when it comes to continuity. Sonic 4: Ep 1 wasn’t even a true follow up to Sonic 3&K as it reflects Sonic 1 and 2 more, and not really any of the gameplay of Sonic 3. The backstory written online is full of holes since there’s enough signs in the game that Knuckle’s adventure was after Sonic’s. Not to mention, if Sonic’s reason for being taller and his eye color showing is actually age, it doesn’t make sense for the Neo model to used over the Retro model since the adventure takes place RIGHT after Sonic 3&K. And if it’s directly after Sonic CD (which I refuse to accept), then the problem shows even more. Generations is already showing that the reason for the model change IS age. if it really was an evolution of art, then okay, I would be more willing to accept the Neo model in the game, but Generations caused that logic to be a hole as of now. Sonic CD shall and always will take place before Sonic 2 and after Sonic 1 despite what the franchise’s owner’s and key people say.
I have no complaints on the international soundtrack being used alone this time since we’ve NEVER gotten that officially released in North America before. If I want the North American sound track, I can just play Gems Collection or my Sega CD copy of Sonic CD.
Generations caused no holes, though- You people are thinking TOO HARD on canon on this. It’s an art evolution- and the reason both show on Generations is because it’s a treat to the fans, simple Nostalgia. It’s still Sonic, just one is younger and the other’s older.
I’m done here, this is ridiculous.
In a way, it seems you kind of contradicted yourself by first saying it’s an art evolution and then saying one is younger and the other older, so it’s like you are saying one part that is disagreeing with me completely, and one part that is saying what I said, but is disagreeing with me anyway O_o. Technically, both are correct and I never said one was Sonic and the other wasn’t. My whole point here IS Sonic’s age. I’m not saying they are separate Sonic’s or that I like one over the other. To me, they are as you said in the latter. They are both Sonic, his older model is him when he’s younger, and his current model is him at his current age.
In another comment of your’s, you say there is Model 1 and 2, and those are it. That is false because I’ve been following Sonic’s art style throughout the years, and each game, he gets a little taller and slimmer, even before his green eyed look. So the models slowly changing to what we have now is what I see in terms of Sonic aging. His black eyed model was actually at it’s tallest in the art for Sonic R. Sonic’s models from 1 to 3 have also been in change from short and fat to tall and slim. My point is due to how they HAVE changed to how Sonic is now, that’s the flaw I am mentioning since it came off as first Sonic got older, then he younger again despite it being later in time, and then he’s older again.
Your statement on Generations is truth, but considering the story they are writing for the game and it showing that WITHIN the game’s universe that the reason for his model changing is him getting older, so is my statement. It’s not just Sonic’s model which is why I Sonic CD is before S2 but after S1, it’s also the game’s content, design, and hints WITHIN the game it’s self. I feel as I feel, but regardless, I’m still buying the game as it’s going to be awesome, and I’m going to buy Episode 2 and hope it’s good and better then Ep1. Same goes with Generations as I’m excited for it. I respect that you feel differently about the matter then I do and I’m not going to protest or anything about it, I just wanted to say my piece like everyone else.
Let me be the first to congratulate you on your knowledge of Sonic’s modes- I liked reading that.
When I said Model 1 and Model 2, it was simply an oversimplification for the sake of discussion- something people normally do, classifying Sonic as either Classic or Modern despite the vast differences inside each category.
As for Generations, it DOES have a younger Sonic and a modern Sonic, and young is classic and modern is modern, but this is not something in-game; it’s a reference, a visual key. SEGA is establishing young Sonic looks like Classic Sonic- which is something we know, as his games came out 20 years ago. It’s a reference, but not in the game’s story, it’s a reference to the audience- like if I did a comic of the Fantastic Four traveling to the 60’s and the panels in which they’re in the 60’s are drawn in a Kirby-style. It’s not in-cano for the story, but it’s a visual cue for the audience.
And I’d like to say I’ll buy Generations, but I have no console for it :<
ART EVOLUTION. That’s the problem that Mario never had to face (except for touching up his 3D models to make it look smoother). Come on, you people, it’s nothing new – even Nintendo had to cop it at some point. Cue Wind Waker, cue OMGWTFWEWANTDARKERANDEDGIER (thanks again TV Tropes)
I love the art style for Windwaker, and I do like the modern art style too in all honesty, especially as it is now.
Now I will boycott Sonic forever because of plotholes! I mean, Sonic is all about the story, that’s why I complained about the more story driven games! And I can’t wait until some big review site bashes this game. (Gamespot comes to mind 5.0/10)
“Sonic is all about the story”
Excuse me while I laugh my head off
Be my guest. While you’re at it go listen to some Sonic music (hands Smash Bros. CD item)
“Sonic is all about the STORY”
No, Sonic was all about the music and speed. Story is nothing. Look, even Sega agreed to the delight of fans for Sonic Colours. This is the reason I say that you can compare Sonic Colours to the original Mega Drive games – it’s got a similar feeling of progression, you never need to pay attention to the story and just blast through it all (literally, that’s what Challenge Mode is for)
SEGA… will always be SEGA.
It’s not like they’re the only ones who screwed up a timeline – Nintendo have screwed over the people over where LoZ games take place, though they have a Master Timeline, Eiji Aonuma has stated it remains hidden due to the fact that keeping it that way makes so that if they wanted to make new Zelda games they can easily fit it, rather than disclosing the timeline and only moving forward from there! (In other words, Aonuma states that it would be hard for them to create new Zelda games if the timeline was fixed for the people.)
What Sega give with one hand, the take with another, eh?
Are they trying to give Sonic 4 more credence by tying it to what’s arguably considered one of the best classic-era games? Or are they trying to bump up CD’s sales by marketing it to the “millions” who bought Sonic 4?
Whatever the case, it’s a horrible retcon for marketing purposes. Pure and simple.
They had the story for Sonic 4 written ages ago, presumably they finally decided to tie in Sonic CD to the timeline. It’s not ENTIRELY a marketing ploy…
Anyone else think that this statement and the first reveal trailer are just macro commentary on its placement in the PRODUCTION time line? This game is coming in between the episodes of Sonic 4 after all. Maybe its not really talking about the series’ continuity at all.
Though if it is, one thing that bugs me is that Sonic CD uses pretty much the most classic Sonic design and abilities. It doesn’t fit in between two games that feature modern design and abilities (like homing attack). Also quick admission…huge classic fan but I liked Sonic 4!
All I need to know is…Screw timelines, I play Sonic CD as just a game.
And I will admit, I liked Sonic 4 also, despite the $15 price.
If that’s the case I’ll be a bit more relieved. But until that is proven, I’m still gonna be confused about it all
Man, with this the Sonic timeline is becoming a Legend of Zelda timeline (you know, people are becoming divided whether they believe that Sonic CD finally found the right place or not) but in no way can it be split. Unless Sonic06 found a way to pull off an Ocarina of Time…
Guys, they didn’t directy say Sonic CD takes place between the two Sonic 4 episodes. I think the timeline goes:
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Sonic CD
Knuckles Chaotix
Sonic 4
Hmm…I own Sonic CD as part of Sonic Gems…but this seems to be a cool, updated edition…should I buy?
If you like the Retro Engine by Taxman (this port runs on it) then go ahead. Not much except widescreen presentation and achievements, though, from what we’ve heard so far.
Dude! Why are so many of you taking this out of context? Chill out Ken Balough obviously is saying Sonic CD is taking place after Sonic 3&K and before Sonic 4 as a whole. NOT AFTER EP.1 and NOT BEFORE EP.2. Some of you obviously read the title without reading the article because I have no clue how you wouldv’e gotten that out of it. As for changing the timeline it does nothing and still doesn’t tell us where Knuckles Chaotix fits in all of this bull. So just like Sega pretend Knuckles Chaotix doesn’t exists I’m pretending this doesn’t either. There’s plot holes all over the Sonic series so why should we care now? Really the games were better when people didn’t put that much thought into the stories and it should’ve stayed that way. To a certain extent “STORIES” have screwed the Sonic series.
Guys, this is actually a good thing, and let me explain why. In a way, even though Sonic 4 ep 1 is canon now, they effective buried the game from having much impact. The story of Sonic 4 ep1 progressed NOTHING, and with Sonic CD being afterwards, it kinda allows SEGA to try giving justice to Sonic 4 again on a somewhat fresh drawing board with Ep 2, if this is all making sense to anyone. Also puts more justification to any physic changes in episode 2.
Ok i think I understand the story thing. And I think there are 2 realistc answers here, and ones which should keep the fans happy!
Chronologically in the Story It does go Sonic 1 Sonic Cd, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, sonic 4 (i) then Sonic 4 (ii).
Now if we take sonic 2,3 and knuckles as the “death egg saga” what they are saying (however not to clearly!!) is that plot elements from CD will resurace for 4(ii).
Re-relasing cd now is to “refresh” people’s memories as to what went on, so you’ll understand what goes on in sonic 4(ii) better.
ALTERNATIVELY! It goes sonic 1,cd,2,3&K, 4(1) THEN a sort of time loop happenes that sends sonic back in the time to that of Sonic CD (fits with generations’s time monster?) he relives that adventure, then sonic comes back from the “time loop” to move on to Episode 2.
Personally I like option 2- if sonic is going to be “replaying” green hill, chemical plant etc from his past in Generations , why not the whole adventure from CD in a time loop set between 4(i) and 4 (ii)?
But none of this Generations stuff happened until after the first Sonic Adventure, which was after the classic games, which we are talking about now
Who gives a damn where it is on the supposed “timeline”? Who honestly plays Sonic for the consistently canonical storyline? I sure as hell don’t.
SEGA can say what they like about timelines. At the end of the day it has no bearing on anything. Still.. it is a pretty pathetic retcon.
All I’ll say is that they’re pulling off a Legend of Zelda, once again – that timeline is so screwed up nobody knows where to place it. But that’s a good thing – if they don’t know where to place it then Nintendo have more room to put more games in and think of new ideas which therefore expand the timeline from within, like Skyward Sword before Ocarina of Time, OoT creating two split timelines to Wind Waker and Majora’s Mask respectively (aka the Adult Timeline and Child Timeline, named after what is referenced in the games after it)
Here’s my only question. One of the first things Sega said about Sonic 4 is that the storyline is completely written out and set in stone, not to be changed. This implies SonicCD was always meant to be Sonic 4 Ep.1.5 in some way. (which looking back at the 20th anniversary makes a nice little trilogy: 2010 Ep1, 2011 SCD/Generations/ ultimate fanservice, 2012 Ep2).
NOW… did the SonicCD iPhone port come out before or after the creation of the Sonic 4 story? Did Sega see Taxman’s port and base it off there, or did they already have their own inferior port planned and then saw Taxman’s and nabbed it?
Whether the new place is between Knuckles and Ep. 1 or Ep. 1 and Ep. 2, good luck explaining what Sonic 1-design Sonic is doing there.
Julie Toyota
Just a change in the art style from yonks ago which they’re keeping for nostalgia’s sake, of course. No LOGICAL explanation.
You never know, because the story was written ages ago maybe Sonic really did hit a PAST pole…
It was gonna be before Sonic 2 but was delayed and came out after
Sonic CD is my favorite Sonic game. Sega is trying to make a Sonic CD Expansion.
Ok, I’ll take it with a grain of salt.
So wait, when we see Metal Sonic at the end of Sonic 4 Episode 1, does that mean that’s the original that will later go on to fight Sonic in CD, or is it the Metal from CD that is now coming back?
Or maybe it’s both.
Curse SEGA and their big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff.
Metal Sonic is a key bad guy in Episode 2. This move is being done to explain to the newer fans who may not have played this game where Metal Sonic came from.
Also, it’s good positioning for the Stardust Speedway reference in Generations.
…Brainhurt. I perfectly understood the episodes “Blink” and “The Big Bang”‘s time travel logic in Doctor Who, and THIS is confusing me. Agh, I’m not even going to try this new ‘timeline’ of SEGA’s; it’s still going to be exactly like this for me:
Sonic 1 –> Sonic CD –> Sonic 2 –> Sonic 3&K –> Sonic 4, ep. 1, 2, 3(?)
Actually, it’s better just to play without the timeline at all. It’s like Legend of Zelda fans all over again…
Sorry to be a noob, but who’s this Taxman guy?
earlier in the comments, 2 guys, Shade Vortex, and Limey, both made the point that it’s not possible that sonic CD took place between sonic 1 and 2, the Metal Sonic Model that Robotnik used in Sonic CD, is far superior to any of his previous makes, that alone, should prove the point of location in the timeline after S3&K
Too bad your comment couldn’t be at the top. It would have gladly helped (along with the other two referenced)
Ok now the way that ken said it made it seem more reasonable. I guess it makes sense sort of, i mean first in Sonic 2 we had Silver Sonic, a big bulky inaccurate representation of sonic, in Sonic 3 and knux we had Mecha Sonic, the more advanced bu still rather bulky version, and then Sonic cd where we have the streamlined, compact and best version of Metal Sonic.
Which then continues to be upgraded for all its life – first the revision with the art change, then to Neo Metal Sonic in Sonic Heroes where he extends (if not gains) his SENTINENCE, and over the years he’s gradually become more and more able to produce his own abilities unique from Sonic, even in the spinoffs (Sonic Free Riders spoiler alert!)
Eh, I’ll just continue ignoring the “official” time line thanks. Outside the 16 bit games, the whole series has been inconsistent and continuity challenged to actually care enough that there is an existing time line.
Sonic 06 never happened, where in that game Blaze was part of an alternate future which therefore did not happen because of the game’s erasure from the timeline – this clears up Blaze, but doesn’t clear up about future or alternate dimension.
Ok for everyone confused on the timeline now here is what I’ve figured out and what essentially makes the most logical sense.
Sonic 1 Sonic CD Sonic 2 Sonic3&K Sonic 4 ep.1 Sonic CD(revisit) Sonic 4 ep.2 and beyond.
So essentially sonic already experienced sonic CD before but now has to re-experience it for some reason. My only thing is if this port is going to give him a HA seeing as it’s the sonic from sonic 4 time traveling through that game. But overall Sonic CD still is staying right where everyone wants the game to take place in but it’s just sonic is being thrown back in time just like generations.
Moot point, see update.
If Ep. 2 IS a sequel to CD the Tails BETTER be playable or the hidden sign is a big fat lie
Read the Update.
SEGA can’t implement the “Retro Engine” true, BUT they can rebuild/edit the Sonic 4 physics engine in similar coding to it (since it can’t just be inserted).
So get over it, guys.
DIMPS is just jealous of the Retro engine emulating the classics better than they can
Jealousy? Since when have Dimps heard of the Retro community pre-SCDRetroEngine release and what they’ve done? Why don’t YOU go ahead and prove Dimps is jealous and compare the coding YOURSELF?
They can’t possibly mess up the timeline like this! Besides, from what it sounds like, here’s what I hope they’re talking about;
“Sonic is chasing Eggman and takes a detour into the past, where he has his Sonic CD adventure…” Maybe they’re just saying that the -REAL- Sonic CD takes place around where it was originally speculated (After Sonic 1 and before Sonic 2), and the -REMAKE- tells the story of Sonic going back in time and RE-LIVING those events of Sonic CD. Even if they don’t, that is how I’m gonna think of it.
really? REALLY?
They’ve stated numerous times that Metal Sonic is key point of Episode II. And the arguments above, the most key point in them is that Metal Sonic is the PERFECTED robot that Eggman conceived after Silver and Mecha Sonic were a rather big failure in themselves, not quite streamlined either.
This just in, Iizuka states that Sonic CD i being retrofitted to being in between the stories of Sonic 06!
i lied, though Sonic 4 isn’t nearly as abysmal as 06, fitting sonic CD between the stories of another game is kinda bs
You know what, I’m not going to argue – let’s see how many people (myself NOT included because I don’t know myself) know what the term “retrofitted” means…
actually, yes, i do know what “Retrofitted” means. It’s adding something to something that didn’t have that something when it came out, in this case, i was talking about Sonic CD’s story being added to Sonic 06, which 06 didn’t have when it came out
I even googled to double check
1.Add (a component or accessory) to something that did not have it when manufactured.
Wait, Sonic 06? Where did THAT come from? (reply on my previous comment for me to respond)
i was sarcastically saying that the next thing iizuka states, it’ll be sonic CD being retrofitted in to sonic 06. which you replied accusing me of not knowing what “Retrofitted means”
If they’re going to do this timeline stuff, at least make Sonic 4 have classic graphics so it’s not Sonic doing reverse puberty
Now I’m very interested, actually. (:
Hell no.
Regardless of who at Sega says
Unless there’s something BLATANTLY said in Sonic 4 EP2, or in this new Sonic CD version that insists that Sonic CD takes place after Sonic 3 & Knuckles, I ain’t paying attention to what this guy’s gotta say.
It’s not like he was ever part of Sonic CD’s development team back in ’92.
If S4EP2 convinces me otherwise, so be it.
Wai-wai-wai-wai-wait. Sega creates Generations, which is an impending slew of time paradoxes, and for some reason separates Classic and Modern Sonic, which they said they would never do in a conflict started over Sonic 4: Ep 1.
Now, Sega’s retconning CD, with the classic Sonic design, into an inter-quel along the lines of Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty between Sonic 4: Eps 1 & 2, both of which sport the modern design.
There are concerns other than and pertaining to this subject, but I had to address the multifaceted incompetence Sega is always able to put out. Let’s just hope that they pull it off somehow.
You’re VERY late to the party, brah
[…] II looks nicer; its budget was clearly higher. But it’s still just a side project, and we were even told once that Episode II was keeping its forebear’s engine. Were they really going through the trouble of […]