Game News

New Shots Of Speed Highway, Along With Some Radical Screens For The Road

Earlier today, Sega of Japan’s official website for Sonic Generations started to fill in some of its semi-mysterious question marks by adding a handful of new screenshots for both versions of the game meant to be hitting in November. The levels sharing half a name, the one designed for home consoles only recently received the full reveal treatment, making people live like it’s 1998 all over again.

Set amongst the backdrop of urban excess, Speed Highway is shaping up to be just as intense a thrill-ride as when gamers first got the chance to play it in Sonic Adventure. Like I’ve said elsewhere, it was the one level that people wanted to get their hands on. It promised so much, and delivered exceptionally well, so of course hopes are high for the versions each Sonic will run through. Classic Sonic is getting some hotel action, while Modern gets to break tons more glass in a building that might not actually make that much sense from an architectural standpoint. But when has Sonic ever been about realism?

For those who were hoping some highway action would be available in the Nintendo 3DS version of the game, fear not. Some brand new shots of Radical Highway have also been released on the site. Originally in Sonic Adventure 2 because everyone wanted to relive Speed Highway with Shadow, the level will be the first time the blue blur has been able to run through the red and black level in either form. Who knows what sort of surprises are held in store? All I know is that as long as that NiGHTS head is staring me down, I’m where I need to be.

[Source: Sega of Japan’s Sonic Generations Homepage]

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  • Reply

    Popped for Speed Highway looking like Skyscraper Scamper at night, meh’d at Radical Highway in general. They may as well have gone with either Pyramid Cave, Metal Harbor (questionable with Emerald Coast present), or even an ARK stage.

    • Reply

      Yeah, I hope they’re not trying to go the easy way.

      • Reply

        It doesn’t really look like skyscraper scamper since they’re tweaking parts of the level.

  • Reply

    Screenshots are looking awesome, can’t wait for it!

    On another note, however, that “when has it ever been about realism” comment is incredibly obnoxious, not to mention horribly shoehorned in without any context or reason. You may as well have said “the building isn’t made out of pizza but since when has it ever been about pizza?” for all it added to the post.

    • Reply

      … It’s a valid question, though. When HAS Sonic ever focused on realism. (Aside from that terrible 2006 game, which some would argue was terrible in part BECAUSE of its realistic setting.)

      • Reply

        Sonic Adventure 2 was also an attempt at realism. The overall plot, especially early on, is more reminiscent of a late 80’s-early 90’s spy thriller, and it takes care to avoid the stereotypical Sonic level tropes by tying them to a map (at least on the Gamecube version’s stage select). Granted, the ARK and Pumpkin Hill were more fanciful, but the urban and Prison Island sections were comparatively gritty.

      • Reply

        Even Sonic 06 wasn’t realistic.  An underwater base in Venice?  Time travel?  A city that is still in pretty good condition considering its been sitting in molten lava for hundreds of years?  

  • Reply

    the corkscrew in modern Speed Highway looks really cool, but can you imagine trying to drive a car round that shit?

    • Reply

      That was one of the first things I thought when I played Speed Highway. Actually, it was only recently, but I never would have thought that when I played it the first time. “The fuck? Morning commutes must be terrible here. HOW DOES ANYONE GET AROUND?”

      • Reply

        I used to have nightmares about actually driving down roads like that with traffic.

  • Reply

    Why no love for Crazy Gadget? I think it was one of the greatest levels from Sonic Adventure 2 😛

  • Reply

    Speed highway looks stunning, so much going on and it looks like we even get to go inside skyscrapers rather than just letting them whoosh by, which has gotten me really excited…radical highway looks like shit. Go play the Sonic Rush night carnival boss, then look again at Sonic Generations 3DS and see how little they’re trying.

  • Reply

    Both levels are looking awesome. I’m going to miss hearing Shadow say “…I promise you revenge!” Before he runs through RH. But its still sweet. Just a few more days until SG is my! I’m counting down to November 1st.

  • Reply

    RADICAL HIGHWAY?! Wait a minute… Radical HIGHWAY. I’m sittin’ here thinkin’ Radical City.

    • Reply

      Living in the city, you know you have to survive.

      • Reply

        You gotta keep that dream alive.

        • Reply

          Where everything is free, can’t you see

        • Reply

          Where everything is free.

        • Reply

          ♪So many different things to do. There’s no time.♪

  • Reply

    Ugh. The 3ds version is such a rush job. Looks like Gameloft made those screens.

    • Reply

      …d…dude…you call Big Arm a rush job?
      BIG ARM ON 3DS of all things? The music of Big Arm alone is the Crowning Moment of Awesome for BOTH versions of Sonic Generations so far!

      • Reply

        Nah, I’ll definitely give it to the game for it’s music. You’re right about that. But I just can’t be cool with what these graphics look like. I did come off a little too pre-judgemental, I hope they improve and half expect them to… but I also half don’t.

      • Reply

        No matter how bad a Sonic game can get, the music will always be amazing. (not counting Sonic 4, Sonic Chronicles and Crush 40’s covers of songs originally not by them)

      • Reply

        The boss engine is terrible. The music might have been done well – I say ‘well’ intentionally, they screwed up adding a new line -, that’s all there is to it. The boss is easy, and feels sluggish and blocky. Others might think otherwise about it, but I most certainly disagree with you. I consider other music from either Generations console or 3DS version better – not all of them, but still.

  • Reply

    I’d’ve preferred something other than Radical Highway. The screenies don’t look very exciting, but I’ll wait a bit.

  • Reply

    Speed highway looks cool, is more…City escape looks like crap a side with speed highway.
    SA2 stage must be Pyramid Cave or Final rush.

  • Reply

    I TOLD YOU!!!!! I TOLD U RADICAL HIGHWAY WAS GONNA BE IN IT!!!! I called it!!! Looks good. But why is sonic on a shadow stage. 

    • Reply

      So it looks like the 3DS is getting a hub world too. AWESOME!

  • Reply


    • Reply

      No. I won’t have any ring at all until SG3DS comes out.

  • Reply

    Speed Highway never looked better, just sayin’.

  • Reply

    Maybe its cus i never played Speed Highway till it was released next gen last year but id rather have Radical Highway on the Next Gen games (I had SA2B on NGC). i never found Speed Highway that good compared even counting its age.

  • Reply Gotta love that Death Egg Robot poster. Speed Highway is shaping up to be awesome, as is this whole game. Real talk.

  • Reply

    I think I like it.

    Your remark on Radical Highway, “the level will be the first time the blue blur has been able to run through the red and black level in either form.” Two-player mode from SA2(B?) says hi, if that counts.

    • Reply

      ,,,,First canon time the blue blur has been able to run through the red and black level.

  • Reply

    Sonic X: Mobian Revolution?

    Speed Highway looks epic, but I cant wait to see Crisis City 😛

    (after release mind, SEGA has released too much already)

  • Reply

    Speed Highway looks more realistic than it did in terms of lighting and atmosphere.

    Radical Highway looks very pretty and colorful compared to what it look like in SA2/B. I’m amazed that they can even bother with the 3D with the double rendering and Depth focus of it all.

    Makes you wonder how prettier can it look if they didn’t make a 3D enabled game on the 3DS.

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