[The following was provided by forum moderator and researcher JenHedgehog.]
Sonic Retro member Orengefox recently acquired three new Sonic Game Gear prototypes, which have now been made available for download. These are review copies of Tails Adventures and Sonic Labyrinth, and an early demo of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (all obtainable here.)
Sonic 2 is a rolling auto-demo showcasing mainly the prototype version of Green Hills Zone, which was prominently shown in many early magazine articles prior to the game’s release. Sky High Zone and Underground Zone can also be seen. The auto-demo has a time stamp of Dec. 5, 1991, making this an extremely early version of the game that was compiled almost a year before the final version was released.
As well as the Game Gear games, Orengefox is releasing some other new Sonic demos including a previously unseen Japanese Sonic Adventure trial, and a trial version of Sonic & the Secret Rings[forum link] which was distributed in limited quantities to competition winners in Japan.
To see what our members are able to find hidden inside these games once the digging begins, head over to the forums, where all these prototypes can be downloaded right now.
Daily Archives
August 20, 2014
With a successful Sonic-a-thon crossing the goal post with an impressive $20,622.10 raised for Child’s Play, Sonic speedrunning hub The Sonic Center is looking to blaze its own record on the leaderboards in their charity drive to support the American Cancer Society.
I don’t really need to go on about the horror stories of cancer since you all likely know your own share of stories already. However, it’s a good feeling to watch people ram through Sonic games for the benefit of helping to find cures for diseases or at least make the world a less horrible place.
Currently, flying fox is slashing through the entirety of Sonic and the Black Knight. The marathon runs through Aug. 23, so there is still plenty to see and to cheer these guys on.