Disappearing as quickly as it arrived, German gaming site Giga.de posted up a video I’m guessing they weren’t supposed to – a 28 minute playthrough of the upcoming Sonic Generations, coming across the globe in the early days of November, 2011. Featuring Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Sky Sanctuary, and City Escape, the video also includes extensive footage of the hub world and the glorious Metal Sonic boss fight. Sure, everything they are saying is in German, and it was taken down probably because of an embargo (which means this video here might disappear later on), but in the words of Retro admin Cinossu, “boy is it a lovely 28 minutes.”
Although it should be obvious, this video is chock-full of spoilers. So if you want to stay completely in the dark, you’ll want to avoid the video and everything else below.
For all of the juicy bits explained in text form, Cinossu has also gone ahead and detailed them below. So thank him for this post.
– The overworld is essentially just white with spots for each level, challenge, boss, etc. As you get into each level’s area a special map-version of its music plays.
– Around the levels are what looks like warp rings, for challenges as far as I can gather from the video, as well as the bosses for each. It seems once you get them you can play them at any time.
– Before all of this on the map is the ‘Collection Room’. You have access to sections labelled ‘Movies’, ‘Music’, ‘Art’ and ‘Characters’. A lot appears to be locked out in this, probably meaning it’s what all those points at the end of each level unlock. It plays a mix of Sonic 3‘s File Select / Sonic Jam‘s Museum music and Chaotix‘s Door into Summer here.
– Outside each level is one of Sonic’s ‘friends’ (I assume this only happens after you beat the level or find them)..
* Classic Tails is outside Green Hill
* Modern Amy is outside Chemical Plant
* Modern Knuckles is outside Sky Sanctuary
* Cream is outside Speed Highway
* Rouge is outside City Escape
* Espio is outside Seaside Hill– Modern Chemical Plant seems to be getting destroyed by Modern Sonic, with it falling apart and catching on fire as the level progresses towards the end.
– Metal Sonic’s battle does happen in Chemical Plant, and has Stardust Speedway‘s Japanese Bad Future music mixed in the Classic Sonic style they have for everything else in Generations.
Oh man that Metal Sonic battle. Be honest, who didn’t want to actually fight Metal while they were racing him? And even he has personality! And who doesn’t love a bit of love for the game Chaotix? Door Into Summer forever, baby.
[Source: Giga.de]
Cinossu EDIT @ 19:33 GMT: Changed the video to a new working one (for now), and fixed a lovely typo in my quote.
I was already amazed at the first two minutes.
Huge epic mega spoiler: This game is the best Sonic game ever.
meh… whatever
Metal Sonic’s fight doesn’t take place in Chemical Plant; that’s definitely Stardust Speedway.
Perhaps, perhaps not. The game is ‘reimagined’, and while it tries to stay true to the original, some things are different. I think it’s Stardust Speedway too, as classified in the game itself, but given it’s listed above Chemical Plant in the hub, raises some questions.
Well it certainly would be a very boring game if nothing was different. I mean how many times have we replayed the games these levels came from? I am happy with the fact that they’ve changed things up somewhat.
Actually, it takes place at the end of Chemical Plant. Look at the beginning of the fight, you’ll see it’s pieces of it falling away. It’s not at the end of the level in this as it has already been played through once.
The music is definitely Japanese Stardust Speedway Bad Future though, maybe when we get our hands on the game we will know what the context of the battle is.
I know it doesn’t REALLY mean anything, but I tweeted @SEGA telling thanking them, saying that CPZ and SSZ were my highest hopes for Generations and they wrote back, saying they were glad to see I was excited for it.
Doesn’t really matter either way, as long as it’s a blast to play.
In all honesty, after the last eight-ish years of constantly being kicked by the press and the fans clamoring for a good Sonic game, they could use the positive reception that this has been garnering everywhere. Even they know it because of the advertising blitz they’re doing for the game… in Europe, anyway.
OMG i loved to watch this
damn…if I don’t get to see this I’m going to kill a puppy. A cute one.
We already saw that is Stardust Speedway with the level props.
Now we got music and lightning.
And people still think it’s chemical plant? Common…
The stage itself has the environment of Stardust Speedway, that’s pretty much for sure. But as with every boss in the game – I *reckon*, the boss is listed above the level. That certainly raises the question as to whether the game itself will class the stages as individual, true to the original, or as part of the associated stages. But, I think it’s the former, it’d be pretty stupid for Sega to screw up an important game like this. Possibly the most important game, as it refers back to the best of the blue dude’s past.
Then how in the world will Shadow be racing in space while being on City Escape??? ://
Exactly why people shouldn’t judge things by what they see.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibuHW981wCE Guys here’s is a working copy. You need to watch the Metal Sonic fight. 😀
I think Sega heard you
Awkward… xD
that floating platform from Marble Garden is BACK!!
I haven’t even watched it yet but I’m excited. Downloaded it JUST IN CASE so I can watch it again later, or if it gets taken down again at least.
That fucking Metal Sonic fight. FUCK YEAH. Now let us see the Shadow race :V
If you look closely at the “Challenge Doors” above GHZ (near the end of the video), you’ll notice that they have character faces floating above each one.
The left has Classic Sonic, the middle I’m not sure and the right one has Knuckles.
I take this as meaning you will tackle these challenges as that particular character. Which of course would confirm other playable characters. (At least Knuckles, anyway)
somebody posted the video is up again
Nice to see the little platforms from marble garden make an appearance in Sky Sanctuary. Also Nice to hear the HUD world City Escape. Also… SPEED FUCKING HIGHWAY. I saw it. I got happy. Then there was Metal Sonic…Wow. My day went from “eh” to HELL YEAH!!! Side note: the MS boss music is Stardust Speedway Bad Future music…which is also slightly remixed. Have a nice day.
I wonder if shields will be in the game…
Yes shields have already been confirmed months back, Lightning Shield, Bubble Shield and Fire shields
No official game play has been seen with them used or even the boxes at all, not even officially confirmed to be in the final game
The shields were found in the game data through hacking the demo that was released back in June.
Yes, I know, but I think they won’t make it in the final game, no gameplay has featured them for even a second
Sky Sanctuary looks epic with all the camera changes. And the Eggrobos move much more fluidly than I would’ve thought.
It’s stardust speedway…the music tells all…So I guess you fight Shadow at the end of city escape….in space…and you fight silver in crisis city? NO. it’s the Ark and probably solleanna/train station… It’s NOT chemical plant! ITS NOT ITS NOT ITS NOT ITS NOT ITS NOT!!!
now me personally, I’m disappointed for 5 reasons….
1) no classic amy at the end of STARDUST SPEEDWAY.2) no classic knuckles at the beginning of Sky Sanctuary.3) no Mecha Sonic Battles : (4) [probably] no silver sonic battle during Death Egg Robo battle.5) No classic eggman CHASING sonic and metal sonic during the race/battle.
Thats alot of nostalgia to throw away, don’t you think?? : / thought they CHOSE the levels/bosses for a reason!
1) We don’t know that for sure since Stardust Speedway isn’t in the game.
2) We have Modern Knuckles. Classic and Mosern Knuckles are basically the same.
3) We have Metal Sonic.
4) We have Metal Sonic.
5) It’s clearly a different Metal Sonic race than the one from Sonic CD. Troll harder.
No one’s pointed out that the Death Egg is now shaped like an egg. Love that touch. Sonic the Comic fans are giggling. https://www.sonicretro.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/panel5.jpg
Hahaha, that panel kills me every time i see it.
Sonic, stop making me laugh, i’ve only got so many ribs.
I want this game so bad I NEED TO STOP SPOILING GAMEPLAY !!!
To people who are saying Metal Sonic is in Chemical Plant. The only proof you have is that it is in the Chemical Plant hub. But, the Shadow battle undoubtedly takes place in the City Escape hub, have you seen the picture of the fight? No? Well the fight takes place in the space colony ARK, NOT City Escape. So why cant this be in Stardust Speedway “Bad Future?”
Because [1] they don’t want to understand logic.
[2] They’re trolling the people that DO understand logic.
or [3] when the game is released they just want to complain that it WASN’T in stardust speedway…even though it clearly is? o.o
Ok lets clarify things here: The Metal Sonic boss is entered through Chemical Plant, but the actual boss is Stardust Speedway. It doesn’t just resemble it, it’s picture perfect down to every detail including the strikes of lightning, and of course the music. The Shadow boss is most likely stored in City Escape (don’t quote me on that though) but it will be set in the Ark.
WHY DOES ANYBODY CARE WHERE YOU FIGHT METAL SONIC? it LOOKS like stardust speedway, but it’s not like you get to actually play the stardust speedway level so why does it even matter in the least bit?
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *echos loudly* …. I dunno…but Sky sanctuary, Chemical plant, Planet wisp, Speed highway, City Escape are my faves and I absolutely cannot wait for this game any longer. Also I hope the release more levels via DLC.
DLC? hmmm… I don’t know. it sure would be cool. Oh man, running through Angel Island as it catches on fire? right?
In the top right hand corner, he had two Chaos Emeralds! You CAN collect the Chaos Emeralds in the console game somehow. He had two of them!!!! Everything about this video was PERFECT!!!!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT, I CAN’T WAIT I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!
I think you kids are missing the main problem with this game:
There’s Radical Highway, but no Radical City? How can I be living in the city? How will I survive? How will I keep that dream alive?
(living in the city)
Wait, we’re living in the city now? I thought we were escaping from the city. :p
There’d be so many things to do, Don’t think that people can feel it though.
Who cares about those levels? With stuff like Green Hill and Seaside Hill, I can feel the Sunshine. XD
I just watched the 28 minutes uninterrupted…… SEGA…. You guys have made a grown man cry. If this game doesn’t get at least 90% positive reviews, then I will no longer trust any big video game reviewing magazine EVER. This game can’t fail, it just can’t. This game has everything. Looks, styles, composition, personality, and someone for each fanbase to appreciate. This game already looked awesome from that teaser trailer and that’s only coming the part of me that’s a Sonic fan. When I saw this, my whole damn body squealed and broke into tears. This game is not a miss, IT’S A WIN!
Stop talking!!! I wanna hear the damn stuff!!! The stardust speedway sounds epic.
-blaze outside crisis city
-chip or dr.pickle outside spagonia(unlikely)
-yacher outside planet wisp.
Wouldnt be suprised if that was the case. But i can see blaze there the others not really but still IN GAME AUDIO!! WHERE ARE U!!
ummm, I only thin that recurring characters are appearing in this game. But if Crisis City is confirmed in the modern era trailer, then you’ll be right about Blaze.
Please tell me the player can turn those Omochao hints off. Those are just inane. “You’ll lose a life if you take damage when you don’t have any rings” (paraphrased)? I never would have figured that out! And the loading screens themselves are a bit long for my taste, but considering the sheer graphical power of this game, that’s forgivable.
Otherwise, I’m loving it.
I think the omochao hints distract you from the loading screens. Much better than what there was to read on the ’06 loading screens other than the diagrams of gameplay techniques: “Loading…” idk, it just feels like a better loading screen to me. I’m probably the only one who thought about it, though.
True…but I still think they’re annoying.
Don’t Worry. The Game Will Come With Options And From There You Can Take Omochao Off As Well As Other Things!
I Also Hope There Is An Option To Write The Subtitles With The First Letter Of Every Word Capitalized! It’s Much Easier To Read!
…all right, enough of the ragging. Thanks anyway.
Anyone else notice the Bean poster in City Escape? Nice little detail. ^_^
There’s also Mighty and Ray “Missing since 1993”
The guy sitting @ the right has less platforms than Ecco The Dolphin. Why 90% of Sonic’s demos players have the skills of a 7 years old boy???
Is there another working video? Or maybe someone downloaded this and can share it?
If someone uploads the video again on a video/download hosting site, someone please post it here again! I’m definitely going to download it.
As I knew it was only a matter of time before it was removed, I uploaded it to mediafire the other night: http://www.mediafire.com/?28flag6g8zmrt7d
Thank you SO much for this, I can finally watch it now!
Not a problem! I’ve even uploaded it to multiupload for those that may have problems using mediafire. http://www.multiupload.com/NE62GY0UGL
I’ll get to uploading it to every site I can when I get home.
Hah, Fabian (PR of Sega Germany – Twitter: @fabiandoehla), why don’t you appear in more videos/podcasts/etc. to talk about our favorite blue hedgehog?
What I can’t wait for, on top of playing as both the past and current version of Sonic, is the cutscenes. Man this game would be soo good if the cutscenes were like a movie <3
Everything looks awesome, and im trying really hard not to spoiler myself but…. Patience I guess
yeah, the cutscenes are, next to gameplay and the feeling of nostalgia, something I am very excited to see. Mostly the scene where Sonic and Classic meet. Also, I hope they have the same kind of cutscenes on 3DS as they do on the console. (It’s all I have -_-)
I hate spoilers and trailers for that matter. They make me feel even more excited for this game than I was the second before. I swear you’d all be laughing at me if you saw me the first time I saw the original teaser and dreamcast era trailers. (I go crazy at certain stuff, classic Sonic’s mind-blowing first appearance and the recreation of Shadow’s intro in the SA2B opening cutscene were 2 of them)