Game News

Watch a French Man Look At Sonic Generations’ Collectors Edition

It is near the stroke of midnight on the east coast of the United States of America. Unless you happened to live in Austin, Texas, the moment is now here. Sonic Generations will be live before you know it. Every reimagined level, each remixed track are waiting for your gaming pleasure. Sure, if you live Europe you have a bit longer to wait…well, unless you happen to live in France. Which is apparently the Best Buy of Europe.

The below video has spoilers only if you don’t want to know track listings and see inside books of art. And yes, it is in French, so if you are morally against such things, be sure to hit the mute button.

Normally this isn’t the type of video I’d put on the front page, but because of its continent-specific nature, and because it is part of the 20th Anniversary[tm] celebration, it only seems fair to throw it up here this one time. The collection itself looks as nice as the pictures implied, and how can you say no to two smiling Sonic’s looking up at you?

Though the documentary hasn’t been screened by outside eyes, the track listing celebrating the 20 Year of Sonic Music has been revealed, covering just about every major game in the series, with more than a fair representation of the spin-offs. The most glaring omission? Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic 2, more than likely because of the music right issues involved. But after the release of the fantastic soundtrack to those two games, I think we can let this one slide.

1. SEGA Call (SEGA)
2. Angel Island (Act 1) – SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3 (SEGA)
3. Mushroom Hill (Act 1) SONIC & KNUCKLES (SEGA)
4. Splash Hill (Act 1) SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4: EPISODE 1 (Jun Senoue)
5. Palmtree Panic (Present) – SONIC THE HEDGEHOG CD (Naofumi Hataya)
7. Green Grove (Act 1) – SONIC 3D BLAST (MD) (Jun Senoue)
8. Midnight Greenhouse – KNUCKLES’ CHAOTIX (Junko Shiratsu)
9. Lovers – SONIC CHAMPIONSHIP (Maki Morou)
10. Can You Feel The Sunshine – SONIC R (Richard Jacques FT. TJ Davis)
11. Right There, Ride On – SONIC RUSH (Hideaki Naganuma)
12. Planet Kingdom (Act 1) – SONIC RUSH ADVENTURE (Tomoya Ohtani)
13. Blue Azure – SONIC ADVENTURE (Jun Senoue)
14. Escape From The City – SONIC ADVENTURE 2 (Jun Senoue FT. Ted Poley & Tony Harnell)
15. Seaside Hill – SONIC HEROES (Jun Senoue)
16. Theme Of Metal City – SONIC RIDERS (Tomonori Sawada)
17. Qucik Trip To Paradise – SONIC RIVALS (Jun Senoue & Lee Brotherton)
18. Westopolis – SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (Jun Senoue)
19. Let The Speed Mend It – SONIC & THE SECRET RINGS (Kenichi Tokoi & Runble Bee)
20. Camelot Castle – SONIC & THE BLACK KNIGHT (Jun Senoue)
21. The Water’s Edge – SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (2006) (Mariko Namber & Tomoya Ohtani)
22. Windmill Isle (Day) – SONIC UNLEASHED (Tomoya Ohtani)
23. Tropical Resort (Act 1) – SONIC COLOURS (Tomoya Ohtani)

Special thanks to JackSkellinghog for taking the time to watch through the French. Someone had to do it.

[Source: DarshVII’s YouTube Channel]

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  • Reply

    I was so curious because when they release this game, is getting released in america fisrt…. and the game and the collecters edtion comes out in EUR and it also comes out late… It struck me confusing

  • Reply

    My predictions were correct, it is multilanguage!!!  Shame the box was in French, I don’t really want the box back in German but whatever, awesome that I got it.  
    How did he get it though?  I thought it was through online order, unless his already came in?

    • Reply

      10 ans plus tard, je te réponds, j’ai eu un mal de fou à l’avoir ! j’ai été et téléphoné a environ 20 magasins, et un me l’a réservé parceque j’ai insisté énormément

  • Reply

    Lovely soundtrack we got here. A nice history lesson for less knowledgeable Sonic fans. Shame we don’t have any tracks for Sonic 1 or 2 here though. Stupid copyright laws…why can’t they just be like Sonic and not let any copyright law in the universe stop them from releasing music from their two most popular games?

  • Reply

    Just got the game 2 hrs ago… it’s really great. Sega is on their shit right now.

  • Reply

    I got a guy in England to get it for me…. Hope I recieve it soon.

  • Reply

    Am I evil for laughing my ass off when he tried to pronounce those Sonic games in English? >_<

    • Reply

      rassure toi j’ai ris aussi quand je l’ai prononcé… oui c’était ma vidéo 😉

  • Reply

    If you were in Europe what were you suppost to do to get it? Preorder it? 

  • Reply

    These songs are all on the game disc itself as unlockables.

  • Reply

    Observationus Maximus

  • Reply

    Seems odd they would list Sonic 3D Blast with it’s US name. Didn’t everyone else get it as Flickie’s Island?

    • Reply

      There may be some licensing problems with the flickies. Either that or swag thought it sounded better.

      • Reply

        I don’t see why there would be licensing issues…I’m pretty sure Sega would own the Flicky license lock, stock and barrel. But what really annoys me is that they used “Sonic Championship” on there…Sonic the Fighters sounds a lot more interesting as the title of a game. That, and it was called as such in Gems Collection, the only home release of the game. Championship only exists because Sega of America was afraid of a name.

  • Reply

    Why the F*CK didn’t we get a collector’s edition?!?!?!

  • Reply

    he is one of the best sonic french fans that i have seen on my lyfe :p

  • Reply

    Oh, the advantages of bilingualism! 😀
    *sees the end of the vid*

    Aw, okay, he wants to show his cat again. xD

    • Reply

      et alors? j’aime mon chat, lui ne t’aime pas ;p

  • Reply

    I lost it when he showed off the Gold Ring. I had no god damn clue that it could come out of the case like that.

  • Reply

    I love that Chaotix keeps getting official attention, no matter how minor it is. Makes me keep hoping for a re-release!

  • Reply

    I would do anything just if SEGA would release that statue for a good 100! The book and CDs and the ring are nice, but that statue is a must-have for any Sonic fan! Oh well, I can always dream about it, right?

  • Reply

    The songs on the soundtrack were announced weeks ago…

  • Reply

    That guy sure loved his promotional hat.

    I bet Amazon don’t give me a hat with my CE order 🙁

    • Reply

      je l’ai toujours 10 ans apres, et je cours tout nu avec pendant le confinement ….

  • Reply

    I can’t believe it’s out. 😛 I’m deciding whether to get the Xbox version or the PC version. (Thank Amazon, they have the PC version for 30 bucks. :P)

  • Reply

    “And yes, it is in French, so if you are morally against such things, be sure to hit the mute button.”. Why this attack? All of us love Sonic no? Or your site banned French people ? pathetic.

    • Reply

      et bien merci, que veux tu, ça s’appel du mépris… j’irai pas jusqu’au racisme mais bon … A la place de me baver dessus le dos ici, j’aurais aimé à l’epoque voir des commentaires sur ma vidéo…. dommage, je vous découvre 10 ans plus tard

  • Reply

    Salut DAVID THE LURKER, je ne vois ton article que 10 ans apres… Que tu ai la haine anti français, ça te regarde, mais ne te permets pas de me baver sur le dos en loose ! Tu aurais au moins déja prendre le temps de m’écrire sur ma vidéo en commentaire, et de me joindre ton article. Cela s’appel avoir en Français “avoir des couilles”….

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