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Game News

Gamescom 2014: Sonic Dies in This New Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric Trailer, Also Metal Sonic and Shadow Return

This new trailer for Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric skips right to the point: Sonic dies. So there we go, franchise finished, I’d say it had a good run but every series has to stop sometime I guess. I mean, when was the last time Sonic got revived after dying? Probably in some game that never existed.
Also there are some new screenshots for this and Shattered Crystal and some concept art that reveals that Metal Sonic and Shadow are in this game with their designs unchanged. So there’s your fanservice. SEGA also confirmed that both games will come out in Europe on November 21st.

Fan Works, Game News, Hacking, Miscellaneous

Monday Links: What It’s Like in a Sardine Can Edition

Gamescom2013So last week I promised that I’d put up my impressions of the Sonic Lost World demo at Gamescom. Two problems presented itself, the first one being that there were a lot more people at Gamescom than anticipated. (Pictured right) So many more that it was hard to even walk past some the booths. So I left after two hours of literally squirming through the crowds. The other problem was that the demo available to the public there was the same demo previously playable at Summer of Sonic and Sonic Boom, of which we already have impressions up right here. The demo shown off last week was only playable on the press day.

So basically, the highly anticipated Gamescom demo impressions write-up has been cancelled. To make up for it, here are Monday Links done on an actual Monday again:

Retro/Bits News

  • The results of the Sonic Hacking Contest 2013 were unveiled [Results]
  • Guess Who made a video review of A Hedgehog Dash for iOS [The Retro Review]
  • As if Marble Zone wasn’t an annoying zone already, TheInvisibleSun made a hack in which the first two acts take place underwater [Retro Forums]
  • Our good friends at SEGAbits have put up a new episode of the Swingin’ Report Show for you to listen to [SEGAbits]

Sonic/SEGA News

  • Lots of Sonic Lost World stuff was shown this week, first up a new trailer and a walkthrough video [Sonic Retro]
  • Second, the Deadly Six edition was revealed, which will feature an extra level with bosses from NiGHTS Into Dreams [Sonic Retro again]
  • Third, new screenshots show off what the Miiverse functions and overworld look like [SEGAbits]
  • A new Yakuza spin-off game was revealed, you can look screenshots and complain about how it probably won’t be localized [Yakuza: Ishin]
  • The Creative Assembly did an unboxing of their impressive Total War: Rome II Collector’s Edition while being attacked by dogs [Sadly not included]
  • Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F pre-orders are doing surprisingly well, so well that Gamestop is no longer taking them [Pizza sadly not included either]
  • Football Manager Classic 2014 is coming to the Playstation Vita [Playstation Blog] Continue Reading
Game News

GC 2013: Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Edition Announced, Features Exclusive Bosses From NiGHTS Into Dreams

An extended version of the Gamescom 2013 trailer for Sonic Lost World was just uploaded, showcasing the Deadly Six edition featuring exclusive content at the end. This exclusive content being bosses taken straight out of the classic SEGA Saturn game: NiGHTS Into Dreams.

Just watch the last 12 seconds of this trailer to see them in action. This special edition will only be available for pre-order and while stocks last.

Game News

Gamescom 2013: Sonic Lost World Trailer and Demo With Mostly New Levels Shown Off

So with Gamescom trailers and reveals happening today, the new trailer for Sonic Lost World SEGA promised last Thursday is now up on Gamespot’s Youtube channel. A new Frozen Factory zone, multiplayer modes and the return of elemental shields are shown off:

There’s also a new demo with a new Windy Hill zone, two Frozen Factory zones and a Silent Forest zone. If you’re going to Gamescom you can play it there for yourself, but for those not going there there’s this 22 minute long video with commentary showing it off after the jump. Impressions of the new demo can also be expected later this/next week here on Sonic Retro. Continue Reading

Game News

New Sonic Lost World Demo Playable At Gamescom


SEGA announced today that if you’re going to Gamescom next week, you’ll be able to try out a Sonic Lost World demo with new levels at the Nintendo booth. A new trailer and screenshots will also be released for those who for some reason don’t live near Germany or can’t afford a plane ticket.

As for other SEGA things at Gamescom, Total War: Rome II will be playable at the Koch booth and there’ll be some news about Double Fine’s already released game The Cave at the Cosmocover booth, likely about the mobile version. SEGA will also be present at PocketGamer Mobile Mixer and The Big Indie Pitch, both of which take place right before Gamescom starts.

Impressions of the new Lost World demo will be posted here on the front page once Gamescom is over. In the meantime, you can read the impressions of several other Retro members of the Summer of Sonic demo.

[Source: SEGA Blog]

Miscellaneous, Sega Retro

SEGA Reveals PAX Prime Line-Up and Will Attend Gamescom After All

With Gamescom and PAX Prime nearing more news about what will be shown at the events starts trickling in. Like SEGA has officially announced the games they’ll be showing at PAX, which includes the Sonic Adventure 2 re-release, Phantasy Star Online 2, The Cave, an unannounced digital title (which is a new IP) and more. Here is their full line-up:

SEGA will showcase their games at booths 242 and 252 at PAX in Seattle, Washington, from August 31 through September 2, 2012. SEGA also confirmed along with THQ that they’ll be showing their games at Gamescom, which is in Germany, Cologne from August 15th through August 19th, even though both previously said that they won’t be at attending the event. Their games will be shown at the Koch Media and Saturn stands. Also, according to El33tonline SEGA will hold a press conference on August 16th at Gamescom, though it isn’t listed with the rest of the press dates so whether or not the conference will actually happen isn’t certain.

[Sources: SEGA Blog, MCV and El33tonline]

Game News

[UPDATED] Gamescom 2011: Mushroom Hill, Big Arm 3DS Gameplay and Audio

UPDATE: We also got video of the Big Arm boss included in the demo, now updated after plenty of negative feedback from E3 concerning one aspect of it. Want to see? Hit the jump! Thanks to commenter MarioSonic for the tip off!

By way of YouTube channel NiNTENDOMiNATi0N, take a look at Modern Sonic running through the browning foliage of Mushroom Hill Zone Act 2 including a clear listen to the level’s music.

At least, I would hope that’s a placeholder song while a final one is still being worked on. A straight port of the Genesis Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1 tune? Has to be. The footage also shows some oddities in the gameplay including familiar DIMPS problems of odd object placement, pitfalls, and moonwalking on the roof.

But on the plus side, listen to that Act 1 remix toward the end of the video. That remix is simply goodness.

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Game News

Gamescom 2011 Superpost: Sonic Generations, Mario and Sonic 2012

Of course we didn’t forget about Gamescom currently going on in Germany, sporting new demos for all three versions of Sonic Generations as well as a new demo for Mario and Sonic’s latest (friendly) battle to the death.

Courtesy of forum member TimmiT, we have a few more details about changes in the games along with extra gameplay videos including a full run of Modern Sonic’s City Escape. With all the tasty morsels of media beginning to spill, we advise not watching the videos if you want to keep the gameplay unspoiled.

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