Not one to be left out of the free publicity, Mario and Sonic pose with the kissing couple. By Blazing Tails
Well, this actually went better than I had anticipated!
Just for all of you to have some fun and get a few laughs (and cheap plug time!) we asked you, beloved readers, to take a crack at Mario and Sonic gate crashing the wedding of the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
And with two solid entries, the mission was accomplished!
Congratulations to Blazing Tails and HSX for two rather amusing entries and for answering the call. We weren’t looking for an absolute excellence in photoshop or GIMP, but these two are quite solid!
Stay tuned for another Photoshop Friday, as you may see another one if and when we get a subject!
My only critique to Blazing Tails would be that Mario’s stomach has some odd red pixels around the little girl’s elbow, but other than that a pretty nice shop :3
Thanks, HSX, I didn’t even notice the random left over pixels. The little girl was overlapping the red jacket in the original photo, so I had to move her over to make room for Mario- I suppose I forgot to clean up her arm afterwards! XP
I gotta make one right away! XD
I love how the girl standing next to Mario is all “OMG IT’S MARIO” and the one standing next to Sonic is throwing a fit.
That just shows you the status that these guys currently have in the gaming world. 😛
Um. You do you realize the second image is from when Charles and Diana got married in the 80’s, right?
I *said* I didn’t know if that was the right one. I’m a dumb American, sue me for not knowing British history |D But in any case, I made that when I was tired anyway so whatever.
They said the Royal Wedding. They never said which one.
On the plus side, Mario and Sonic time traveled back to 1983. It’s like a Bill and Ted movie now.
Gotta love those time stones.
Or Chaos Emeralds for those who still think that monstrosity of a story exists.