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Sonic 4 Leaderboards Reset On Xbox 360

It goes without saying that when there are leaderboards, there’s usually going to be people who cheat or use exploits to reach the top of the list, ruining the experience for other players.

This is true for Sonic 4, where people were posting up times of 0’00″00 and scores of 999,999,990. The situation has gotten so out of hand on the Xbox 360 release that Sega has erased all leaderboard scores for the game.

While it shows Sega isn’t too fond of people cheating to the top, this will likely do nothing to stop the problem and no doubt those scores will be immediately posted back up.

Makes you wonder why developers still insist on including them.

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  • Reply

    Damn Aquaslash has the second best score. o.O (Technically the best. :V) 

  • Reply

    Freaking morons, cheating to get the best score. It’s so stupid; just do your damn best. If that’s not enough, too bad, you’ll be liked LESS by people who DON’T cheat and are actually GOOD at the game. -_-

    That said, really good job Aqualash. I don’t think I could get NEAR that score!

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      Freaking iPod :V

  • Reply

    I’m not sure why they don’t just give leaderboard control to the developers of the game, so once a week they can just hide or erase dodgy scores.

  • Reply

    Cheaters should be banned from the leaderboards

    • Reply

      This sounds like being easy to do.

      If all of submissions would be replays of players performance (AND it would actually be checked), hackers would be out of luck. However, Sega decided to NOT save the replays for whatever reason; effects are known.

      Updating the system seems to be too tiring for them.

      • Reply

        Only problem is, replays usually take a lot of space.

        So, simple solution! – Only save the replays of the top 3 players! “So others can see how good they are! – it’s a great [laser guided sarcasm tone to all the cheaters]honor[/sarcasm] to be in this rank!”
        Cheaters would be stumped right there.

        • Reply

          This actually seems like a great idea. I think developers should actually do this.

          Besides, the replays shouldn’t take up TOO much space… assuming the replays are sets of commands played out, instead of a video. This way, the replays can be shown on the game easily and can give people an idea of how to make THEIR way to the top.

      • Reply

        Main reason for not using replays is because it’s a downloadable game. They don’t want to take up too much space, particularly in the iPhone and Wii versions (not so much the other two).
        If it were a full standalone disc/game or something, like Mario Kart Wii for example, replays (and ghosts) would definitely work.

        • Reply

          Many Strategy games had replays. For example, Blizzard’s Whatevercraft are usually just a string of commands sent to units and props numbered “something” and a array of results the RNG has to follow. If the replay is played like it should, all units will have the right ID number, the right order queu, damage/Hp/Mp…

          Doing a list of commands to a single character in a platform can’t be in any way harder than this. Even New Super Mario Bros had a bunch of “expert videos” and “Luigi tutorials” showing how to clear levels if you suck too much, built in-game engine.

      • Reply

        They’ll never update it. They’re too busy focusing on the mechanics of ceiling-walking. Real talk.

  • Reply

    Seems to me that creating an online leaderboard that works the way that one does for anything remotely popular is simply a sign of ignorance.

  • Reply

    Anyone that cheats should be permanently banned from any online functionality with they’re console. Its harsh, but its the only way they are going to learn.

    • Reply

      No, that’s WAAAAAAY too much. “Hey, let’s ban this guy from playing Gears of War and Halo 3 and skate online because he cheated to be at the top of the leaderboards in our crappy game!” What part of that statement even sounds remotely right to you? Also, NOT “THEY’RE”, “THEIR”

      Real talk.

  • Reply

    Idiot hackers. It was the same thing with Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing.

    • Reply

      Not to mention Sonic Adventure on the Xbox. The top 4 players were hackers, and the top 3, THEno1SonicFan, mokuro7, and THEno1SonicFan2, somehow got -129:-302-11437 (no mistake, that’s what it says), with a score of 493647. Now that’s a cheater.

      • Reply

        Heck yea. I just wish those accounts were deleted, or banned, like in COD: BO

  • Reply

    This is why I love the wii leaderboards.

    Only no-life japanophiles are the only problem there; everything is still legit though.

  • Reply

    Yeah. I,ve been seeing THEno1sonicfan on every part of the 360 leaderboards… THE REAL NUMBER 1 SONIC FAN WOULDN’T HACK THE LEADERBOARDS OF A SONIC GAME!

  • Reply

    The same cheating happens on the Sonic Colours leaderboards.

    Yes, that game does have leaderboards, you might not have noticed them since they’re found in the options satellite.

    • Reply

      I expected it the moment I heard leaderboards then had it reaffirmed when on the first day of the game’s release, Ocarina codes were out.

      I honestly think leaderboards should either be more strictly regulated or just not used at all because of this.

      • Reply

        Or use Quint’s idea and have the top players’ feats recorded. That way, those idiots who hack and get 0’00″00 time and 99999999 score will be SoL. 🙂

        • Reply

          That didn’t work so well in Mario Kart Wii. This idea has been done and has also been a resounding failure.

  • Reply

    Happens on the Wii version too.

  • Reply

    They’ve already been hacked again. Great job!

  • Reply

    Dudes, the hackers don’t even matter. At least not those ones. They’re so obviously bogus that it should be a gamer’s second nature to ignore them and just look at whatever score comes out just below the hackers. Oddly, last I checked, the PS3 leaderboards were still unspoiled. Hm. At any rate, this is the equivalent of someone entering their name as ASS on an arcade top-10 list. It’s just immature trolling, you shouldn’t pay attention to it–just let someone in charge do whatever and ignore it in the meantime.

  • Reply

    I saw THEno1SonicFan hacking the Sonic Adventure leaderboards, too. His profile said he had Sonic 4 before it even came out!

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