Daily Archives

July 18, 2013

Game News

Casinos Are Back in Sonic Lost World


If you were disappointed that Casino Night’s remake in Sonic Generations was nothing more than a downloadable pinball table, you’ll be pleased to see that Sonic Lost World will have a very similar looking zone. Yesterday a bunch of screenshots showing it were put on The Sonic Stadium’s Facebook page by an user named Leo Dz.

There are also screenshots of other new acts of zones we had already seen, including a stage featuring an owl with spotlight eyes. Also some cactus things with faces. These can be seen below, this post will be updated when higher quality screens are available.

Update: The screenshots can now be viewed in 1080p, more screens have also been added. Click on that “read more” button there to see them.

[Via The Sonic Stadium]
[1080p Screenshots from ONM] Continue Reading

Fan Works, Uncategorized

“Not Enough Rings” Kickstarter Nears Time Over, Speed Shoes Required

photo-mainI’m not usually one to talk about Kickstarters, let alone go ahead and plug them. But seeing as this is a Sonic the Hedgehog website, when a Kickstart about a Sonic shows up, it’s hard not to mention it. What I’m speaking of is Veronica Vera’s Not Enough Rings, a printed collection of the webcomic by the same name. The premise is each strip focuses on a single act from the four classic Mega Drive games, offering a humorous spin on what lays in store for our hedgehog hero. When the Kick began, it gained plenty of coverage across the usual places including our very best friends at SEGAbits. But! The entire campaign is in its final hours, and once its over, who knows if you’ll be able to get it without spending an absurd amount of money on eBay?

Since it has reached its goal, there’s no fear of it not hitting your shelves in the near future. But for those who get very excited about the color blue, a last minute incentive has been included. If the whole thing reaches fifteen grand, the pages of the book will have blue painted edges. Exciting, no?

There’s also the usual “hey, pledge more and get other things to satisfy your cravings” type deals, but that’s best explained on the page itself. Click here to journey to the Kick, and if it seems like your type of thing, go ahead and order it. The book is only twenty five dollars. Heck, that’s like…five coffees if you like crazy things at Starbucks! And you can still call yourself a hipster.