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We’re kicking off our live stream of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. We’ll be playing on the Wii U, 360 and PS3 (In that order) as well as do our usual pre-game show antics before the race starts.
Man I wish I could join too, but I don’t have xbox live gold. 🙁
/= I had work from 5-9. I am really disappointed because I didn’t want to miss out this time either (I missed out on the one in mid December too.) *sigh* Is the Retro Community going to do this again next month, by any chance? If so, could I get a date for it so I know what day to ask off? I need to request off 2 weeks (or more) in advance, lest they ignore my request.
Very likely we’ll be doing this again, and hopefully with a bit more Wii U representation! 360 and PS3 turnout was excellent.
Stay tuned, these aren’t done by a long shot.
I feel your pain. I was in school when this was happening..
Wait today! WHAT! I WAS so ready and I didn’t know! CRUD!
This is the RESON why I got the game in the first PLACE! Please tell me there’ll be another! Very soon! And not between the hours of 8 and 4 Mon-Fri!
I’m so dissapointed I didn’t get to join.
I for one, certainly hope it happens again with more Wii U players.