Community, Site News

Rest in peace, Polygon Jim.

The following was written by forum member Hinchy, who was a personal friend of Polygon Jim.

Cody “Rick ‘Polygon Jim’ ‘Pegleg Jimmy’ ‘Grand Master Jimmy’ ‘PeglegPolygonGrandmasterJimmyJimJimmy’ Fields” Lawrence
April 10, 1992 – May 18, 2013


This is the picture I took the last time I was ever with him. I’m still amazed that he managed to make that domino tower while drunk.

What can you say about Jimmy? He had a goofy sense of humor, hilarious to some, aggravating to others, but I don’t think anyone would deny that he was a man of charisma and fun. He was the most reckless guy I’ve ever met in my life, that’s for sure. He lived and died with the spirit of fucking around.

I’d known Jimmy for a good 5 years. During the lead-up to Sonic Unleashed, he was 50% of the reason I decided to check out Sonic Retro in the first place. Last fall, in the span of about 24 hours, he drove to Louisiana and became my roommate and hang-out buddy. There were ups and downs, but we had the time of our lives. Unfortunately, he couldn’t maintain the rent and moved back to his home in Pennsylvania. My chief concern about it a couple weeks ago was that he and I didn’t get to go see Iron Man 3 in theaters like we had planned… now that he’s dead, I have to get it through my head that I’ll never see him ever again.

Though he leaves this world today, he will live on in the Sonic community through the best hack ever and the phrase “assface Sonic”, which he coined.

Rest in peace, you magnificent bastard.

Read the local news report on the incident here.

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  • Reply

    Wow. I can’t believe it. He was one of the best members of the community. And now he’s gone. R.I.P. I never knew him personally, but I always liked him.

  • Reply

    I’m speechless….

  • Reply

    Such a shame. Why do people still not wear their seatbelt?

    • Reply

      As much as this is a terrible loss for the community (first poss in 12 years, bite me, I don’t have aids), I will say that after reading the news article, it REALLY sounds like he was driving drunk.

      I hope people while remembering and honoring his memory will remember not to drive while intoxicated.

  • Reply

    I was shocked after i Read the message. He was a Great Guy and he made a big smile in our Faces.

    I hope he is now on an better Place and Rest in Peace.

    Your Friends from Germany 🙁

  • Reply

    I … really wasn’t expecting that all of a sudden. There went my good mood.

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  • Reply

    Aww, I just noticed that little change to the site banner. That’s touching <3

  • Reply

    This is why you wear your safety belts, damnit. I’m gonna miss Jimmy ;_;

  • Reply

    May god rest his soul.

  • Reply

    PoligonJim was one of the few “and rare” good members of this community, he has helpped me in several hacks and projects, I’ll sure miss him :'(

  • Reply

    … As someone who’s never been apparent in the Sonic community, I’ve always stuck beside it for news and etc. I’ve always browsed the forums when I was a member and I’ve always kept up to date. This is very upsetting. I wish his family and friends well and I’m sorry this had to happen.

    R. I. P

  • Reply

    I never really talked with him (apart maybe a few PMs) but he was definitely one of the main guy I saw on these forums. He’ll be missed. R.I.P.

  • Reply

    Never got a chance to talk with Polygon Jim… Only thing I ever knew about him were two things:

    a. He seemed very well liked.
    b. His Member Title always amused me. “NOT A TECH MEMBER”

    RIP Jim

  • Reply

    I remember having a brief fun conversation with the guy. He was awesome.

    Rest in piece.

  • Reply

    I keep rewriting this comment, because I can’t find the right thing to say.
    He was awesome, I looked up to this great guy, then some fucker comes up and kills him.
    What is this that we are living in that the most beloved tech members die so quickly?

    • Reply

      I don’t want to devalue the condolences, but this…

      >some fucker comes up and kills him.

      …is blatantly incorrect, as reading the news article would have told you. It was a single-vehicle accident in which he lost control of his own car. No one else was involved.

      Anyway, sad to hear. RIP, man.

  • Reply

    Nobody killed him…he lost control of his vehicle and wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, sadly.

  • Reply

    R.I.P Cody “Rick ‘Polygon Jim’ ‘Pegleg Jimmy’ ‘Grand Master Jimmy’ ‘PeglegPolygonGrandmasterJimmyJimJimmy’ Fields” Lawrence April 10, 1992 – May 18, 2013 .

  • Reply


  • Reply

    OMG Just heard about this from…the site that should not be named
    I’m so fucking sad…i still remember him saying the textures on Sonic Generations looked like shit
    He was a good guy…he didn’t deserve this 🙁

    Rest in Peace Polygon Jim

  • Reply

    My condolences go to loved ones and friends. Death is sad, and even though I never met the guy, you guys look like you need all the support you can get.

    Might not mean much, but it’s the least I can do.

    • Reply


      Hearing someone died always sucks, even if it’s someone you don’t know. Especially if they’re younger than you.

      My condoleances go out to whomever they may concern.

  • Reply

    I’m speechless, really… My condolences go out to his family and friends. RIP, Polygon Jim.

  • Reply

    We’ll take him to Heaven.

  • Reply

    Our Father, who art in heaven
    hallowed be thy name;
    Thy kingdom come;
    Thy will be done as in heaven, so in earth;
    our daily bread Give us this day;
    and forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive our debtors;
    And lead us not into temptation;
    but deliver us from evil.
    Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine their lights.
    May they rest in peace. Amen.

  • Reply

    R.I.P my good man ;_;

  • Reply

    Oh my God, I didn’t know he died.
    My condolences to his family.

  • Reply

    One of Retro’s true characters! He always made me laugh my bollocks off. Peace to you brother wherever you are.

  • Reply

    I never got to meet him, but I too mourn with you. Rest in peace.

  • Reply

    That sucks.
    Condolences to those who cared for him personally.

  • Reply

    Oh man, I just read about this. Really sad. Strange occurrence though…

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