Slingerland is away this week, as he’s too busy being awesome or something. In the meanwhile, we still need some Monday Links, so let’s go!
Sonic Retro News
- Perfect Chaos Zero responds to a thread of old fan game nostalgia by…dropping hundreds of old, forgotten fan games on us for download. [Sonic Fan Games (The older ones)]
- FraGag released a port of the KENS compression/decompression libraries to C# for use on the SVN. S2LVL just got even more awesome. [KENSSharp]
- Another week, another art tease from the Sonic 2 HD team. This time around, we get a look at the Tails design. [Sonic 2 HD General Project Feedback]
Sonic/SEGA News
- The annoying Asteroid Coaster Act 2 is made…less annoying with this walkthrough [SEGA Blogs]
- Phantasy Star Online 2‘s specs have been released; alpha registration is available for select groups. [SEGAbits]
- Activision and SEGA team up to make Wappy, a robotic dog that interfaces with the Nintendo DS. [CNET]
- Editor E-102 has been working pretty diligently this week to document what Wave Master musician composed what tracks from various Sega games. [SEGA Retro]
Other Stuff
- Troll dads are the best dads: in this case, with a two-story snowman. [Reddit]
- “Spent”: Because playing how broke you are really isn’t all that fun. [Urban Ministries of Durham]
- Maniacal baby goes on destructive rampage, Internet falls in love. [The Awl]
Monday Video
docfuture (of Sonic 1 Easy Mode fame) is back to remind us just how many black people were on Friends.
Can’t see the video for some reason, if it’s supposed to be embedded.
Might want to click the link. :/
Will docfuture return to make more sonic easy mode and like so commentary videos? Hes my hero XD
I’ll be honest. Slingerland bugs me. I’m happy someone posted a Monday links that didn’t say one bad thing about sega. He really bags on them and the fans. He’s become a face of Sonic Retro and it’s turning me and several people I know away from the site. There’s nothing wrong with people being enthusiasts of a voice actor, and I’m pretty sure he was the dick that made “drummond4ever” or something that made fun of anyone who thinks voice acting is important. In the 90’s it wasn’t important because of expectations and limitations. He can give some respect to other people for once. It won’t hurt him a bit. I want a return of old school sonic as much as him but I’m not complaining when a new 3D game comes out. I like grinding, and I love speedrunning. Isn’t sonic supposed to be cool? Well in new sonic’s case, grinding looks cool. Thanks for the links Scarred-Sun
If making light of the more extreme behavior patterns of the fandom is something that drives you away from the site, perhaps Sonic Retro isn’t for you. We don’t pull punches because we don’t see the point in doing so.
The only real reason to get offended by parody and light-hearted humor is if you exhibit those behaviors. If you don’t, then you should have nothing to worry about. We’re not going to start targeting you because you give a shit about voice acting. We think it’s silly when 50 page topics rage on about how Ryan Drummond needs to come back because he’s the only “true” Sonic or whatever bullshit subjective crap, so we make fun of it.
If you exercise reason and logic in how you express your own opinions, then congratulations–you’re one of the more level-headed people in this community. You’re not the people we’re making fun of. You’re not the reason we have to screen every single membership on our forums. You’re a cool dude.
I’ll be honest. Slingerland is awesome. When he says bad things about Sega or one of it’s games it only hurts because it’s true. When he says something good about a game it carries a lot more weight than some other opinions because I know Slingerland values a game which is fun. Because of this I am sure he draws in myself and “several other” anonymous people to the site. I respect your opinion on rail grinding, but also respectfully remind you that Sonic used to have several paths to explore in a level rather than 3 rails to choose from. Cheers!
I really enjoy these Monday links every week.
Well, KENSSharp currently only supports Kosinski compression, so S2LVL is only 1/3 of the way to working on Linux.