Shattering any sort of barrier from the 1990s, SEGA of America, SEGA Europe, Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe GmbH have announced that they will be partnering up to bring some major Sonic love to the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS over the coming years.
What does this mean overall? Nintendo is set to get three big Sonic titles exclusively to themselves, with two confirmed as the recently announced Sonic Lost World and Mario and Sonic at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. The third title has yet to be announced, but it would be hardly surprising if it was next year’s yearly big title.
This doesn’t mean non-Nintendo gamers are out of luck. Sonic will continue to appear on these, though it may only be through smaller digital titles, such as the recently released remastered Sonic 1 on iOS and Android.
I was so glad Nintendo was getting deeper and deeper in trouble for the past couple months… And now they do this. It’s like they don’t want to admit defeat and want to make me buy things I don’t want. Shameful.
I am honestly pretty darn psyched about this. While I’m not really caring that much about the new Olympics installment, Sonic: Lost World seems rather promising. Granted, there’s only a mere picture of it released, but considering Nintendo and Sega’s recent partnership, and with the great Sonic Colors and Generations titles, I can only expect something great out of this one. ^_^
xDDDDDD awww great finally going to win sonic mario lol
Aww man 🙁
I was saving up for a PS4/ new Xbox 😛
I do hear that Sonic games sell best on
Nintendo consoles (Stated by Hellfirecomms), ironically. Unfortunately, we’re stuck with another Olympic title. When’s our crossover-platformer rolling around?
I will die of laughter if Nintendo accidently ends up making Sonic more popular than Mario after these three games. Nintendo will be like, “DO’H!” 😀
Very pissed at the fact that it’s now exclusive. Not going to buy a Wii-U and/ or 3DS just to enjoy a single game. Screw Sega.
c’mon, man! Sonic on PC was doing so great! Why do this right now!
Did you miss the whole thing where Sega is going to focus heavily on digital distribution and had dropped most if not all of it’s retail distribution? If it weren’t for Nintendo, we would not be getting games like Bayonetta 2 at all.
Oh, and Generations on PC underperformed. C’est la vie.
Finally, a true partnership between SEGA and Nintendo. Sonic Lost Worlds sounds like an awesome title and M&S at the 2014 Winter Olympics looks beautiful on Wii U hardware. Definitely getting a 3DS for Lost Worlds.
Seriously? C’mon. What about us Xbox and Playstation people? I love sonic and I have an Xbox. seriously, Screw You, Nintendo.
First Bayonetta, now the blue blur himself.
They really want me to buy a wii u, while I really just want a pc.
Hate me all you want but I for one am happy I don’t have to buy too many consoles anymore to keep up with Sonic, plus Nintendo consoles always find their way to my house because of their exclusives!
Well, if Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, and Wind Waker HD weren’t already reason enough, I now officially know which next gen console I’m getting. Clever move, Nintendo, btw, choosing /now,/ on the cusp of PS4-XB720 launches, to drag Sonic fans to your side. You already had my vote, but this may be the tie-breaker for… what? Six people, maybe. More on-topic, this completely disproves the February rumor, and I couldn’t be happier.
guess its time to buy a wii u now…