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20th Anniversary

Merchandise, Music

Several Sonic Soundtracks Settle onto iTunes

After much fan demand, Sega has begun releasing several of their Sonic series soundtracks on to Apple’s iTunes service. Most of these albums, though recently released, aren’t too easy to track down and import for those looking to legally own the music, never mind worrying about bootlegs.

The albums now available are the 20th Anniversary editions of Sonic CD, Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes, as well as “The Best of Crush 40: Super Sonic Songs”, “The Works” (Jun Senoue‘s standalone album featuring several original songs and some Sonic music), and Sonic Colors ViViD SOUND × HYBRiD COLORS, the last one lovingly divided into three volumes for all three discs (Disc 2 and Disc 3 can be found at those links.) Sega further states that the soundtrack to Sonic The Hedgehog 4‘s episodes will also be touching down on iTunes in the future.

It should be noted that the 20th Anniversary album for the two Adventure titles aren’t as all encompassing as their original releases, which may turn some fans off. However, this is the best chance short of importing to show support for the musicians that worked hard to keep series’ reputation for good music alive and well.

Game News

An In-Depth–And Spoiler Filled–Look At Sonic Generations 3DS

Now that the fires from Generations on PS3, 360, and PC are cooling down, the 3DS version is running… well, slowly, briskly running behind its grander brethren. As we did a small reveal of details before, it only makes sense the 3DS version gets an equal opportunity. Since the 3DS is currently not quite as easy to pick apart as certain consoles, most of the juicy goodness comes our way thanks to Sonic Stadium member Thigolf after getting a copy of the game from a broken street date in Germany.

If the headline itself wasn’t enough of a deterrent, proceed at your own discretion.

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Game News

Japan Gets Sonic Generations 20th Anniversary Set

While Europeans and Australians were able to get the collector’s edition of Sonic Generations earlier this month, those in the US only got the standard game with the Casino Night pinball stage as a pre-order bonus. You’d think Japan wouldn’t get this kind of treatment either, seeing how there aren’t a large amount of Sonic fans there. Surprisingly this isn’t the case, Japanese site has listed a 20th Anniversary Set with pictures and information on what it includes. This special edition is completely different from Europe’s CE, so you might want to see what it includes:

The main attraction of the set is a crystal cube with Sonic and a life monitor engraved into it (pictured above) which is 6 x 6 x 10 cm. They used a laser to make this thing, and as you may know everything is cooler with lasers. Other extras include a cloth with both Modern and Classic Sonic as well as Sonic the Sketchhog printed on it and the History of the 1st Stage soundtrack, which is different depending on whether you get the PS3/360 or 3DS version. While this doesn’t have as much content as the European CE, it still has some neat stuff collectors might want. The track list of the the soundtracks, more pictures and links to where you can buy this can be found after the jump. Continue Reading

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Sonic Makes a Test Run Before Appearing at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

In 1993, Sonic appeared at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. This was considered a special occasion because of two reasons: it was the first time a video game character appeared at the parade and it was the first time Sonic miserably failed to get past a lamppost.

Now, it’s been 18 years since then and the blue blur will finally appear again at the event later this month. This info has been known since last June, but yesterday we got our first glimpse of what he looks like (see the photo above) along with the other new balloons this year when they appeared at Macy’s Balloonfest. You can see the giant inflatable bags in action in this video.

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Game News

UPDATE: Sonic Generations PC Specs Detailed, Official Press Release

[UPDATE: Erase all doubts about the PC version now. Sega Europe and Sega of America put out a press release confirming a digital version for PCs, which includes support for Steamworks so players can use their saves via Steam’s “cloud” to play their save game from any computer. No word if this will include PC/PS3 interoperability like other Steamworks title Portal 2.]

If any doubts of a PC version of Sonic’s 20th Anniversary flagship title remained, today’s releases from GreenManGaming may be enough to clear it all up.

So what will you need to run this on your computer?

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Game News

Sonic Generations 28 Minute Preview Uploaded, Blue and Cool As Ever

Disappearing as quickly as it arrived, German gaming site posted up a video I’m guessing they weren’t supposed to – a 28 minute playthrough of the upcoming Sonic Generations, coming across the globe in the early days of November, 2011. Featuring Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Sky Sanctuary, and City Escape, the video also includes extensive footage of the hub world and the glorious Metal Sonic boss fight. Sure, everything they are saying is in German, and it was taken down probably because of an embargo (which means this video here might disappear later on), but in the words of Retro admin Cinossu, “boy is it a lovely 28 minutes.”

Although it should be obvious, this video is chock-full of spoilers. So if you want to stay completely in the dark, you’ll want to avoid the video and everything else below.

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Game News

German GamePro Video Gives Looks At Chemical Plant, Sky Sanctuary

With a supposed embargo on Generations information lifting today, we have the first trickle of information in the form of a three and a half minute video from German site GamePro showcasing some of the currently known stages from the console version of the game.

Those worried about Sky Sanctuary lacking the signature elements of the original stage, like bubbly bouncing clouds and the ominous launch of Death Egg through the clouds can breathe a sigh of relief. Although still a different take from the original stage with a more heavenly tropical feel, the soul of the original Sky Sanctuary is still there as Sonic bounds on the clouds. Check out all those alternate paths in the Classic version of the stage!

The video also features looks at Green Hill, Chemical Plant and City Escape. Green Hill now features collectible red rings, Omochao hint bubbles, and additional prompts on screen when Modern Sonic is performing tricks. We also get a view of the Chemical Plant “hub world”, featuring Modern Amy.

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Game News

Brand New Sonic Generations Trailer Showcases Sky Sancturary

After the small bits and pieces of information that have trickled out over the last couple days concerning Sonic Generations, Sega today decided to be nice and show off even more new juicy tidbits, straight from the source. Put together in a trailer showcasing the world of Classic Sonic, we not only get to see the now-familiar footage of Green Hill and Chemical Plant, but the final stage connected the first era of Sonic the HedgehogSky Sanctuary. And yes, you can hear the music.

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Game News

Planet Wisp, Two Boss Fights Leaked on Xbox Live

Someone flipped the switch a little too soon again.

Some users are reporting quite a few new shots of Sonic Generations appearing on Xbox Live that probably shouldn’t have gone live yet. Yet others are reporting seeing the usual shots of Green Hill Zone. Either way, you all win. Aside from the above of Modern Sonic death racing Shadow on an unknown stage–the ARK?–echoing Classic Sonic death racing Metal Sonic, we also get to see the Death Egg Robot fight Classic Sonic will take part in, showing a newer spin on the boss.

Planet Wisp is also shown, looking just a tad crisper than how it appeared in last year’s Wii title Sonic Colours and a shot of Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic interacting in the timeless “mirrored reflection” pantomime.