If you were disappointed that Casino Night’s remake in Sonic Generations was nothing more than a downloadable pinball table, you’ll be pleased to see that Sonic Lost World will have a very similar looking zone. Yesterday a bunch of screenshots showing it were put on The Sonic Stadium’s Facebook page by an user named Leo Dz.
There are also screenshots of other new acts of zones we had already seen, including a stage featuring an owl with spotlight eyes. Also some cactus things with faces. These can be seen below, this post will be updated when higher quality screens are available.
Update: The screenshots can now be viewed in 1080p, more screens have also been added. Click on that “read more” button there to see them.
[Via The Sonic Stadium]
[1080p Screenshots from ONM]
SEGA seriously needs to think of original zones instead of recycleingstuff from past games.
You mean like most of the other zones in this game? :V
So you think Sonic 2, CD, and 3&K just had a majority of rehashes from Sonic 1?
Oh. Boy finally . Sonic Generations DLC was ridiculous and patetic .
Ok, am I the only one who gets the feeling that the ‘Lost Hex’ this game is set in is some sort of after-effect from the events of Generations?
I mean, there’s a Green Hill world, a Casino Night world, a Sandopolis/Pyramid Cave world (with a Sweet Mountain-ish level), and even a world that looks like a merging of Aquatic Ruin, Sky Sancturary and Mushroom Hill.
Maybe that’s just me, though…
SEGA/Sonic Team like to cash in on nostalgia. I doubt that there’s anything more to it than that.
“22! Guess I can legally gamble now!”
I always liked the stilized graphics from old Sonic’s, but these are way too cartoonish. Anyway, gonna buy the game because it must play very well, maybe both versions even.
This looks a lot more like a hybrid of Casino Night and Casino /park/ from Sonic Heroes, especially due to the addition of Egg Pawns… which are chibi-fied now.
And Sonic is still his Modern model from Generations with sliiightly shorter quills.
Man I really don’t get this artstyle at all.
Yeah, it feels like a new Sonic model would have fit in better. Still, I do love the incredibly stylized look of the levels.
I’ve always hated the slow pace in casino stages, which by the way, they never left, so it’s not a comeback.
Looks dope. Im hype.
I spy… a sandstorm and blue worm things in a desert level… Desert Dodge is back! 😀
Casino Night Generations 3DS says “Hello”.
What 3DS version there’s no 3DS version nope doesn’t exist
Haha is Casino Night in the 3DS “version” even considered a level?
Classic Sonic in the slot machine, last time we had that was in Sonic Adventure.