On today’s Nintendo Direct, Satoru Iwata has announced the upcoming 3D Sonic title Sonic: Lost World. Not much was shown, but we did get this art shot (click for full size):
We also got one other intriguing piece of information…
Iwata has revealed that Nintendo & Sega have entered into a “worldwide partnership in the Sonic franchise”, and as such, Sonic: Lost World will be exclusive to Wii U and 3DS owners. No date was revealed, but November seems a safe bet based on past years.
Iwata also announced the already widely-expected Mario & Sonic at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. This looks to be largely the same as the previous instalments in the series, with the usual array of regular and Dream events, and is also coming out on Wii U and 3DS. No date was announced for this either, but expect it before the Games start in Feburary 2014.
No PC or XB360 or PS3? Sad π
What’s wrong with it being Nintendo exclusive? I think Sonic being with Nintendo will be a good thing.
@Jami393 Well this will easily mean less sales (even if Sonic sells slightly more at Nintendo)
The main reason no one is buying a Wii U right now is because there’s no good games for it.
By the time Wind Waker remake and the new Mario Kart and 3D Mario and eventually the new Smash Bros. releases, everyone will be getting a Wii U. And these two games may also intrigue people to get a Wii U.
And not all of us have a WiiU
Holy crackers, yo.
Pretty interesting news. The picture gives the Sonic Colours/Sonic CD vibes, which is promising.
Here’s hoping we see an awesome trailer when E3 hits. π
Right then. I’ll have to get a Wii U as soon as possible
Worldwide partnership? That sounds like Sonic’s home is with Ninty now.
I have little interest in a Wii U though. Not down with that tablet nonsense.
I share your pain man.
But be prepared to be labeled as a fanboy.
You’re making a big deal put of something small. The gamepad is simply a 2nd screen for info. It doesn’t affect gaming that much like kinect or PS move. Give it a try before whining about its visual theme.
Very exciting! When was the last time we saw such a classic-esque piece of art? (Well… Ignoring Generations haha…) it looks like S3AK!!
Total dick move.
The WiiU is on it’s ass as it is. Why cater towards a dying console for exclusivity?
Dying console? It’s selling just as much as the PS360 were during their launches WITH a severe game drought. Wait until the games come to see how “dead” it is
Ecusu has a point there.
It was just released November for christs sake.
*Facepalms* All this complaining over the Exclusivity to Nintendo is ridiculous.
At least they are finally making a new Sonic Game.
That would be exactly why they would do this. I mean, that’s the same reason anyone still buys the PS3 rather than get a decent gaming computer, from what I can tell.
Nobody’s giving a damn to Wii U. I’ll be looking forward to next year’s Sonic game, since I won’t play this one.
SEGA is giving a damn to WiiU. So is Ubisoft, Capcom, etc. Fanboy whining is delicious.
Actually, it seems that the next year’s Sonic game will be only for Wii U as well.
However, if halfway through development SEGA pulls out a Rayman Legends and delays this game for multiconsole release, I’ll laugh madly.
Sadly, the chances are pretty slim.
Buying a Wii U now. No questions asked.
Pretty nice to see a Nintendo exclusive, I’m definitely buying this (if it can resemble Sonic in terms of gameplay, of course)
If the 3DS version will have 3D gameplay, I will friggin SQUEAL.
Now i wish the WiiU is actually a console itself. Hand console like PSP or PSVITA. :/
the best thing SEGA could do is close doors and sell everything to Nintendo. Hirokazu Yasuhara is there
Hmm interesting. I wonder if there will be any Sonic and Mario interaction or story involved. (olympics and smash bros don’t count)
Is that Little Planet I see?
If we’re getting another Sonic CD-type game, I will be happy.
That picture looks promising, so I’ll be picking the game up for 3DS if I like what I see in the next few months.
I think i just found a new wallpaper. :v
I just got a WiiU π I’m glad they’re finally making a new sonic game for console! When I heard about lost world, I thought maybe it’d be like the level lost world in sonic adventure, like a temple exploring theme or something, haha. But it looks different judging from the screenshot, can’t wait to hear more info about it.
This has to be the most disappointing news I’ve heard in awhile. The next 3 Sonic games only on Nintendo consoles? This is some bullshit.
The Wii U is a vastly underpowered console compared to the PS3 and Xbox 360 and its sales and popularity are steadily plummeting. I’d really hate to see the Sonic franchise begin to suffer again because of this exclusivity deal.
“Vastly underpowered,” you say? I don’t think so. The Wii U is as powerful as the 360, if not more. Just give them a chance, would ya?
“The Wii U is a vastly underpowered console compared to the PS3 and Xbox 360”
Hate to burst your bubble, sport, but it’s actually slightly more powerful than both. It’s less powerful than 720 & PS4.
GREAT.. Now I have to buy a new Nintendo console… It’s just as I feared… Nintendo basically OWNS Sonic now.
Oh no, Nintendo (the legends behind making awesome 2d platformers) has claimed sonic, I dont want an awesome 2.5D Sonic the hedgehog sidescrolling platform game made by nintendo.
Sarcasm aside, This is really awesome news, and about time. And im glad I bought a Wii U because its not about how powerful it is, but how much fun a game can be.. No matter how many mario games they release I always find myself going back to them, and with sonic now in the picture of Wii U, Im very glad I bought a wii u π now shutup about the wii u π
I’m sorry, guys, but all the Nintendo supporters out there (A.K.A. Me plus a bunch of others) should LOVE this announcement. Me? I am not sure where to stand. Sonic would indeed save the Wii U, but at what cost? The disappointment of the other fans on 360 and PS3?
Screw it. GO SONIC!! No matter what happens, you’ll have a legion of fans supporting our favorite blue blur! No matter where he goes, whether to Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft (ugh), or anyone else, we’ve still got our blue hero. He may stumble at times (Sonic 06 was a complete fall), but we’re here to bring him back on his feet.
If SEGA throws him in the trash, we’ll be there to pick him back out of it. If they won’t make good Sonic games, we should.
All those in favor?
NO! THIS WAS MY WORST NIGHTMARE! I really will not use this Wii U outside of Sonic! Seriously! I’m so pissed!
Smash Bros. Bayonetta Zelda Xenoblade 2 Retro Studios game might as well get all the other kick ass exclusives instead of JUST sonic
Well this is disappointing. I’m really looking for a PC release, otherwise I’m just not going to be able to buy it.
Everyone saying the Wii U is dying or nobody cares, it’s only been a few months since it’s release. 3DS did the same exact thing and now look at it. Give it some time, it’s got some REALLY good games coming out by the end of this year, just wait and see. Stop complaining and deal with the fact that Nintendo isn’t the worst thing ever anymore.
Sonic Colors was exclusive to Wii and DS and it was an amazing game. This one looks like it’ll be just as good.
just when they finally started doing more PC sonic games… nintendo has to come around and ruin everything!
boy, do I hate nintendo!
A BEAUTIFUL SONIC GAME?! AND IT’S ON THE WII U AND 3DS?! …I’m saving my money for a 3DS now.
So… Sonic Lost World. The screenshot is showing a lot of levels that resemble the levels taken out of Sonic 2. I’m excited to see what’s in store for the game.
Looks like a shitty version of Little Planet. It also looks like a Mario Game if you take Sonic out of the picture. Sorry, not buying this. WiiU is a really bad console with no new games on it. (New Mario? How long did it take you to come up with that, Nintendo?)
A new Halo, a new Killzone and heck, even a new Call of Duty is coming your way in a yearly clockwork fashion. Oh, also, a new Sonic.
Feel free to clarify on why the Wii U is terrible other than the fact most major games haven’t been released yet.
Great now bring us Mario & Sonic Kart racing or Mario & Sonic Party, the Olympics idea is overdone now!
Damn… I really hope that this partnership DOESN’T mean that all future Sonic games are exclusive to Nintendo. Then I guess that means unless I get a Wii U, Generations is going to be my last NEW game… Oh well. Hacks, fangames, and Taxman’s work will do for me…
Most of the people here are fanboys who don’t realize that all marketing dosen’t cater to thier needs. The Wii U is a very good console, with some new and amazing games going for it. The Xbox and PS3 still continue to have, like, 5. I don’t have a PS3, Xbox360, a Wii U, or an even decent gaming PC. But I’m still excited. Why? Because it’s a new Sonic game, that’s why. I did’nt get to play Sonic Generations for 2 years, and I literally just played the demo, but I still was extremely hyped for it even before release, and I just got Colors last week.
Hey, fanboys, learn to let new consoles get comfy and get used to the place, and don’t bash it the second a new game that isn’t on any other system comes on it.
Shut up dick head, not everyone has that Β£299 just to play one game, I’m not into Zelda or Mario and most the other titles I can get or have for my PC and PS3, I don’t have 300 quid to spend for the sake of 1 game.
Nice to see a new Sonic game in the works. That screenshot is very interesting too. It’s odd that half the planet seems to be missing…
Sonic Advance, Sonic Battle, Sonic Rush, Sonic Colors…Sega/Nintendo exclusives aren’t new. Quit yer gripen, eh!
Sonic Advance has been released on the Japanese Android Store and also on some other phone a few years ago. You were correct about the others though.
Testing unaccountable comment posting…
For all the Nintendo lovers, you are missing one big important fact: not everyone has a Wii U. I, and millions of other Sonic fans, simply do NOT have the money to go out and get a whole new system. I love Sonic. I really do, but money is extremely tight. I do good to get a Sonic game when it comes out. I played Sonic Colors and liked it, but I hated the controls. I have played a Wii U before and I hate the controller on it. I much prefer playing with a PS3 controller. Regardless of the success or failure of the Wii U, this is a bad move for Sega. Sega was just starting to get its act together and now they’re going to divide an already small and fractured fan base. Those of you who are optimistic about this are being unrealistic. There are a lot of folks without Wii U. Only some of those will be able to get a Wii U. That means less sales. Less sales is not good for Sega. What is not good for Sega is bad for Sonic. That is simple logic.
With the new consoles coming up at the end of the year, there’ll be a lot of people without the Playstation 4 and Xbox One. Because they’re coming so soon, they would rather make a Sonic game for those platforms than PS3 or Xbox 360.
If Sony or Microsoft had exclusive publishing rights, they’re not going to go with the lesser hardware. They’re going to work with what the target platform has to offer which is usually encouraged by the platform holders. Sega is still big enough for these guys to tell Sega to develop for their new game system in order to upsell people on new consoles.
Sonic is still relevant and powerful enough for the different platforms to use the blue blur to push new consoles.
So seriously, stop using this argument. You’re wrong.
I honestly thought SEGA would focus their “cartoony” Sonic games (A-la Colors) for Nintendo and the “Darker, Real Life” Sonic games (A-la Unleash) for Sony and Microsoft (Generations doesn’t count… it was a tribute game). It would make sense. Give the kid games to the kids and the Adult games to the Older Sonic fans. .-. everybody wins and SEGA makes money… (Not too Adult like, though… Shadow the Hedgehog was fun but, Meh).
SEGA does what Ninten-wait no
This is… Awesome!! But for Nintendo consoles?! I won’t buy those, especially wii u. Why? Because when I played CoD: Black Ops 2 for wii u, I wasn’t able to control the main character (because of the control pad), thus making it difficult to complete a mission. And it’s brother, Wii, made a bad era for Nintendo. I hope those Sonic games get poor sales!!