If you’re headed out to Los Angeles for Sonic Boom next week, you’ve got your event tickets, your flight lined up, your travel copy of Sonic Colo(u)rs stowed away in your bag, but one question remains: how are you going to put up with being in one area with a ton of rabid Sonic fans?
The answer, of course, is cool people and booze.
Sonic Retro will be hosting a pre-Sonic Boom party at Blipsy Barcade, located in LA’s Korea Town about 10 minutes north of Club Nokia, where Sonic Boom is. The venue is 21+ only (sorry, underage folks) and features a variety of classic arcade cabinets mixed with a full bar—essentially, the perfect place for a Retro party. We’ll be meeting up at 4 p.m. to discuss the pressing subjects on the minds of Sonic fans: Generations, bad cosplayers, 100P lyrics (“you’re damn right, Knuckles!”), and the under-appreciation of 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. You know, the important things in life. Afterwards, we’ll head down to Club Nokia to attend Boom. Besides, as a Retro UK Barcade veteran, we Americans need to show the Brits how it’s done.
Blispy is located at:
369 N Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Hope to see you there!
And for you folks with 3DS gathering dust, bring them along so they can be marginally useful for a day.
Pokemon Black and White users apply as well.
Dang it, don’t have a ticket, don’t have a ride, have to work, and I really want to go! The only upside to this is that I’m only 2 hours away from Los Angeles…… Oh well, there’s always YouTube…… :c
Jesus Christ I want to go ;_;
I wish I could go but I am lacking in funds*, I’m giving my ticket away to some random person. (No one I know locally wants to go.) Hope all you guys at Retro have a blasting-fun time! Too bad I won’t be there to enjoy it with you guys. 🙂
(*It would cost around $500 just to go…)
Wait a minute, did you just say you are giving away your ticket? 8D
Yeah, heh. I asked Ruby if they (Sonicteam/Sega of America) could possibly return my ticket and allow someone else to go, Ruby kindly replied that I would be able to transfer the ticket. He also allowed me to pick the person I wanted to go so I just decided to make a post and have people just ask. I’ll randomly pick the Winner June 1st. If you want to enter just send up a PM on my Youtube account and you could have a chance to win. 🙂
Sounds good, although I may not have an ID by June 8 (my wallet got stolen, and my replacement ID isnt slated to come by then, I’ll have a passport but I don’t know if those are accepted there) It’ll be a fun night for sure 🙂
Ugh, it SUCKS being 19. I wouldn’t drink booze, ehh, shhh, Ima hunting on YouTube.
Take pictures! I wanna see what retro goers look like…
Like nerds. Except me.
Like Slingerland. Except not.
Man that sucks.. I’m one of the underage retro Sonic fans..
Ill consider it, but i dont drink.
Im 22.
Ill see you guys at sonic boom though!
Fucking hell. I was all set to attend this thing, and then my goddamn car gets totaled :/
Where are you located?
I’m in southern Utah, about 7 hours from LA.
I’m driving in from San Antonio on I-10 W and would be willing to pick up anybody who needs a ride as long as they’re located on the way there. I may be able to deviate, within limit of course.
I’m only 19. :/
Yeah turns out im probably going, and I know everyone will want my autograph because im the creator of the sonic fan film “Mecha Island”