Daily Archives

November 23, 2011

Fan Works

Ever Wanted To Paint Your Face Like Sonic?

Of course you have!

Though it may not be Halloween again until next year, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I’m certain that more than one person is going to be in the crowd for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for one simple reason: to see Sonic the Hedgehog once more along the New York Skyline. So what better way to show that you’re a Sonic the Hedgehog fan than to paint your face in the visage of the blue blur himself?

YouTube user dannylynnforever, who apparently does this sort of thing a lot, has made a tutorial as to how even you can paint your face to look like Sonic the Hedgehog. Sure, it might look a bit…well, scary at first, but that’s only because we all remember what happened the last time Sonic had human proportions. I must wonder, however, what ol’ Danny Lynn did after she painted her face. Did she just wash it off, or did she wander the streets of Australia to see what people would say back to her?

If anyone gets the urge to paint their face this way, be sure to send the results to [email protected] and just maybe we’ll make another post about it. Because who doesn’t love people pretending they are a blue hedgehog.


Mega64 Go To Casino Night Zone

While Mega64 have done sketches about Sonic, they have never represented him in one of their traditional videos where they act like videogame character and do crazy stuff in public. That is, until now:

Derek has donned a Sonic costume and ran through Las Vegas Casino Night Zone while disturbing many random people that happen to pass by. Mega64 mostly do sketches these days, so it’s always nice see them do a video like this once in a while. Also be sure to watch their Minecraft video.