Fan Works, Hacking, Humor

Character Swaps Aren’t Going to Get Much Better Than This

Character swaps aren’t exactly a rarity when it comes to Sonic hacks and mods. Especially recently with the PC version of Sonic Generations allowing modders to swap Sonic’s model with pretty much every other character in the game. But on the Xbox 360 and PS3 these mods don’t appear quite as often, mostly because hacking a console game means doing things Microsoft and Sony don’t want you to do which means you’d probably get banned from Xbox Live or Playstation Network for doing so. So it’s a good thing one of the people that actually bothered to hack Sonic 2006 made good use of it:

This video actually has been up since March 22nd, but… yeah, I don’t have an excuse for not covering this earlier. That doesn’t mean there’s not news about our favorite new playable Sonic character though. The video’s creator, Melpontro, has now started a show page for the videos starring Pelé the Beloved Dog, with there already being three more episodes. Be sure to read the descriptions:

Pelé the Beloved Dog in Dusty Desert
Hatsun the Pigeon in Wave Ocean
Pelé the Beloved Dog vs. Silver the Hedgehog

All this guy just needs to do now is to hack Sonic Unleashed and swap Sonic with Professor Pickle.



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    After years of research, it was finally confirmed that Spagonians do not need cucumber sandwiches to boost.

  • Reply

    Didn’t know Professor Pickle could run that fast? 😛

  • Reply

    Lol I can’t believe he did professor pickle in sonic unleashed

  • Reply

    I would like to see a Mario mod 😀

  • Reply

    I think Professor Pickle heard that the Sandwhich shop was closing… that or he heard that the last Cucumber Sandwich was sold and he’s running to go and kick someones butt and get it himself… It was probably Eggman who stole the last Cucumber sandwich… which is surprising cause I had no clue that Eggman ate stuff like that o_O

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  • Reply

    The Eggman model swap video made my week. I demand that mod to be released in its current state.

  • Reply

    takes sonic 06 to a whole new level

  • Reply

    “Look to the sky. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, NO! It’s an old man of 85 going at the speed of sound while grinding!!
    Why do we have those rails there anyway?”

  • Reply

    He made another with Pickle, but with 2 extra somethings.

  • Reply

    Oh my goodness, that was hillarity. I think Sonic 06 as the beloved dog is actually better. And Pickle unleashed? OH HO HO HO HO….


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