UPDATE: We also got video of the Big Arm boss included in the demo, now updated after plenty of negative feedback from E3 concerning one aspect of it. Want to see? Hit the jump! Thanks to commenter MarioSonic for the tip off!
By way of YouTube channel NiNTENDOMiNATi0N, take a look at Modern Sonic running through the browning foliage of Mushroom Hill Zone Act 2 including a clear listen to the level’s music.
At least, I would hope that’s a placeholder song while a final one is still being worked on. A straight port of the Genesis Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1 tune? Has to be. The footage also shows some oddities in the gameplay including familiar DIMPS problems of odd object placement, pitfalls, and moonwalking on the roof.
But on the plus side, listen to that Act 1 remix toward the end of the video. That remix is simply goodness.