Fan Works, Miscellaneous, Music

Something For The Weekend: Sonic After The Sequel Weekend Extravaganza

So the weekend rolls around again and finally (at least if you’re a 9-5 worker in the UK), you can afford to put your feet up, crack open a beverage of choice and enjoy yourself for a couple of days.

After the success we enjoyed last week with the Sonic Generations stream – well, popularity-wise, anyway; gameplay-wise, I wasn’t particularly successful but hey, I’m out of practice and it’s something to work on – we’ve decided another stream might be a good idea for a weekend event again. In lieu of this, and combined with the fact that the creator behind popular fangames Sonic BTS and ATS LakeFeperd has announced a kickstarter for his new, original project named Spark The Electric Jester, we decided a stream of Sonic After The Sequel could be a great idea.

Don’t panic – it’s not tonight, so you have time to plan ahead if you were particularly interested in seeing the game played. We’re going to kick things off tomorrow (Saturday 1st August) at 8pm BST/3pm EST/12pm PST.

The stream will be hosted over at

Of course, I don’t want to leave you high and dry for your Friday night so have some tunes directly from the game, neatly featured in a soundtrack playlist for your listening pleasure.

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  • Reply

    I must be the only one that doesn’t care for these fangames. While yes they’re really well made, I get this pretentious Sonic-Cult “I know better than Sega” vibe from it. It puts a bad taste in my mouth to be honest. As if this wasn’t made out of love for the franchise but rather “They’re idiots, I’ll show ’em.”

    • Reply

      I don’t really get this criticism. Where are you getting this vibe from?
      I’m trying to elaborate my comment and challenge your viewpoint but you’ve left me so little to go on I can’t really see where you’re coming from.

      • Reply

        Most fangames for their respective franchises work off the conventions of what the official games ARE. But this instead seems to work off of “what Sonic games SHOULD be”.

        • Reply

          Can’t say I blame the team. Sonic Team’s struggled to make a good game for quite a few years. They can’t even nail down an identity for the brand without rebooting it. I attribute to Iizuka having a phobia of the brand “growing stale” and changing the gameplay up, and thus screwing things up further.
          Guy may have love for the franchise, but someone needs to slap his hand every so often because he makes some really stupid decisions.

    • Reply

      That’s not true at all. He said many times that this is because he loves the francise and it’s not to spite them. He even told the people who said these games were better then sega’s games to stop saying that.

    • Reply

      I understand where you come from with the “better than SEGA vibe.” It just comes with a 2D Sonic built with modern technologies. Most of what is now in fangames may not have been possible on Genesis (maybe they are, I can’t code so :p) I accept your opinion that you don’t like the fan games and I am not dissing what you believe. I just think it is pretentious to judge a game by it’s origin. SEGA didn’t make it, so someone musn’t of cared about making it for the Sonic Fanbase, that’s what I got out of the comment you made.

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