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Community, Site News

Sonic Unleashed Preview Build Released

Sonic Unleashed is seen as one of the biggest 3D entries in the history of Sonic. Whether you like the werehog or not, it brought a massive overhaul to the game design philosophy of Sonic working in the third dimension. The beautiful environments based on real-life locations, fast gameplay and a unique lighting engine all housed under the “Hedgehog Engine” helped achieve a major milestone for fast-paced 3D platformers. Fast forward towards the end of the downer year that is 2016, it has brought us one thing that can shed some meaningful insight on the development of Sonic Unleashed; the release of an Xbox 360 preview build.

At least, the first disk.

Forum user N!NJA released the build two days ago and already there has been several discoveries thanks to the efforts of others data mining information, uploading screenshots, videos and more. In addition the build also comes with debugging tools that highlights NPC and enemy behavior status, camera direction and gameplay control modifiers. While you can run the build on a modified Xbox 360 console, it is recommended to use a dev kit as you may run into crashes forcing you to shut down the console.
Some of the notable differences include…

  • 60fps! …but not very stable, lots of screen tearing and drops
  • Unused level and object layouts
  • Placeholder graphics
  • Old menu system seen in early E3 previews
  • Old GUI, especially for the Sonic the Werehog stages
  • …and more!

N!NJA promises to release builds for other Sonic titles in the near future. If you want a quick look at the preview build, hit the jump to check out some links! Stay up to date with the discoveries thread to see what all has been unearthed from the preview build thus far or take a look at the build for yourself in the discussion thread.
[Source: Sonic Retro Forums]
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Fan Works, Hacking

New Sonic Megamix Build Released, Sort Of, Not Really

If you’ve been looking up what the hell is up with Sonic Megamix, you might have noticed that there’s a leaked “5.0” build out there. Because of it getting more popular, Stealth and the team have decided to just put it out there themselves. They don’t recommend anyone to actually play it though, because this build is unfinished, buggy and very outdated. You can find Stealth’s complete post about this after the jump along with a download link to build “5.0a”. Just be sure to read his post before you consider downloading it.
If you want a glimpse of the current build, Stealth also released a new video of it which can be seen above.
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Community, Fan Works, Hacking, Podcasts, Site News

SEGA Channel Retro: Windy Valley Mod for SADX, Featuring CorvidDude

The live show is already over, but you can check out the archived stream above as well as more content below!
This week’s live show on SEGA Channel Retro is a tour through the Windy Valley Beta Mod that was released recently for Sonic Adventure DX. We’ll also have CorvidDude, the author of the mod bringing his insight on restoring the level from the AutoDemo.
If you want to check out the mod for yourself, you can hop over to CorvidDude’s YouTube channel and check the links in the description of this video.
I’m joined by Overlord, GeneHF and OverlyEquippedin our little venture as we also check out the latest Sonic title, Sonic Jump Fever as well as catch up with Sonic Dash with Andronic. Also say hello to me as I try to roll eggs with Billy Hatcher in SEGA Superstars. Finally I take a blind look at Atlus and ACE Team’s latest offering, Abyss Odyssey.
Sonic Adventure DX: Windy Valley Restoration Mod with CorvidDude [Twitch] [YouTube]
Sonic Jump Fever, Sonic Dash, SEGA Superstars [Twitch]
Abyss Odyssey [Twitch] [YouTube]

Animation, Community, Fan Works, Game News, Miscellaneous, Sega Retro, Site News

Monday Links: Suddenly Fingers Edition

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, and by that I mean not go to Sonic-related websites in the past few days, you know that Eddie Lebron released his Sonic fan film last week. And if you’ve seen you’ll probably think that it’s impressive for a low-budget fan project or that it’s crap. Or you actually have a different opinion than the majority of the internet, but that’d just be silly. Anyway monday links.

Sonic Retro News

  • Missed the community stream we did last Friday? It’s fully archived on Youtube along with a first look stream we did a while back. [Youtube]
  • Dario released a new version of SonicGMI for Sonic Generations. [SonicGMI]
  • Something that I missed last week, Mercury is working on a Sonic engine for in Game Maker called AeStHete (An excellent Sonic the Hedgehog engine that’s editable). [AeStHete Engine Thread]

Sonic/SEGA News

  • The first details on the PC version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed got revealed and the game is up for pre-purchased on services like Steam. [ASRT PC]
  • Planning on getting Aliens: Colonial Marines for PC? You’ll probably want to know the system requirements. Also like All-Stars Racing Transformed, it can now be pre-purchased from Steam. [AVPGalaxy]
  • SEGA also released a TV Commercial for Aliens: CM. [Youtube]
  • The Conduit is coming to Android and will be optimized for Nvidia’s Project Shield.  [Polygon]

Other Stuff

  • Want another Jurassic Park movie? No? Well you’re probably going to watch this new sequel that’s in production anyway. [Coming Soon]
  • CD Projekt, makers of the The Witcher games showed the first teaser trailer for their upcoming game Cyberpunk 2077. [Youtube]
  • Joe Biden talked to some video game industry people because apparently people still blame school shootings on games, because I’m certain that other things like the media have no affect on things like that. [Youtube]

Video of the Week

  • The best dubstep singer yet

Community, Fan Works, Hacking, Site News

Retro Stream at 4PM Central Featuring the Unleashed-to-Generations Mod

Watch live video from vidyaretro on

We’ve got one more surprise stream for you all before the end of the new year. We will be joined by Chimera of the Unleashed to Generations conversion team checking out one of the levels and will be able to take your questions.

Check back at 4PM Central (That’s less than an hour if you’re just reading this!) and come join us!

UPDATE: The stream is over, if you missed it you can still watch it archived (cut into lots of parts due to connection problems) here on our Twitch channel.


Sonic 2 XL? More like Sonic 2 ~Extra Awesome~

Every so often a hack of a Sonic game will come along where there’s just a minor change to gameplay mechanics, but a whole new, enjoyable game is made from the result: Sonic 1 Return to the Origin, Sonic 3D: No Flickies, Sonic 1: Bouncy Edition, etc. Then, friends, there are times when a minor change will make a game more awesome.

Captain Bozo and Ranger on the forums have done just that with Sonic 2 XL, a simple hack of Sonic 2 where the game’s standard rings are replaced with…onion rings. Hilarity ensues.

You can download Sonic 2 XL at its Sonic Retro wiki page or visit the hack’s thread on the forums for more information.

Game Secrets, Hacking

More Tails Remnants Found in Chaotix

Forum member and resident wiki sysop Andlabs has been very busy tearing through the Knuckles’ Chaotix ROM recently for the sake of documenting its internals entirely. Among the oodles of information he’s uncovered, though, one particular find stands out…

It’s Tails in the Tornado! It’s been known that Sonic and Tails had leftovers in prototype builds of Chaotix, but something of this caliber has never been seen before. Big props to Andlabs for the find!

Check out the forum topic here.
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