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shadow the hedgehog

Game News

Sonic X Shadow Generations Announced

Over the last couple days, rumors have been swirling about regarding Sony’s PlayStation State of Play, involving a certain hedgehog. Were we getting a remaster of Sonic Generations? Would it be something more? Now that the event has aired, we finally have the answer

Yes, it’s a remaster, but so much more.

Shadow the Hedgehog is back, baby.

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Fan Works, Hacking

SHC 2019: Results are In! This Year’s Awards

The week has drawn to a close as does another year of the Sonic Hacking Contest. The results have arrived and you can watch judge commentary from the above video as the trophies are awarded one by one. The video is hosted by both TailsChannel and MegaGWolf For a summary of the contest results, you can read them along with notes from contest judge Spanner after the jump.

Discuss the results on our board in this thread.

Check out the official website here. (

Let the team know what you think! Be sure to fill out the feedback form here.

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Fan Works, Hacking

See What’s in Store for Sonic Hacking Contest 2019 with the Official Trailer

Sonic in Freedom Planet, E-102 Gamma in Sonic Adventure 2, two Shadows working together and new zones to explore. You bet that this year’s Sonic Hacking Contest is right around the corner! redhotsonic has compiled together footage from this year’s entries detailing whats all in store.

Below are more details about the event that will take place starting on Monday 2nd of December to Sunday the 8th. Over the week several livestreamers will be playing this year’s entries featuring redhotsonic, MegaGWolf, SomecallmeJohnny, AntDude, Garrulous64, DaveAce and more, including our own NeoHazard. For more information visit

Hit the jump below to see this week’s entries.

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Fan Works, Hacking

Sonic Hacking Contest 2018 Serves Up a Hearty List of this Year’s Entries

EDIT: Updated the article to embed the trailer hosted by TailsChannel.
The deadline for entries has passed and the community has provided a helping of hacks and mods for both the Expo and the Hacking Contest, including entries for both Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania for the contest. Since its nearly Turkey Day its time for me to bust out some food adjectives.  You can also expect savory helpings of mods for Shadow the HedgehogSonic HeroesSonic Adventure 2, a drizzle of SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis ROM hacks and more. Hit the jump to check out whats on the menu this year. In the meantime there is one entry made available early to the public, Sonic 3 & Knuckles Battle Race.  Check out this page for download information and more before the smorgasbord later this month!
The contest week is set for Monday through Sunday, 26th of November to the 2nd of December. To learn more about the rules and trophy guidelines you can check out the contest’s new website by visiting
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Game News

Yes, You Can Play as Shadow in Sonic Forces

On November 7th, 2017, Sonic Forces is slated to be released across the gambit in both digital and physical formats. It seems like only yesterday the cryptic CG trailer was premiered in front of fans, and now we are less than two months away from experiencing it first hand. On Tuesday, the official Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube channel revealed something unexpected. It’s not a hoax or an imaginary dream, that is indeed a playable Shadow the Hedgehog in a new Sonic game!

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Summer Games Done Quick 2015 Speeds Off Tomorrow With Plenty of Sonic and SEGA

Another summer, another Summer Games Done Quick. If you’re not familiar with what the it is: basically it’s an event where a lot of speedrunners do live runs of various games for charity. In this case for Doctors Without Borders. And this year they’ll be streaming some Sonic games on the first day already.
You can expect speedruns of Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, the neutral story in Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic’s story in Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s Cut on the first day, with an additional speedrun of Big the Cat’s story if a certain amount of money is donated. On the second day Shenmue II, the Castle of Illusion remake, Toejam & Earl, Streets of Rage 2 and Super Monkey Ball Deluxe will be played. Then we’re getting more Sonic on the fourth day with runs of Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean MachineSonic Triple Trouble, Sonic Advance and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 as well as the fantastic Sonic-inspired game Freedom Planet. Finally there’ll be speedruns of Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest and Mega Man: The Wily Wars on the fifth day of the event.
Of course, these are only the SEGA games that’ll be played there. You can find the full schedule with times of when games will be played in your timezone here, along with details on which speedrunners are playing them and estimates of how long it will take to beat the games. Be sure to take a look at the stream and maybe even donate some money. I mean, more Big the Cat speedruns are never a bad thing.
Also, click on the link on the bottom of the site’s home page to get a neat little SEGA easter egg.

Game News

Gamescom 2014: Sonic Dies in This New Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric Trailer, Also Metal Sonic and Shadow Return

This new trailer for Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric skips right to the point: Sonic dies. So there we go, franchise finished, I’d say it had a good run but every series has to stop sometime I guess. I mean, when was the last time Sonic got revived after dying? Probably in some game that never existed.
Also there are some new screenshots for this and Shattered Crystal and some concept art that reveals that Metal Sonic and Shadow are in this game with their designs unchanged. So there’s your fanservice. SEGA also confirmed that both games will come out in Europe on November 21st.

Game News

Shadow the Hedgehog Now Available on PSN in Japan

Once thought to be an April Fools joke when it was announced, Shadow the Hedgehog is now available on PSN in Japan. It’s being released as a “PS2 Classic”, meaning it’s just the PS2 version running in an emulator. Do note that this was easily the worst version, so it might be best to get the game for Gamecube or Xbox instead. Or you can just ignore it and forget that it ever existed like I did until just now.

The classic hasn’t been announced for release yet in the US and Europe, but it can be bought using a Japanese PSN account for 1,200 yen.

[Via Siliconera, video by shadowlink4321]

Fan Works, Sega Consoles, Sega Retro

Speed Demos Archive Hosts Charity Event Featuring Colors, 06, Shadow and More


While this is a week-long event, the folks behind the Speed Demos Archive are hosting a charity event and hours of video games “Done-quick” live….right now! Even if you’re waiting for Lebron’s film, you’ll recognize some participants such as Da1andonlysonic.

Also if you donate, not only will you be eligible for prizes, you’ll also be able to sway certain campaigns, such as which character you’d like to see played in Sonic 2006. Check out the prizes and schedule here.

They’re currently going through Sonic Colors and can watch the stream on their website or through their Twitch page.

Also, hey! It’s for charity! Show some love and fight for a cure for cancer.