UPDATE: Also a first look at Generations 3DS’ Casino Night Zone.
With one move, all bets are off. Found in the dirty recesses of Sega’s servers and joining Green Hill Zone and Mushroom Hill Zone comes Sonic Adventure‘s iconic first stage Emerald Coast, including the famous whale chase scene.
I almost want to say it could even Sonic 2006‘s Wave Ocean, but it’s basically just Emerald Coast in HD with worse controls. What are the odds that Classic Sonic gets a recycled version of Sonic Advance‘s Neo Green Hill Zone for his Emerald Coast stage, given the track record with his stages so far?
Also found is what looks to be the first shot of the opening cutscene with Sonic’s closest friends celebrating the Blue Blur’s birthday. Noticeably absent is Shadow, who may have been too much of a downer to be invited to the “cool kids” party.
Cheese is facing the wrong way XD
I’m not entirely sure that’s Cheese. Seems it would just be a Chao, though now that I think about it, it would be odd to have Cream and not Cheese. That’s like having Cheese without Louise.
Only real way to tell is if it has a bowtie, but you can’t really tell since it’s, well you know, facing the wrong way lool
Yes. 😀
Cheese is just wanting to see what’s in that jug he’s on top of
God dammit, SEGA. Way to put the stage I wanted from Adventure on the version that won’t be as good. I was hoping we might get some sort of DLC stages on the console, with Emerald Coast included. Oh well, there’s still a possibility for Marble Zone, should they do DLC.
Which I think many people would welcome, but who knows.
To bad. You get Speed Highway instead.
Everytime a 3ds stage for generations is announced, i hope they don’t pick (rape) one of my favourite ones. I was glad hydrocity didn’t get in, but i feel sorry for many fans. Modern mushroom hill speaks for itself, and the casino night screen is totally unimpressive. Still, I’m quite curious to see what they’ll do with emerald coast…they’ll copypaste the original one for modern? Or just neo green hill for classic? Or maybe, but just maybe, they’ll make two original levels?
Seems unfair to judge Casino Night Zone from ONE screen.
Even so I don’t think you should worry since I have a feeling most/all of the people getting this will get the console version
I wasn’t judging the whole zone, i was talking about the screen : you can see the scenery in it seems more brownish and similar to the sonic rush carnival zone ( can’t remember the name right now ) then the original golden casino night, and sonic is happily boosting through the crawls. Nothing to say “OMG ruined forever”, but still it didn’t make a great impression on me. About your feeling….i think you are right, and hope it will continue to shape as a great game 🙂
Not me, since I don’t actually OWN those particular consoles (my friends do, though.) and I own a 3DS so…
I would love to see the 3ds stages as dlc later on for the console versions 😉 It’ is such a great time to be a Sonic fan.
Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of them being 3DS “exclusive?”
^ This ^
I do not want to be questioning, but where are animal friends? They were since at the beginning of franchise.
I’m wondering myself. Brawl in the Family had a great one about that:
Did Blaze really dimension hop to attend a birthday party?
And Silver didn’t bother the time skip to celebrate Sonic’s birthday. Blaze: 1 Silver: 0
Blaze coming to visit Sonic has become a casual activity for her now, I swear.
I mean even to go horseback riding in London, she’ll skip to the next dimension!
Also look, chilidogs!
and cookies
Blaze lives in the future, not an alternate dimension. Nega was lying to everyone. (See; Sonic Rivals 1/2, Sonic 2006)
Time travel is just as hardcore, though.
Ha ha! I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought of that.
Shadow couldn’t make it.
Blaze transcended THE VERY FABRIC OF TIME AND SPACE ITSELF to make it.
You know it might just be Neo Green Hill zone and not Emerald Coast at all. They might be referencing stages through the 3DS version like the 360/PS3 versions (ex: The Hydrocity/Labyrinth part in Ocean Palace)
Also a possibility if not for the name of the image.
Oh they named it Emerald Coast?
Actually, the original source had it listed as splash Hill, before changing it to seaside Hill.
“Noticeably absent is Big the Cat, who may have been too awesome to be invited to the “cool kids” party.”
Fixed! 😀
No amount of “NO!” can describe this
No Shadow? wtf…
that looks more like an ending scene than an intro, but still idk how blaze got there….
reminds me more of the intro to Pacman World 3 when he’s at his birthday party then gets teleported away
Speaking of Pac-Man World, didn’t the first one (For HIS 20th anniversary, no less) start with a birthday party?
I think I may be seeing a pattern here.
WTF is happening, I mean, not only me, but almost EVERYONE EVERYWHERE also reminded the Pac-Man World intro. LOL
Here’s a stupid question.
Where’s Jet? Hahaha can’t wait to see the rest of the cutscene
Jet’s not here because the Riders series isn’t canon
This looks so gay
Yes, it’s indeed quite a festive party.
(applause) That’s score 1 for the home team! 😀
Let the festivities begin!
Wait, Vector’s one of Sonic’s closest friends? The two have barely even spoken to eachother :/
anyhoo, atleast the 3DS will be getting some 3D stages.
Old Sonic 1 concept art featured Vector as part of a band Sonic had. THEREFORE…
If sonic’s guna invite old concept art characters then where are Ray and Mighty, I say? >:C
Indeed, and then Nack the Weasel can pogo bounce with his tail onto the cake, or trip over onto it in his clumsy Triple Trouble styles and ruin the party, laugh and run off. After all the games Mighty and Ray have been left out of i wouldn’t be surprised if they turned nasty and joined up with Nack for some forgotten and shunned character revenge! 😀
They are on a Missing Persons poster in City Escape.
Oh I don’t know… they might have been close at one point: http://i.imgur.com/9zG0f.jpg
That said, I know it’s unlikely, but I’d like the exclusive 3DS stages to be DLC eventually.
Wow…that was…interesting
That removes the entire point of version exclusitivity. Hence why they don’t entirely do that for the third version of the Pokémon games in each generation that comes, some of them are completely gone from the game’s code for encounters, some are pulled from both versions etc…you can’t just make something previously version-exclusive into the other version like that, it takes the point away from having two versions to play!
The folks have forgotten that Casino Night will be on 3DS version. Well, not that I wanted that, it deserved much more to be on the HD version, but it’s some victory.
Looks like hot dogs are confirmed for the picnic. I was wondering if they would make an appearance. They don’t look as much like chili dogs as they do relish dogs.
Watching Emerald Coast really made my day, uh the nostalgia, I wonder which track they’re gonna use, I so love the one played in Big’s level, I don’t care what people say, I’m definitely getting the 3DS version now!
Where are the Flickies?
Makes me wonder If there’s gonna be a Sonic colors stage. After all it did have a DS port. Bet ya my life savings theres gonna be one if they did a SA one there ought be a SC One
Probably not, considering Sonic Colors came out all of 3 months ago. It’s redundant.
that didn’t stop them from adding Spagonia in all its exactly-the-samieness. Besides, Planet Wisp’s on the console version
Planet Wisp on the PS3 and Xbox 360 would like to have a word with you
Dude its been a whole year and if thats the case then why is Planet wisp gonna be on the console versions?
Didn’t stop them from making a Colors stage for the console version
Because Sega…scratch that, if I was going to make that comment, it would turn out wrong. Considering they will, it’s still redundant. But I digress..
Shadow’s obviously too deep and moody to attend birthdays
Actually, Shadow’s too busy attending his own party.
(Shadow was introduced on Sonic’s 10th Anniversary)
He thought Rouge would come, but I guess Omega and Big is all he has.
Poor Shadow.
At least he has Omega there, and he’s awesome
What’s Rouge doing here? She was never really that close to Sonic. ‘Course she could of just come just ’cause Knuckles was there. or they just hired her as a stripper. and what do you suppose is in those gargantuan drink pitchers? Oh well at least they are showing how grown up tails is now by not putting him in a party hat. also COOKIES! and CUPCAKES!
That stripper part reminded me of Sonic Shorts with her telling Vector she’s not a hooker
I’m pretty sure Vanilla wouldn’t approve of her daughter being at a party where a strip dance happens.
My guess is at least one of them is a grape flavored beverage. After all Knuckles IS here
well consider this
this party takes place in probably the afternoon
Cream, being very young probably has an early bed time
so maybe Rouge would start stripping after Cream leaves….and when Amy is tied up, gagged and locked in a closet as for Blaze….I have no clue
Blaze would punch Rouge and remind her that this is a kid’s game.
Why? Cause that’s how awesome Blaze is
Also it’s interesting how this game is becoming “Green Hill Generations.”
Well the 3DS version is anyway
Seaside Hill/Ocean Palace = Green Hill
I bet you Shadow’s going to surprise Sonic with a present of a shirt with him on it. In true fashion, you moody anti-hero.
My guess is that Shadow and Silver are missing because they are bosses in the game
The reason why they’re bosses is probably since they’re pissed that Sonic didn’t invite them to his party.
What if it was a surprise party that Sonic didn’t know about?
Paradoxes and plot holes already.
Look at those 2 chairs on the right. The light blue and pink one. Why do i have the feeling that Amy will make Sonic sit with her? xD I have nothing against Amy btw, because im a SonAmy fan.
Sonic’s not light blue
classic sonic is
But this is Modern Sonic’s party
Clever. Very clever.
Generations + Bawww!!! Blue Cake Eyes = Party Fail, where is the a-hole version of Sonic from Sonic the Comic when you need him?
I just realised something… Is that Azure lake from s3 at the back?!
That party looks like a great way to start off a 20 year anniversary game.
The 3DS version looks awful so far. The graphics are Sonic 2 styled but worse. Why on the green earth would they still use Green Hill which is already in the console version? They could’ve put Labyrinth or Spring Yard. This could’ve even been an attempt to shuffle Sonic into 3D on the Ds as well. The 2D gameplay for Modern is a mess on the 3DS Version.
you sir are an idiot
He DOES have a point. The 3DS version is looking less and less spectacular than it’s console counterpart
Not really cuz the console is running a high powered hd engine. if that is what you mean by spectacular then you need to get off of the clouds then cuz that comparing apple to oranges. Another reason why I called him that was his stupid comment on why is Green hill on the handheld as well. First its the first stage that Sonic ever existed on hench it being iconic hench it being on both version. Second other games like New Super Mario Bros Wii and DK Country Returns used the same design for the start of their first repective titles again (i.e the block of the world 1-1 in super mario bros are in the same position in NSMBW and DK house is the same in DKC and DKCR. Third, which points back to the first point Iizuka and other sega members have said from the begining that Green Hill Zone is in both because its iconic. Fourth, in all logical sense it would be stupid to have the first level be levels that appear near the end of Sonic 1
I meant from a gameplay point when I compared the two.
You really think the 3DS gameplay is on par with the console version?
Well, it’s no Unleashed (it’s Colours DS-based)
I meant the Classic sections gameplay
seriously. stop making excuses
I’m not. I’m not saying the 3DS version is gonna be horrible. I’m just saying from a gameplay standpoint it doesn’t match the console versions
You sir are an idiot. Why else would they include GHZ in the 3DS game? Just for the giggles? Hell no. It is the first level in the whole series. Also, btw, since the “Creative” team said they would be featuring Handheld tittle’s levels, GHZ fits that bill 3 different times. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
thank you someone who agrees with me.
What…the…fuck is WRONG with you?
Besides, if they’re Sonic 2 quality graphics, why aren’t you happy? ISN’T THIS THE KIND OF THING YOU PEOPLE WANTED!?
That party has a disturbing lack of Silver. FIX IT SEGA!
Also, so much for Advanced and Rush stages being in the 3DS version 🙁
I’ve noticed it’s missing Shadow The Hedgehog, Silver The Hedgehog, MIghty the Armodrillo and Annoying the Fanboy.
What are you talking about. Tails IS there. Right there next to Charmy
My bad… LOL.
Shadow and silver are not there because they will be in the game as boss fights (shadow for middle era and silver for the modren)…nuff said
Knuckles is missing an eye
No it’s there. The shine is just barely obscuring it
Look closer
i didnt notice that until u said it but it doesnt look like he is missing an eye but it looks like hes missing a pupil
does anyone know the release date of sonic generations i heard it’ll be in november but i dnt really know
I’ve heard from some Gamestop people that it’s suppose to be the 1st of November
November the 1st.
Look’s like Vector’s having the most fun. lol
I hope they decide not to eat the cake…