Sonic Stadium noticed on a job listing on LinkedIn for SEGA Hardlight that they are developing a new iOS game titled Sonic Dash. Hardlight has previously worked on Sonic Jump for iOS/Android and the PC version of Viking: Battle for Asgard. The job listing also says that they are working on both new IP and existing SEGA IP (such as Sonic). SEGA has already altered the job listing to remove any mention of Sonic Dash, but Sonic Stadium had screen capped before they removed it.
Going by the name, I think it’s safe to assume that this game will be in the style of endless runners like Canabalt and Temple Run (Which totally copied Sonic and the Secret Rings), or something level-based like Rayman: Jungle Run. Anyway, it seems like the drought of upcoming Sonic games that we know of is finally over!
[Source: Sonic Stadium]
I’d prefer something level-based. Runners are fine and all, just not what I want out of a Sonic game on my phone.
Though for that matter, I don’t really care to be playing Sonic games on my phone anyway. C’mon, Sega, loosen those lips and give us some main-series news!
Very interesting…..
Seems like Hardlight is to the iOS as Dimps is to handhelds, hmm?
We’re still doing this, huh?
In before Sonic and the Secret Rings totally copied Pepsi-Man on PS1!
I’m all for a Sonic endless runner, but if hope it’s more complex than Temple run. A level based game would also be cool, but I hate using touchscreen buttons.
What I really want to see is a Sonic Team, NOT DIMPS, developed game on PS Vita or 3DS (preferably the former)
Drought? Didn’t Sonic jump come out just a little while ago? And what about Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed?