Game News

Sonic Adventure 2 Coming to XBLA and PSN (And Probably Steam)

At this point this isn’t even news, but it’s been (pretty much) confirmed that Sonic Adventure 2 is indeed coming to Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Network. Just not by Sega, a page for the game has been set up on Xbox Live with 10 screenshots showing the game in widescreen. This means either someone at Microsoft messed up and that Sega is going to announce it really really soon, or just that someone at Microsoft messed up. The last of these screenshots shows the circle button of a Dualshock controller, so if you thought that this was going to be an Xbox Live exclusive for some reason there’s your confirmation that it isn’t. And seeing how all Dreamcast ports by Sega for XBLA and PSN have also been released on Steam, it can be expected that the game will be released on that as well.

There are some more details on the Xbox Live page for this HD re-release. It’ll have online leaderboards and there will also be some sort of DLC. Bets are on that they are going to sell the extra content from the Gamecube version for five bucks. The current release date is October 3rd, 2012, meaning you’ll have plenty of time to look for those nostalgia goggles you must have lying around somewhere. You can find the screenshots after the jump.

[Source: Xbox Live]



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  • Reply

    Let’s hope you’re right about the Steam part… I’ve been wanting to play this game since ages and never owned a console to do so.
    *crosses fingers and toes*

    • Reply

      If the steam version comes out thar means we might be able to port some level geometry to Sonic generations.
      Final rush dlc might be possible now

  • Reply

    Greatness is upon us!

  • Reply

    I’d love it if they released it on Steam too.
    I’ve been dying to get that game for the PC.

    Already own it on gamecube;
    but PC is better to livestream and record footage. 🙂

    Now all we need on steam is Unleashed, and maybe even ’06
    (The PC might even make the loadtimes obsolete, if it’s powerful enough)

    • Reply

      It’d better be on Steam since I pretty much play that now

  • Reply

    ugh modern sonic needs to die.

    Bring back the classic hedgehog!

    • Reply

      thanks for saying someting completly Irelevent to the main topic. people like you are my favorite things in life

  • Reply

    *runs about like a loophole*

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    I can’t wait to raise Chao again!

    • Reply

      And it will be easyer to make it dark or light
      SADXs chao garden was horrible

  • Reply

    I hated how on the original Sonic Adventure the DX stuff was 5 dollars more. No doubt the Battle stuff will be the same…. Though there’s no point in me even buying this for I already have Battle on Gamecube.

  • Reply

    And the page has already been removed from the XBLA site!

  • Reply

    Love noting that Sonic, Shadow, and Knux all have new live icons.

    • Reply

      I like how they sorta redid the hud a little bit.

  • Reply

    Do my eyes deceive me? HD AND Widescreen support?

    Confirm online multiplayer and you can have my money, Sega.

  • Reply

    The best adventure game gets the best port.

  • Reply

    Hopefully it will be the great port we’ve been looking for. On a different note… does anyone know what the status is on the android S4E2? Or should I stop being impatient and wait until the end of the month?

  • Reply

    >Online leaderboards
    >No mention of online 2P mode

    Fuck you SEGA.

    • Reply

      If you’re expecting online, then leaderboards is all your going to get.

  • Reply

    The page got taken down, though. But nevertheless, I’m excited to play SA2 for the first time.

    • Reply

      If you have xbox live go to games tab thing and you see part of the box art for sa2

  • Reply

    This pleases me.

  • Reply

    one of the screen shots are of “chao karat” and thats not apart of sonic adventures 2 for the dreamcast ver if thats included already then maybe the DLC will be apart of something else.

    • Reply

      Don’t bet on it,

  • Reply

    @DCLIP Let’s not start this again. Classic Sonic is NOT coming back. Now let it die already. I’m a huge Classic Sonic fan, but you don’t see me bashing Modern because in fact I like Sonic Adventure 2 like a lot of Sonic fans do.

  • Reply

    Doesn’t looks like they’re improving the Graphics at all :/

  • Reply

    Oh great, another Dreamcast game port…

  • Reply

    “BRAA! BRAAA!”

  • Reply

    Interesting but honestly I don’t see a reason to get this if you have the Gamecube version, yea there’s online leaderboards but what’s the point if they’re going to get hacked anyway? Leaderboards might as well not exist anymore.

    • Reply

      Very true
      I saw someone get -5 seconds as a time they completed emerald coast.
      All i want is new levels and mabey an option to play different charachters for certain stages

  • Reply

    at least it has widescreen support this time around and not the half-assed boarder like the original

  • Reply

    “meaning you’ll have plenty of time to look for those nostalgia goggles you must have lying around somewhere.”

    Lol, exact reason I won’t pick it up-I like to leave stuff good memories instead of replay games as an adult and be left feeling underwhelmed (like Super Mario World). City Ecscape/Shadow rival fight in Sonic G gave me all the nostalgia rush I needed-I can’t change the fact that my mind will approach the experience differently all these years later.

  • Reply

    I hope this won’t be a letdown to me like Adventure 1 was…

    Please don’t start making a riot, i just didn’t like Adventure 1.

    • Reply

      Meh it was ok
      I just sa2 more.
      God of the 3D sonic games till unleashed and generations came out

  • Reply

    The life sprite is different. That’s the only thing I see different so far.

  • Reply

    A mediocre game, now with added DRM-crippling, gets added widescreen and charging extra for the Battle component. I guess if it funds some decent games from the blind fanboy buying, fair enough…

  • Reply

    I can’t wait. I am glad that I will now have all of my favorite Sonic games (minus Colors and Heroes) on the Xbox 360. And it isn’t even nostalgia to me. I seriously think its good, last time I played it was about 3 weeks ago 🙂

  • Reply

    Please have the original chao gardens please have the original chao gardens please have the original chao gardens please have the original chao gardens…

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  • Reply

    Is this a remake or a port? If it’s a remake, I hope I will finally like Sonic Adventure 2 for once.

    • Reply

      Port enhanced to support widescreen.

  • Reply

    Put in online multiplayer, and this game’s mine for sure.

  • Reply

    Nice to see Sonic Adventure 2 get some love, this is going to be my next lets play with Elliot and Matt. First part will be up Friday.

  • Reply

    Maybe DLC with be the stuff released over the Dreamcast too, and maybe some extra chao mode like the Advance Chao Garden or the Chao Adventure, although they didn’t do that with Adventure. Still, one can hope.

  • Reply

    I hope it’ll be as good as the Sonic CD port. That became my most favorite 2D Sonic game. I’ll so buy this when it comes out. 🙂

  • Reply

    Looking at the screenshots this is clearly a port of the GC version, which means say goodbye to the DLCs the DC version had 🙁

    Still this is great news, I so love SA2 and I was replaying it again the other day, it’s still as good as ever, unlike Sonic Generations which was nothing but Sonic Unleashed with nostalgia skin on it… *sigh*

  • Reply

    It doesn’t look like the graphics changed much at all… I’m not a graphics whore but in reality it looks like it is literally just a port. :\

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    • Reply

      Guess you’re not buying it then.

  • Reply

    Hmmm… Online multiplayer is not likely, at least I don’t think so. But thinking again, I’ve never played the original Sonic Adventure 2, only the GameCube re-release. However, there was some unused voices for Omochao found in the game that talks about a few online things for chao, but seeing as these features were scrapped, I don’t see any chance of them coming.

    There are also a few different things in this as well.
    But I am seeing for whatever reason Chao Karate in this, for some reason. They’ve also decided to make the lives mugshots better.

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