What’s this? Something about Sonic Generations that’s not a rumor? It’s an announcement of an announcement, but we’ll take it anyway.
By way of Spanish-site Sonic Paradise, the official Japanese site Sonic Channel has posted that there will be a massive information dump on the site about Sonic Generations. But that’s not all.
If the prospect of even more Sonic Generations videos and photos isn’t enough, Sega is teasing an extra special secret surprise to be released with all that information. It’s unknown if it’s another Sonic game announcement, a release date for the demo, or even confirmation of Generations popping up on some sort of Nintendo console.
Watch and wait as always, but when Sega drops the bomb, we’ll definitely bring the fallout to you.
Somehow, I’ll still be more interested in that 62391 link when that date rolls around than whatever Sega’s doing.
What’s with those eyes!
A derp, duh
i wonder what could it be 😀
I really hope it’s the demo!
Well, if the announcement is June 23rd, I think it’s safe to say it’s NOT the Nintendo-related announcement as Nintendo Power has strongly hinted they will be making that reveal themselves later this month.
Yay sega is better then capcom now. XD
It’s the date they reveal that after Sonic Generations they will officially STOP MAKING SONIC GAMES AND HAND THE SERIES OVER TO SONIC RETRO.
Or so you all wish.
Nah. We’d just blow all the game development funding on parties and buying obscenely expensive cars.
LOL, You act like Sonic Retro would actually do better than Sega. Sure they can make a rom hack of an already successful engine, but how well would they do on marketing, advertisement, and story development?
Anyway, back to the topic… Anyone else getting tired of these announcement of an announcement? Seriously! Just tell us when it’s like a week away!
Maybe a reveal of the levels included in the game?
Three words: Hidden. Palace. Zone.
I lol’d hard at Modern Sonic’s facial expression