We are in the home stretch. Bar any delays, in less than a month you’ll be able to get your hands on Sonic Generations. The hype is huge, with trailer after trailer after trailer teasing every single aspect of the game. This is what Sonic fan’s live for. And with the “finally-decided-to-tell-us” reveal of the game for the PC, Sega has let a few HD screenshots of that version be revealed, showing off such levels as Green Hill, Rooftop Run, and Seaside Hill.
Oh man, the cart came back!
Of course, other than the cart showing up, there really isn’t much new to the screenshots, other then a certain electrical icon appearing here and there. Perhaps that’s why Sega decided to show off Sonic’s third rival boss, representing the modern era of gaming: Silver the Hedgehog.
Looking to share some similarities with the previously-announced fight with Metal Sonic, I can be glad of just one thing: it’s not in a invisible-walled part of Soleanna. Admit it, if you were stuck in a boss where you couldn’t move at all, would you be happy to relive those moments? I didn’t think so. But here…Sonic will be able to run like the wind, and Silver can throw cars to his heart’s content.
All the shots that have come out today are hiding out below, so give the gallery a whirl.
Looking good!
That silver hedgehog’s carrying a car!
This looks so nice, and I can’t wait to here Silver XD
“Its no use!”
god i hated that.
me: ok.. lets rush this punk! *runs straight forward*
silver: ITS NO USE! :3 *stops me in mid air and tosses me to the sky, which apparently has a ceiling*
me: damnit. *falls back down only to be caught again by silver as he plays catch,*
silver: IT’S NO USE!!! :3…… THIS WILL END IT! *throws me away*
aaah good ti-… i hated that so much >=(
thats hilarious worse glitch in the game
Classic Silver would probably rape my brain.
*Facepalm* there is NO Classic Silver! Unless you are talking about Silver from 06, but its pretty much the same thing nothing different at all!
NO! SILVER GOES FASTER THAN SONIC!!!!!!! ANd the 3DS version doesn’t come out till New Years. So you guys will still be posting stuff on Generations, they just wont be 1080p hahahaha. Geez cutscenes where are you?
Well this blew my whole theory that Classic Sonic fights Silver out of the water. But I like these screen shots, A LOT! I never guessed that Silver uses his psychic powers to “fly” alongside Sonic’s speed. Shadow can run on par with Sonic I knew that (DUH) but I didn’t see Silver being able to run (or rather “fly”) on par with Sonic. NICE SEGA!!
you see, it’s frequent updates like this that just barely help me survive the wait for December 1st
thank you Sonic Retro
you see how fast I am to read and comment… it’s scary
Don’t you mean November 1st?
wowowow, I’m dumb
good call (and to think I’ve had a countdown since October started….)
Shush, don’t get him excited.
Oh man, that’s gorgeous. Heh.
“It’s no use!”
“It’s no use!”
“It’s no use!”
This is the PC version?! YES!
Silvers Hopefully LAST appearance.since hes god awful as a character.
He’s not god-awful. It was his writing that was god-awful. Hopefully the new game will see to that
Eeeesh! These screenshots look amazing!
At this point, is it really possible to not be hyped about the game?
you realize he’s in this game because of how popular he’s gotten right? hell, this game in general practicly lives off of fan favorites whether it’s music, characters, stages, ect. so he is going to come back for sure
Thank You,You make me feel so Excited!
Anyone else notice the uh… Y button action along with the electric shield icon in the chemicle plant zone picture?
Also with Green Hill Zone as well. Mysterious, eh?
Above bottom-right:
Sonic’s reaction to Silver being in his game.
yeah silver ….. like we all didnt know that he was not going to show up here now hope that the actual fight from what it looks like isnt going to get us trapped against a wall where he can zap us in the air knock our rings out of sonic fall on the rings and rinse and repeat here from that game that as far as i can tell almost everyone really does hate that title but i cant wait for this game i need my NEW GOOD Sonic fix here
I hope this game works with Nvidia 3D Vision
I’m really tempted to cancel my ps3 preorder if they can guarantee DLC (casino night) for the PC version.
Its me or the boost bar is pretty long O_____O
In the thirteen screenshot, it looks like that
Silver is trying to do his best impersonation of
the prince from Katamary Damacy…
But in all seriousness, it’s amusing how they brought the cart back. Speak about the details Sonic Team is giving us. Oh and the picture where Sonic and Silver clash…Silver’s face makes my day XD
At the 3rd picture on the third row….. “It’s no use!”
Silver may turn badass in this game, but I bet we’ll all still remember him as “Pothead the Porcupine”.
Much agreed. 🙂
Though I still can’t help thinking that
Sonic ran headfirst into the car, sending it flying to hit Silver…
some of the shots look like they could use a little AA. Anyway it’s really good to see the PC love from Sega of the late. Back in the day they were a huge backer of Microsoft’s then new DirectX
All these are PC shots, right? Looks awesome.
That Silver is carrying a car!
Pretty cool stuff! For a second there, I didn’t read the title so when I saw the cart and seaside hill I thought this was Sonic and sega all stara racing 2 or something LOL!
It’s been the best-kept secret* in gaming this year, but we’re delighted to (finally!) confirm that Sonic Generations will be released on PC(…)
*this is sarcasm.
I couldn’t stop laughing when I read this!!
This game is gonna be epic. I don’t know why but I will be playing more time with classic Sonic than modern, and the modern one is great too.
Silver’s in the game, and we have to fight him? IT’S NO USE!
Just kidding, but I’m looking forward to it.
I lol’d at the ‘IT’S NO USE’ tag.
Are you sure these aren’t 360 screenshots? The X and Y icons are buttons on the 360.
PC games using joypads usually use the Xbox ones. The 360 controller is the “Microsoft controller” if you will.
I dare to disagree. Recently most multiplatform publishers include XInput supports, but 90% of older stuff and most independent productions utilise DirectInput as it is more flexible under most circumstances.
Basically the game is using XInput for gamepad support which is sort of easier for them to do when working of the Xbox 360 build
The screenshots are really amazing and silver is somehow cool anyway. And of course he had to appear, it’s Sonic 2k6 after all but…
… I do miss the time where Sonic only real rival was Knuckles. =P
It’s funny how only Shadow, Silver and Metal Sonic can be the rivals today, as Knuckles DOESN’T RUN! lol (not enough at least. if he did, it would be weird)
Man alive, Silver, Shadow, Metal, Perfect Chaos, Crisis City, Chemical Plant, Sky Sanctuary, the Death Egg, classic Sonic…it’s getting harder and harder to imagine how this could possibly NOT succeed. Clearly it’s got a lot going for it. Sure as heck hope it lives up the hype…
Silver as a boss, throwing anything he can at you including a giant katamari of shit instead of a cheap as hell battle where once he grabs you you’re prettymuch dead? I have no objections
Although since Shadow’s on the arc and Metal Sonic’s in stardust speedway, it’s a shame Silver doesn’t have his own level. Also a shame you only fight one of these rival bosses as Classic Sonic
already having doubts…sega prove me wrong…
Sonic all by himself in the Ocean Palace’s Bobsled: Forever Alone.
It better really be the x key or I’m going to be pissed because there will be another consoiled port on the PC.
But Sonic has always primarily been a console game. It SHOULD be played with a gamepad, and that’s the only PC game I’ll ever say that for.
Then again, we can have good games with stupid people like super meat boy, who made incredibly bad controls on the pc version of the game.
I just wanted to see like, Key GUI. It shouldn’t be that hard for sega to just plop the x key on there.
Is it just me or is little planet extremely close to Crisis City?
Also isn’t there suppost to be another demo coming out?
What would be the point? SG will be released in about a month. also, did anyone else notice that that cart in the picture looks like a Lego car? Lol
Probably not until the game’s actually released, and it’ll probably be a more “complete” Green Hill Zone demo.
Sonic – I’ll use your PSYCHIC CONTROL!!!
Got my Collectors Edition of the 360 version of the game from an Australian website by the way. I am happy now.
Hey, Pothead the Porcupine’s back. In a game that doesn’t suck.