Since the unveiling of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2, Sega has been extremely careful to point out how the latest installment in the “Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Saga” has improved over its predecessor, and that they have been listening. From the physics to the art style to the implementation of new ideas, it is clear that the people behind the game are trying more than they did the first go-round. Sure, you can argue for hours on end if they have been succeeding, but regardless, there is one component of the game that has, until now, been missing from public scrutiny. I am talking, of course, about the original soundtrack to the game. There’s no need to repeat the jokes hurled at Episode 1‘s final score, but people have been wondering what sort of instrumentation the next episode would contain. Would it be a repeat of Episode 1, would it be something much closer to the classic Mega Drive sound, or would it attempt to be a bit more high definition? While bits and pieces could be heard over convention noise during the last time a playable build was available to the public, YouTube channel WounChannel have upload yet another runthrough of the beginning to Sylvania Castle, this time with no ambient noise of excited cell phone enthusiasts.
There you have it, the music to Act 1 of Sylvania Castle. While it might not be the huge change some people were hoping for, at the very least it clues us in as to how the rest of the game should be sounding.
Wow, I know the instrumentation isn’t much better, but it sounds amazing to me! Similar to mad gear IMO.
It’s not bad, but it’s too upbeat for an ancient ruins level.
But it’s much better than the music from Episode 1.
well, i didnt like episode 1’s sound track. lets hope this time they do better.
I actually really like this! This sounds nice, even if the cats dying are still sort of the main instrument.
This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I like it. I think it’s catchy and a huge improvement over last episodes music. It has layers and the synth doesn’t sound like a dying cat anymore, imo.
It couldn’t be so different, because it’s just another Episode of the same game… theorically.
Either way, I don’t like the music, you get enough of it in the first minute… as well as Splash Hill’s song.
This junk is the same instrumentation as Episode One. I can’t believe how RETARD Iizuka can be.
Somebody should stop this from being released… Seriously… This is atrocious.
A definite improvement to say the least.
it seems too errrrr plain, aquatic ruin or marble garden zone’s style would fit better, but this isall opinion of course
No sir, I don’t like it.
I definitely will not be buying this…
I was more interested in watching the physics instead of the music. Seriously, it looks just as horrible as the first episode. Is it really that hard to replicate original style physics/music? Its pretty sad when a team of independent developers (S2HD Team) can show up Sonic Team, a so called “professional” group of programmers. (Good job on S2HD, BTW.) Iizuka needs to be stopped.
This music is pretty good, I like how they are still using the old instruments, but in a new way…and what’s with people not getting a game because of MUSIC? Just mute the dang thing if it bothers you so much.
… Think I’d rather have the music switched off and play my Sonic Cd album instead. But I doubt I’ll be getting this anyway.
Sounds fairly soulless. And the gameplay doesn’t look like it’s had any improvements.
I can’t hear it clearly enough to tell if there are subtle improvements in the overall instrumentation or not, but what I can hear sounds like Episode 1 fare. It’s also too short a clip to say whether the problem of BREVITY has been answered yet.
But if the music sucks, I can cover it up with Custom Soundtracks. That’s the least of Episode 1’s problems, I say. The big things are the gameplay, the stage concepts, and the graphics–all of which seem to have been improved to at least an acceptable level.
*saw the graphics first* Hmm… Good…
*gameplay later* Interesting.
*gave a look at the physics* Hey! It’s doing great!
*then I listened that music* … It’s not SEGA that doesn’t learn. It’s myself…
But, yeah, I still have some hope. That’s not in high-quality loud-volume after all.
Other than the outrageous amounts of springs and boosters I say this looks alright?
Guys, can we get this reply thing fixed on the site? Unless it’s just Firefox, but still. I can’t see half of what I’m typing when I want to reply to someone on here. I imagine it’d be an easy enough fix through word press.
Horrid generic music doesn’t fit castle theme. Sounds like someone just mashing keys on a midi keyboard during an autoplay demo song. With oddly enough luck to have it sound like its a “song” and not clashing noise. Just one step higher than that for sure.
Well, I was expecting more, BUT this is an amazing improvement. There’s some actual /life/ being plugged into this song. And, if the same pattern as Episode 1 holds true, this is lower caliber than the best the game has to offer (I can’t wait to hear that Oil Ocean -esque zone!) Dying cats or not, this screams effort far more than the original!
I thought they learned after Episode 1 that this new instrumentation sucks! Sonic CD had realistic music and that was a 2D game, what’s the excuse for this music that clearly takes repetetive vibes from Splash Hill?
I was so excited for the music but this has just put a hammer through the excitement. I now dread the other acts, White Park, that oil level as well as any other level or boss which has the misfortune to rest under this awful music…
The first thing I noticed is that the Spindash sounds are reversed. When Sonic rolls into a ball while moving, he makes the sound that should be used for revving up the spindash, & vice versa.
not bad. honestly, the only thing wrong with Episode 1’s music was the presentation/synth voices. The actual writing was lovely.
It’s not very memorable to say the least, and it really doesn’t suit an ancient ruins level. The drums are really bad though. I didn’t really mind the style of Episode 1, apart from those horrible synthesised drums.
Ew. The music doesn’t fit ANYTHING, really. Not the level, not the games’ atmosphere, and not the 7th generation. The instruments still sound stupid.
Sounds like someone just mashing keys on a midi keyboard during an autoplay demo song. With oddly enough luck to have it sound like its a “song” and not clashing noise. Just one step higher than that for sure. [2]
its such an unfitting song…… im sorry…… i just…… idk…… losing faith i guess.
So in this video we get:
Synthesiser overload with even less of a catchy theme than Splash Hill,
Spring bouncing auto-tour, now in even more unnecessary places.
Return of Bubbles badnik chaining.
Booster pads preventing you from staying still.
They need to stop play-testing these games on 5-year olds or retards that never touched a controller before.
Yay more dying cats!
Not the best thing, but I like it a lot more than Ep 1 music.
I was told this stage would have a remix of Bloody Tears, I am disapoint, with all seriousness though it is a nice song – just so you don’t walk away empty handed
The physics appear to be just as broken. 🙁