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Gamescom 2014: Sonic Dies in This New Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric Trailer, Also Metal Sonic and Shadow Return

This new trailer for Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric skips right to the point: Sonic dies. So there we go, franchise finished, I’d say it had a good run but every series has to stop sometime I guess. I mean, when was the last time Sonic got revived after dying? Probably in some game that never existed.
Also there are some new screenshots for this and Shattered Crystal and some concept art that reveals that Metal Sonic and Shadow are in this game with their designs unchanged. So there’s your fanservice. SEGA also confirmed that both games will come out in Europe on November 21st.

Game News

A Round-Up of Today’s New Sonic Lost World Stuff

So with all of these new Sonic Lost World previews and videos popping up today, it’s probably best to make a post rounding them all up rather than dropping them all into Monday Links. Besides the new spoilerific trailer above, here are all of the other new things:

If I missed anything, please say so in the comments below and I’ll update this post

Game News

Casinos Are Back in Sonic Lost World


If you were disappointed that Casino Night’s remake in Sonic Generations was nothing more than a downloadable pinball table, you’ll be pleased to see that Sonic Lost World will have a very similar looking zone. Yesterday a bunch of screenshots showing it were put on The Sonic Stadium’s Facebook page by an user named Leo Dz.

There are also screenshots of other new acts of zones we had already seen, including a stage featuring an owl with spotlight eyes. Also some cactus things with faces. These can be seen below, this post will be updated when higher quality screens are available.

Update: The screenshots can now be viewed in 1080p, more screens have also been added. Click on that “read more” button there to see them.

[Via The Sonic Stadium]
[1080p Screenshots from ONM] Continue Reading

Game News

Battle Mode, Challenges and More Are Shown Off In This New Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Trailer

With the release of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed being a month and a half away, SEGA has started showing some new stuff for the game. First of they’ve released a new trailer (seen above) which showcases the world tour mode, challenges, online and local multiplayer and the battle mode. A The House of the Dead battle arena can be seen as well in the trailer. SEGA also released a bunch of new screenshots which confirm that Ulala from Space Channel 5 will be back in this game as well and they’ve shown what Danica Patrick and her vehicle look like in the game. All of these screens can be seen below.

Besides all of this stuff, SEGA just started a website for Transformed. Besides there being a neat animation of Sonic’s vehicle transforming, one of the backgrounds shows that Sky Sanctuary from Sonic & Knuckles will be one of the courses. You can also look at a bunch of old trailers and screenshots there if you want to.

Game News

New Generations 3DS Special Stage Shots

So, I heard you kids were really into these Sonic Generations shenanigans, even on the 3DS. Though we’ve seen bits and pieces of Green Hill for the title, things have been pretty hush-hush otherwise. Today, we received a nice collection of screenshots for the never-before-seen Generations 3DS Special Stage. So far, it looks to be quite similar to its home console counterpart: a take on the Sonic Heroes Special Stage, with players dashing down a track and avoiding obstacles. The dash panel from Heroes also seems to be making a return this time around. These shots look pretty nice for a portable system, but who knows how the thing will look running. Full gallery is below the jump. Continue Reading