Spotted by a few eagle-eyed fans on NeoGAF, it looks like the USK, the equivalent of the ESRB in Germany, has listed a few classic Sega fighters that appear to be coming soon to Xbox Live Arcade. Joining Virtua Fighter 2 and Fighting Vipers is the whimsical arcade brawler Sonic the Fighters, wherein Sonic and his friends decide to… beat the living snot out of each other.
The game was first made available to home consoles through the Sonic Gems Collection in 2005. Color us unsurprised if this port of the game turns out to be an upscaled version of the title included there. As with the rest of Sega’s digital releases, it’s safe to assume a PSN version will be coming down the pipes, and likely a Steam version as well. We’ll bring you more as info from the game is surely to come out of Sega in due time.
Special thanks to forum member grap3 for the image below.
I don’t really know what to think. I’ve never been a real fan of it. I think I’d prefer to see Segasonic The Hedgehog instead, although I’m almost 100% sure it will never happen.
Backed all the way!^
All I want is Fighter Megamix to be rereleased with online play.
Funny I was thinking earlier today how cool it would be to make SegaSonic Arcade for smart phones, I’m glad Sonic The Fighters is getting some love, with some luck maybe Sonic R will be next? I doubt we’ll ever see Sonic 3D Blast though because it’s just easier and cheaper to emulate the Genesis one… sigh, anyway I hope this comes to PSN and Steam!
“Sega still has more leaks than the Titanic” I believe that all the way and its true.
As for Sonic the Fighters I love that game but Segasonic The Hedgehog still hasn’t made it to tv screens.
Weren’t they going to put it in gems or megacollection.
I remember reading somewhere that they couldn’t port it because they couldn’t figure out how to emulate the trackball controls properly.
Would rather have SEGA sonic, but still cool I guess.
Dear Sega, I hope you put this on on PSN.
Ironically this was posted as soon as a Sonic The Fighters arcade machine was found in the Wreck It Ralph Trailer.
If they finally release SegaSonic The Hedgehog for home consoles, they might as well add on Knuckles’ Chaotix and maybe some slightly fine-tuned version of Sonic Crackers that plays more like a demo. Add on Sonic 3D Blast/Flickies’ Island (Saturn/PC) and… Sonic’s Schoolhouse? 0.o Sure, why not? (;