If you’re headed out to Los Angeles for Sonic Boom next week, you’ve got your event tickets, your flight lined up, your travel copy of Sonic Colo(u)rs stowed away in your bag, but one question remains: how are you going to put up with being in one area with a ton of rabid Sonic fans?
The answer, of course, is cool people and booze.
Sonic Retro will be hosting a pre-Sonic Boom party at Blipsy Barcade, located in LA’s Korea Town about 10 minutes north of Club Nokia, where Sonic Boom is. The venue is 21+ only (sorry, underage folks) and features a variety of classic arcade cabinets mixed with a full bar—essentially, the perfect place for a Retro party. We’ll be meeting up at 4 p.m. to discuss the pressing subjects on the minds of Sonic fans: Generations, bad cosplayers, 100P lyrics (“you’re damn right, Knuckles!”), and the under-appreciation of 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. You know, the important things in life. Afterwards, we’ll head down to Club Nokia to attend Boom. Besides, as a Retro UK Barcade veteran, we Americans need to show the Brits how it’s done.
Blispy is located at:
369 N Western Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Hope to see you there!