The Hacking Contest for this year has concluded, and the results are in! Spanner a.k.a. SOTI has provided a write up on the forums for this year’s winners as well as some general thoughts on this year’s contest overall. You can read more information on the results on the Retro forums here. You can also hear reactions from the contest judges and see the winners in action on the Results Show hosted by MegaGWolf here. Hit the jump to see the winners for all the trophies of this year chosen by both contest judges and community members.
Hidden Palace Trophy
1st Place
Sonic: Scorched Quest (SHC’16 pre-final) by Team Painto
Wood Zone trophy
2nd Place
Sonic: Virtual Adventure (SHC 2016 Demo) by Ladego Team
HONOURABLE MENTION: Sonic 2 ReMastered by MrCat (very split decision with this trophy)
Dust Hill Trophy
3rd Place
Untitled Sonic 1 Hack by jubbalub
Green Hill Trophy
Entry (or specific level of an entry if non-applicable) that plays most like a Sonic game.
Untitled Sonic 1 Hack by jubbalub
Windy Valley Trophy
Best art in an entry submitted.
Pantufa the Cat – Extended Edition by VAdaPEGA
HONOURABLE MENTION: Sonic Halloween by CamManS5
D.A. Garden Trophy
Best music in an entry submitted.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Sonic: Virtual Adventure (SHC 2016 Demo) by Ladego Team, Knuckles Emerald Hunt by MainMemory
Lava Reef Trophy
Best level layout in an entry submitted.
Pepsi in Sonic 1 by Unlimited Trees
Genocide City Trophy
Most difficult entry (or specific level of an entry if non-applicable) submitted.
Tails Adventures for Über Players by Bakayote
Wing Fortress Trophy
Best cutscene in an entry submitted.
Sonic: Virtual Adventure (SHC 2016 Demo) by Ladego Team
Azure Lake Trophy
Best multiplayer entry submitted.
Sonic Bash! v2 by redhotsonic
HONOURABLE MENTION: Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Chaotix Edition by Jdpense
Generations Trophy
Best 3D Sonic game modification submitted.
Eggmanland for Sonic Generations by NeKit
HONOURABLE MENTIONS: Beta Windy Valley (Sonic Lost World) by SonicOtakuSNG; SADX Character Select Mod by MainMemory & SonicFreak94
11000101 Trophy
Best technical / proof of concept entry submitted.
Sonic Pocket Winter by ValleyBell
HONOURABLE MENTIONS: Sonic 4 in 1 by Natsumi; Sonic: Virtual Adventure (SHC 2016 Demo) by Ladego Team; Eggmanland for Sonic Generations by NeKit
Fang Trophy
Best new enemy / badnik in an entry submitted.
HONOURABLE MENTIONS: Pepsi in Sonic 1 by Unlimited Trees; Sonic: Scorched Quest (SHC’16 pre-final) by Team Painto
Eggman Trophy
Best new boss or miniboss in an entry submitted.
Sonic: Scorched Quest (SHC’16 pre-final) by Team Painto
HONOURABLE MENTION: Doctor Robotnik’s Plan B (REV01) by Painto
Spindash Trophy
Best new ability in an entry submitted.
Sonic Pocket Winter by ValleyBell
HONOURABLE MENTIONS: Pikachu the Mouse by Team Overload; Sonic & Ashuro by Ashuro
Carnival Night Trophy
Most innovative game play feature in an entry submitted.
Casinopolis Trophy
Most entertaining / fun hack submitted.
The Radikal Ralakimus Hack Pack (WOW!) – Volume 1 by Ralakimus & Bakayote
HONOURABLE MENTION: Sonic Halloween by CamManS5
Emerald Trophy
Best Special Stage in an entry submitted.
Sonic: Scorched Quest (SHC’16 pre-final) by Team Painto
Robotnik’s Revenge Trophy
Best fresh concept using existing concepts as the backbone in an entry submitted.
Sonic 1: Reverse Curse by Campbellsonic
Polygon Jim Trophy
Most unique entry submitted.
The Radikal Ralakimus Hack Pack (WOW!) – Volume 1 by Ralakimus & Bakayote
HONOURABLE MENTION: Lose Tails or Else by GT Koopa
Tails Trophy
Most improved entry from last year’s contest.
Untitled Sonic 1 Hack by jubbalub
Newtrogic High Trophy
Voted best entry of the contest by the Media team.
Sonic: Scorched Quest (SHC’16 pre-final) by Team Painto
Big the Cat Trophy
Worst entry overall in the contest.
Roya Rockwood’s Sonic Mega Collection by Royameadow
HONOURABLE MENTIONS: Unlimited Trees by Unlimited Trees; Blue Potato the McDonalds by Blue Potato; Blue Knuckles in Sonic 3 by Blind_Jack; White Sonic in SK (Sonic 3 Part 2) by joshwoakes; Sonic XE by Team XE; Team Overload (all those underwhelming entries were overkill)
Hidden Palace Community Trophy
Voted best entry submitted overall.
Sonic: Scorched Quest (SHC’16 pre-final) by Team Painto
Windy Valley Community Trophy
Voted best art entry submitted.
Pantufa the Cat – Extended Edition by VAdaPEGA
D.A. Garden Community Trophy
Voted best music entry submitted.
Sonic: Virtual Adventure (SHC 2016 Demo) by Ladego Team
Lava Reef Community Trophy
Voted best level layout entry submitted.
Sonic: Scorched Quest (SHC’16 pre-final) by Team Painto
11000101 Community Trophy
Voted best technical entry submitted.
Sonic Pocket Winter by ValleyBell
Big the Cat Community Trophy
Voted worst entry submitted overall.
Roya Rockwood’s Sonic Mega Collection by Royameadow
We would also like to give some recognition to the following hacks:
Sonic 2 ReMastered by MrCat – If we had the 8-bit Trophy this year (it will likely be back next year), this would have won it.
Sonic & Ashuro by Ashuro – You have so much potential, come back next year because this hack could win good by then. If we had a trophy to award to the hack with the most potential, it’s this hack.
Scrap Brain Zone Act 1 Mini Contest
Competition to work on a SBZ1 level layout from scratch.
JOINT WINNERS: Natsumi and MegaGWolf
1 Comment
As a true sonic fan I noticed you have made a hack for almost everybody in Sonic 1. One character is absent, though. I understand if you cannot make a hack with this character in Sonic 1, but please try! The character I speak of is Cream The Rabbit, literally my favorite character in the franchise. Yes, I am aware of Sonic 2: Pink Edition, but it just doesn’t feel the same. You do NOT have to make Cream in Sonic 1, but if you can, please do it before Halloween. If that’s impossible for the hacking community to do, I get it. But, please at least TRY! Contact me if someone out there does make a hack of Cream The Rabbit in Sonic 1. [email protected]