Also there are some new screenshots for this and Shattered Crystal and some concept art that reveals that Metal Sonic and Shadow are in this game with their designs unchanged. So there’s your fanservice. SEGA also confirmed that both games will come out in Europe on November 21st.
Game News
Gamescom 2014: Sonic Dies in This New Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric Trailer, Also Metal Sonic and Shadow Return
Also there are some new screenshots for this and Shattered Crystal and some concept art that reveals that Metal Sonic and Shadow are in this game with their designs unchanged. So there’s your fanservice. SEGA also confirmed that both games will come out in Europe on November 21st.
You got to be kidding me, right?
Come on, if any series should be dead by now, it should be Mario!
Sega can’t seriously be killing off Sonic, right? Like, that can never happen, like, didn’t they prove time travel exsited in the sonic universe thanks to Sonic CD? Why not travel back to Palm Tree panic, steal one of the Past Time Posts, then bring that to the place where Sonic would get killed, then use it there, go back in time a couple minutes before it happened and kill all the robots off? Like, HOW DOES MARIO STAY ALIVE FOR 30 YEARS AND SONIC BARELY MAKES IT TO 25, BOTH SERIES HAVE HAD ITS UPS OR DOWNS, MAYBE MORE THAN THE OTHER, BUT THEY STILL CAME OUT GOOD, JUST WHY NOW, WHY NOW!!!
Surely you can’t be serious.
Uh, they mean the character literally died, dude. Hell, we’re not entirely sure if this kills Sonic, I’m not sure where that got started. Either way, how would be be alive in the series.
How Nintendo has played Mario over the past decades is worlds different from SEGA deciding to go on random tangents that can’t be controlled by actual market success, all signs point to them shitcanning further Sonic 4 before Ep2 was even released.
SEGA giving up and really baring even trying to replicate the success of the gangbuster selling NSMB series is goddamn hilarious and a sign of how deaf they are to the market.
This game definitely won’t compare much to previous Sonic games, so much so that, in retrospect, Sega may have made the right call to make Boom a spinoff game series rather than a replacement/reboot. Obviously it would be silly to draw comparisons between the two game series (so stop trying you guys).
That said, I personally think I’m going to like to try this game (Wii U version, pretty much not interested in the 3DS version at all, as that clearly just seems to be a mere shadow of the main console version…as usual). I don’t think it’ll be the best Sonic game ever, but it definitely has more things going for it than other Sonic games as of late. It’s also visually grabbing in its art-styles and graphic design; very bright and colorful in ways that Sonic hasn’t been since–dare I say it–the Genesis era. I’m digging the character banter too, it’s really growing on me. Gives the characters a depth and life in ways like they’ve never really been in the past.
In terms of gameplay, it’s been a very up-and-down as new details emerged for me. At first I was super excited, so much so I dared to say this game seemed to have something previous Sonic games had not, but then I became hesitant and more conservative, not so sure that was true and that I hadn’t just gotten overexcited, then I got excited again, again pleased with what I heard and thought the fanbase was seriously underestimating the game’s potential, and now I’m hesitant all over again. So its probably best to wait until I can actually play it, and give the final verdict.
But I am finding myself very interested in this…refreshing change of tactic and attitude. It’s something the franchise hasn’t done for a good long while now, and I think to move away from it may have been a mistake on Sega’s part, so I’m glad somebody else is at least willing to try what Sega won’t.
And no matter WHAT happens at this point, there is ONE very good thing this game has done; it has a storyline. An EXPANSIVE storyline. Something every game since Unleashed has utterly lacked and sorely needed (save maybe Colors…I admit that one did okay with the thin storyline, regardless), and personally, I thought that was always one of the big things that set Sonic apart from Mario, was the fact that it wasn’t afraid to get down and dirty with a storyline of whatever dimensions the game called for, yet lately, Sega’s been emulating Mario’s plotlessness a bit too much for my tastes (are you taking note, Sega?). So no matter what, I’m looking forward to that much.
In the end, I’m still pretty optimistic, albeit cautious.
The reveals of Metal and Shadow don’t do much for me; the fans called it eons ago (not helped that the game’s crew hasn’t been that great at keeping a lid on it) and don’t see that they really add anything the franchise didn’t already have. I mean, Metal’s probably going to be treated the same way he’s always been, and looks like they’re shooting to keep Shadow pretty pure to his original self…though maybe a departure from the norm with him could be interesting…depending on what they did.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. You may return to your normally schedule of the narrow-minded lack of embracing the possibility that change could still be good.
Let’s see, more footage of combat, time travel pretty much confirmed, yet more lame and overused jokes, and pretty generic rock soundtrack.
Anybody remember when this game used to look promising?
Remember the game is still W.I.P so the finally build would be a lot better.
That Metal Sonic redesign is like a response to people saying “I’ve never noticed that” in regards to the crotch they gave him a couple years ago.
That has to be some of the worst modern day in-game graphics I’ve ever seen.
Just because the graphics aren’t state of the art doesn’t mean it’s a bad game. Remember, the original Sonic The Hedgehog game was technically inferior in graphical capability in comparison to the tech at the time, but managed to be highly successful nonetheless as we all know. Also think of all of the new games that are out on the market now that are highly popular, but are technically inferior in graphics (Minecraft for example).
Here, I find the graphics are more than passable; it’ll be quality of the gameplay that’ll be the REAL determining factor on whether or not this game succeeds, and the jury’s still out on that one.
Wii U – the one true platform to show off the power of CryEngine, featuring retro low-res textures reminiscent of the Dreamcast era, no anti-aliasing, lazy, low poly terrain models and fancy ass lighting and shaders to try mask the flaws!
I really feel like the CryEngine is seriously wasted on Sonic Boom. Look at other games that used it, like Enemy Front. That one looks beautiful. This, on the other hand, looks like the Game Cube version of Sonic Heroes.
Trying to act like the original Sonic wasn’t a marvel tech wise on consoles in 1991 is revisionist history.
You don’t have to look every hard on the wiki here to see how wow’d people were at the time by the graphics.
@ Buffles: Exactly my point. Technically, in terms of graphics (namely the color palette) it really WASN’T state-of-the-art, but they made the best of it in such a way that nobody cared; they were still able to make an impressive game nonetheless.
This isn’t to say the Sonic Boom game is just as wowing (because admittedly its not). But my real point was actually to point out that one shouldn’t necessarily judge a game entirely from its technical specs and graphical capability. I see that entirely too often these days and it frustrates me to no end. To be sure, superior graphics helps, but at the end of the day, its the gameplay that should matter most, not the graphics.
Sonic 1 was a festival of colors compared to the typical drab Genesis games that preceded it.
Sonic Boom could have billion poly count rings but it wouldn’t cover up how uninspired it’s gameplay looks. When nearly every single thing people have universally slammed the past decade of Sonic games for having is loud and proud in this game no pixel shader or engine name is going to save it from being torn apart.
This is bringing up flashbacks of how I laughed my ass off over the course of 2006. When Sonic Dash is doing the same thing you’re doing but more coherently you know you’ve got problems!
Some of you guys are seriously believing that Sonic is actually dead and stays dead? If I recall the Wii-U game is the first in chronological order, then the 3DS game and then the show, I could be wrong about that but I at least remember the Wii-U game isn’t last plus Knuckles could very easily jump down there and get the rocks off of Sonic which probably didn’t even kill him, he’s survived worse hazards.
I don’t know about the show but you’re right about the games. Some people are seriously reading too much into things.