After getting a sneak peek during a Nintendo Direct earlier this month, we now have our first full look at some Classic Sonic gameplay in Sonic Forces. And yes, it’s Green Hill Zone again. Though now it’s no longer much of a tropical island and more a grassy field in a desert. Also it has all new music rather than another Green Hill remix, so that’s something.
Forces will also feature Modern Sonic, who’ll play similarly to how he played in Sonic Generations. Plus there will be a third gameplay style featuring the new character that was teased earlier this month.
Game News
Getting some Splash Hill vibes from the music theme.
Overall this has me really excited. The grass/shading looks gorgeous, and Sonic’s screen ratio looks to be fixed so that you always see whats ahead of you.
The level design looks top notch as well, a step above Generations from what I’ve seen.
Beginning of the level had me a little worried, just moving in one direction with the odd enemy looking pretty barren. Picked up toward the end though. Suppose it’s only supposed to be the first level so it works. Shame they’re still hiding in the Green Hill comfort zone though, replace the GHZ elements with a more deserty theme and it’d work just fine.
Also the music was a little grating not gonna lie. Could do with lowering it by an octave or two.
This song is stuck on power sneakers.
Oh my, is that terrible music composed by Jun Senoue again? Getting some hard Sonic 4 vibes. When he tries to go ‘retro’ on his compositions they always come out like crap.
Hopefully I’m wrong tho, but in my opinion that track really sounds bad.
It’s Tomoya Ohtani. The guy behind Sonic Runners and Unleashed
Best Green Hill Music in a long time
Oh no please, not that shitty retro Sonic Generations gameplay again… I can see on this video it’s exactly the same. 😞 So now the only next Sonic I’m waiting is Mania.
I want to call this Green hill “Dusty Green Hill Zone” or “Green Desert Hill Zone” because the regulary Green Hill is different and I don’t like call two Zones different with the same name. And because i like really much it.
And I noticed the Spring-jumping animation is changed.
I don’t think is this the Final song because it’s really nosense for this zone. Ugly
Can someone please explain to me how the choppers are jumping like they are coming out of water in the original green hill but yet there is NO WATER…..
Well it’s official Green Hill Zone has been done to death. Come on SEGA step up to your A game and come up with something new and original and NOT rehashed for the umpteenth millionth time for Classic Sonic.