Chances are that if you played some video games this past weekend, that you were playing Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. And if you did, chances are that you noticed that Sonic’s taunt is not nearly as fun to use as it used to be. No longer does Sonic annoy other played by saying “You’re too slow!” or “C’mon, step it up!”, instead he just says “Sonic Speed!” or “C’mon!”. Sadly this isn’t nearly as satisfying to use.
So it’s a good thing that Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles is there his incredibly British voice. He’ll shout “I’m really feeling it!” or “Now it’s Shulk time!” when taunting, which really fills in the gap Sonic’s lack of satisfying voice lines left. He can also say “This is the Monado’s power!”, but I don’t think that’s quite as satisfying to use as his other two taunts. Also, one of Shulks alternate costumes is him wearing nothing but his undies. Basically my point is: everyone should be maining Shulk instead of Sonic.
Oh right, this article is supposed to have links in it. They’re all after the jump cause oh god there are so many.
Retro News:
- David’s latest How Archie Played The Games article is about the SegaSonic the Hedgehog adaptation [Featuring a gender-bended Fang the Sniper]
- MarkeyJester has released the alpha of his homebrew game The Chaos Layer as he has stopped working on Mega Drive stuff [May as well release it if you’re not gonna work on it anymore, I guess]
- Azukara has started work again on his fangame Sonic World Runner [Also he’s looking for help]
- Oh hey MarkeyJester also released a different Sonic hack and [wait what]
- InvisibleUp ripped the models from Sonic R and put them on the internet [Including derpy looking Metal Sonic]
SEGAbits News:
- Barry describes what his experience at the Sonic Boom event was like [Also there’s a video for if you don’t like this reading thing you’re doing right now]
- A new episode of the Swingin’ Report Show has been released, this one being about Phantasy Star Online [Featuring Susan Arendt & James Mielke]
- The SEGAbits writers say what they would want to have in a HD version of Shenmue [I am very disappointed by how nobody wants more forklifts]
- Also here’s a review of Shenmue by Ben [Wait what do you mean Shenmue isn’t a forklift simulator?]
- My Life With SEGA takes a look at Revolution X for the SEGA Saturn [It’s an on-rails shooter featuring Aerosmith, enough said]
- This is Saturn meanwhile looks at Sonic Team’s Burning Rangers [They are Burning Rangers go!]
Sonic/SEGA News:
- The Sonic Boom TV show that’ll premier next month continues to look good in this new trailer [And Eggman continues to be the best character in the entire franchise]
- The Sonic Boom games, Rise of Lyric and Shattered Crystal, continue to look about as good as they always have [Also Shadow gets kicked in the face]
- SEGA Networks will launch a crowdfunding service on which games could use SEGA IPs [Does this mean that someone might make a new Clockwork Knight game?]
- Reviews for Alien: Isolation are out there now and it looks like we finally have a good Alien horror game [Well, according to the majority of the reviews anyway]
- Hulk Hogan is in Crazy Taxi: City Rush now [I have nothing to add to that]
- Want to see more of Yakuza Zero? Here’s a fifteen minute long trailer [Any game who has as guy with an eyepatch is a good game probably]
- There’s going to be a physical SEGA 3D Classics collection [Also it has a cool box-art by Ken Sugimori]
- Pier Solar HD has been released on Steam, PS3, PS4 and Ouya [You’ll have to wait a bit longer for the Dreamcast version]
- Total War: Atilla was announced at EGX London [I really can’t take that guy in the trailer seriously when he has that accent]
Other Stuff:
- Disney just suddenly dumped a lot of their games on Steam including Pure, Split/Second and Epic Mickey 2 [Definitely get Pure when it’s not so much pricier than the console versions]
- Book 4 of The Legend of Korra started and continues its streak from Book 3 of actually being pretty good [You know instead of being like Book 2]
- There’s this game on Kickstarter called Battle Chef Brigade that’s an action game in which you’re a chef [Also it has nice looking 2D animation]
Video of the Week
Knuckles is Knuckles,now Knuckles will crack his knuckles and give a knuckles knuckles…
At least Sonic was buffed I think.
That Video, WUT O_o