Daily Archives

September 9, 2013


Dreamcast Livestream with Vidya Retro

Watch live video from vidyaretro on TwitchTV

The stream has ended, but the entire three hours have been embeded above for your viewing pleasure. We’ve gone through Sonic Adventure, Typing of the Dead, Power Stone, Space Channel 5, Rayman 2 – The Great Escape, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Shuffle, and Quake III Arena.

What better way to celebrate the birthday of the Dreamcast with a live stream? Vidya Retro will be streaming starting at 5PM Central taking a look at some of the biggest games, hardware and more with SEGA’s last major console.

Game News, Miscellaneous, Sega Consoles, Sega Retro

Monday Links: Obligatory Dreamcast Anniversary Post Edition

20090909dreamcastBecause only the American release date of a console matters, people decided that today is the 14th anniversary of the Dreamcast. And to celebrate this on Sonic Retro is me: the one staff member that didn’t even know about the Dreamcast until it was already dead! Or you can just take a look at the things SEGAbits is doing, that might also be a viable option. Also we might stream something later today.

Retro/Bits News

Sonic/SEGA News

  • Phantasy Star Nova was announced at a Japanese Sony press conference today for the Playstation Vita and is being developed by tri-Ace (known for Star Ocean and Resonance of Fate) [SEGAbits]
  • Another likely Japan-only game, Yakuza Ishin is coming to the PS3 and PS4 [Youtube]
  • A new trailer of Hero Bank was released [Also Japan-only]
  • SEGA has some new hardware named Nu, and the first game to use it is Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone [Siliconera]
  • The Creative Assembly got Extra Credits to do a video series about Roman history for Total War: Rome II [Youtube]
  • The Castle of Illusion remake was released on XBLA, PSN and [Steam]
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