With Sonic Generations dropping in less than two weeks, sights are beginning to move to the next point for Sonic as he hits the Past signpost and revisits a more simple time where Time Stones, Metal Sonic and Rosie the Rascal where some of his bigger headaches.
Sega released a new trailer for Sonic CD, powered by Christian “The Taxman” Whitehead’s Retro Engine, showing off how the game looks in its new wide screen perspective as Quartz Quadrant’s International Present music jams on in the background under a random announcer. Not much more to say outside of it’s Sonic CD as you truly remember it, only with a wider perspective and a different soundtrack for the U.S. folks.
Before jumping the gun on the Sonic 4 mention, please remember that Sega’s own Sonic Digital Brand Manager Ken Balough clarified that Sonic CD‘s story will be a pivotal point in Sonic 4: Episode II, especially given the Metal Sonic nod after completing Episode I with all seven Chaos Emeralds in tow.
Sonic CD is scheduled to boom onto Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, PC Download services, and the iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7 app stores later this year.