Today marks the ten-year anniversary of the infamous Sonic Adventure 3, a game universally panned by fans and critics alike. Originally hyped as a return to Sonic’s roots, the final product turned out to be a rushed, broken mess that to this day serves as the punchline of many jokes.
A lot has changed in the past ten years. SEGA have learned from their mistakes (for the most part) with a host of well-received games such as Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations, while upcoming titles such as Sonic Mania and Big’s Big Fishing Adventure 3 show incredible promise. It could be argued that if it were not for SA3’s massive blunder, SEGA would not have made the massive overhauls in quality assurance since. For that alone, it warrants discussion.
Join the staff of Sonic Retro as we look back on our memories of Sonic Adventure 3. In the end, was it really all that bad? Hit the jump to see if we figure that one out.
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