Japanese video site NicoNico Douga is often known for its…really Japanese videos, and this clip of various Sonic characters, uploaded on YouTube, is no exception. I’ve caught a couple of Touhou references–and check the Sonic Rank Pyramid at 0:48–but beyond that it really doesn’t make sense. Watch and enjoy being equally intrigued and confused. [via]
Fan Works
Mighty below Big the damn cat? wtf. Mighty is awesome!
Yeah I don’t care how Sega feels about him today but Mighty is and will always be a Chaotix and should not be treated otherwise. Bullshit.
that video is very old … Here is a version with subtitles
This is awesome. Perhaps too awesome.
I remember watching this…. 4 years ago = |
Oh gawd. I don’t know what to say to this.
Exept, er… That is the most akwardly awesome thing in the history of forever.
It’s Nico Nico. When did it have to make any sense? XD
No, but seriously, this video has been around for quite a while. I used to have it on my phone because it was cute >.>;;
nice boat.
The rank pyramid was hilarious. I caught some Touhou references too (the ⑨’s gave it away). Apparently it is a parody of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4kSkkiPL98
There are a couple of other ones floating around, too. Suprisingly, no Mario or Mega Man ones though.
I’m pretty sure someone on DeviantART made that.
Why did I watch the whole thing? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…?
Man the Japanese can be…REALLY…Weird sometimes… O.o
But hell, there randomness and weirdness is what has made the Anime and Video Game world turn for the past 40 years or so. So I can’t complain I suppose. -_-
Yup, the original artist of this video is Ina-san and she has a DA account: http://inano2009.deviantart.com
She’s amazing 😀
Wow, that was better than Sonic 06, The Unleashed Werehog Levels, and Sonic X combined!
Sorry for the double-post, but I find it strange how Shadow and Silver are now considered more important characters than Tails. It makes no sense! At least Sally got 5 seconds in the spotlight! (I’m not a Sally nut, I just like it when people remember SatAM).
Hmm, very queer… yes, very queer indeed.
what the hell did I just watch?
O.o …What the hell?! I need that translated.
I thought Sonic Retro was serious (judging from the previous news entry) until I read this.
Nice going.
0_o wow that was crazy! Japan is the weirdest country of all =/