Daily Archives

July 30, 2013

Community, Game News, Miscellaneous, Retro Contests, Sega Retro, Site News

I Forgot to do a Monday Links: Rated E10+ Edition

ESRB_E10+It’s the grand return of the not Monday Links! Seeing how some things happened (or are happening), I guess there’s reason enough to do one of these again. Also I’m bored and don’t want to do the things I should be doing. Anyway, here are some links:

Retro News

  • Tomorrow is the last day you can add a new entry to the Sonic Hacking Contest 2013, so this is your last chance if you still have something you want to place in the contest! [SHC2013]
  • Also tomorrow, an update to the Sonic Adventure Generations mod which adds 2 new levels. [Youtube]

Sonic/SEGA News

  • A whole 15 minutes of gameplay of the Castle of Illusion re-imagining. [SEGAbits]
  • The ESRB has put up the rating summary for Sonic Lost World explaining why it is rated E10+ revealing incredibly dark generic things villains usually say, obviously various fans overreact about it. [ESRB]
  • Yuji Naka’s new game Rodea the Sky Soldier is still a thing. [Ferraris for everyone!]
  • SEGA announced a new Sakura Wars game for Mobage while nobody wants it. [SEGAbits]
  • A new Sonic game was announced and released. [Hurr hurr hurrrrrr] Continue Reading
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