While Mega64 have done sketches about Sonic, they have never represented him in one of their traditional videos where they act like videogame character and do crazy stuff in public. That is, until now:
Derek has donned a Sonic costume and ran through Las Vegas Casino Night Zone while disturbing many random people that happen to pass by. Mega64 mostly do sketches these days, so it’s always nice see them do a video like this once in a while. Also be sure to watch their Minecraft video.
I’d rather get videos where they talk to people and go inside fast food restaurants until they’re thrown out.
Then again, it’s sonic. What else would he do.
awesome, an overweight bearded man running aroung in a poorly made suit that resembles a video game character.
This is the reason why I didn’t commit suicide yet.
I do not like Mega64. They are extremely awkward.
Weird thing is that the result screen expected him to die.
Corpse bonus, roflmao.
Imagine this with the new Sonic Boom cover. It makes this a little more epic than it is. I loved it when the old ladies yelled. 😀
That made my day. XD
“Easy on the rape” *everyone laughs* …did I miss the joke?
that’s the point
I would get a Tails costume and follow him around
Ever been to Vegas? 90% of the people on the street are hammered.
I was expecting him to hit a lamp post.