Humor Presented Without Commentary: Editorial Cartoon of the Year (Thanks, whoever made this on /v/.) Sometimes you don't feel like writing an actual story October 7, 2012 by Scarred Sun 14 Scarred Sun Previous Post Next Post
Still not enough SANICS to invade our world! 8D
Rofl! Not just the comic but also at that tag.
best sonic-related art I’ve ever seen
When you see it…
Do you mean Eggman? Or Robotnik? Or Robotonik? Or whatever you call him now cause I obviously used the wrong name.
It’s currently Baldy McNosehair.
That tag made my day XD! But is that Eggman in the background?
Lol. See Eggman. Eggman is sad. He can’t go fast. He can just sit and stare.
The fact that it seems to be the AOSTH/”cartoon” Robotnik, as opposed to the game version is one of the funniest parts for me.
Isn’t this from the Onion?
Yes. It’s an edit of a cartoon they did for bike lanes.
Sanic? Hmm… maybe there insanics… hehehe…
What’s with that guy in the bottom right corner?
i can not fucking deal
We all have our burdens in life, roxie.