This is too nice to really pass up.
Earlier today, Sega of America’s intrepid team of community people opened up a box sent to them by a fan.
While this should usually set off red flags and require the assistance of the San Francisco Bomb Squad, the package contained an adorable (and slightly creepy) Sackboy version of Sonic.
But the question arises as what the blue puppet contains in its belly…
In a video recording, Fabian Doehla jokes the secret plans for Shenmue 3 are hidden inside the stuffed animal’s zippered stomach.
However, what if this little critter inherits the demonic abilities of a certain other demented stuffed toy of the series? This could mean serious trouble for Sega of America and a fan plot far more heinous than anything concocted by upset Sonic fans. It’s possible the innards of the plush contain a soul devouring black hole, much like Ghost Pokemon Dusknoir.
Sonic Retro will attempt to reach out to Sega of America, assuming they have not all been devoured by potentially demonic powers residing in the toy.
That is downright adorable.
Sackboy Sonic- the next Tails Doll.
Oh god.
Not really, actually: No gem on a piece of sharp wire.
True, very true. Although, the power source could be inside the zipper for all we know, making this demonic cutie even harder to destroy.
So when do we get Sackboy Sonic and/or Tails Doll fanfiction?
I mean Sackboy Sonic with/without Tails Doll. dammit
Also found in the package: Tails Doll.
If someone sent one of those to me, I’d give it one joyous hug… and then proceed to burn it.
That sackboy does look just like “him”! The eyes… The eyes!
The Saturday Crew is going to walk into that building tomorrow to find the janitor hanging from the lobby ceiling with “Can You Feel The Sunshine” carved into his flesh.
I bet u inside the sackboy is a note saying how they should make the new sonic games… this could be a better way to get to SOA’s producers
That’ll need more than the size of that sack’s belly.
My… soul…. burning…. like…. Weegee….
First @sonicretro.
Let me sum those up again.
Paper Mario
Yarn Kirby
Woolen Sonic
Comic Zelda
A lot of clay stuff from Nintendo
I wonder who will do a Knuckles’ fangame based on, erm, [checking wiktionary/wikipedia for translations] paperclips, thumbtacks, corks and other stuff found on messy desktops. That would be interesting.
they should mass produce them and sell them to the public “they’ll make a bomb on these
That would work only if Little Big Planet didn’t coin the base design of the sackboy. :c
I bet the person who made this sent this, clearly demonic, doll to SEGA for vindication of sonic 4.
“Sonic Sackboy Houses Sega Secrets”
Try saying that 3 times fast.
Its Tails Dolls cousin.. The SONIC SACKBOY……..
Lol, I’m surprised my brother (online alias known as “JK3” or “JKThree”) didn’t make this. He was the one who made the LBP2Beta level featuring those Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles sackbot. That sackhog is kinda cute, lol