In 1993, Sonic appeared at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. This was considered a special occasion because of two reasons: it was the first time a video game character appeared at the parade and it was the first time Sonic miserably failed to get past a lamppost.
Now, it’s been 18 years since then and the blue blur will finally appear again at the event later this month. This info has been known since last June, but yesterday we got our first glimpse of what he looks like (see the photo above) along with the other new balloons this year when they appeared at Macy’s Balloonfest. You can see the giant inflatable bags in action in this video.
Sonic also appears on the poster, which has information on when and where you can see the parade:
[Via Sonic Wrecks and NY1]
Anyone else think it’d be a nice nod to Generations and the 20th anniversary if they had the old and new balloons together?
I have known what this float looks like for a few days, I actually got a hold of an image in the New York Post the other day. Was waiting to gain access to a scanner so I could put it on here. I am glad to see Sonic make a return this year.
I also agree with Sonic_452, It would be rather neat to see both a modern and classic Sonic float together in reference to Sonic Generations.
I love how in the video someone randomly yells out Sonic and everyone applauds and cheers. I would love to hear what song they play for Sonic on the televised broadcast.
Awesome XD
That’d be nice, but I’m pretty sure it would take too much time to remake the old one again. I guess everybody has officially adapted to Sonic’s new design. *sigh…*
He looks a lot like Adventure Sonic to me. I like it.
Now if only SEGA cared enough to put the dreamcast sonic in Generations DLC…
Maybe it’s not the classic Sonic, like Blah said, everybody has adapted to Sonic’s new design… and they might not have both Sonics, but at least he’s returning to the parade 😀 be positive!
They better not play the Sonic 4 theme when Sonic shows up.
Of course they won’t, they’ll play the Akon remix of SWEET SWEET SWEET.
I’m sorry but “Dreamcast Sonic” is where I draw the line on how ridiculous this character design “debate” is.
Dreamcast Sonic was more or less an evolution into the modern Sonic. Every Sonic up until maybe 06 had some kind of changes
Im so glad big sonic is back and action