See? Patience is worthwhile as the Sonic Colors DS demo has now hit the American DS Download Service.
Just like our International friends, all you need is a Wii with access to the Nintendo Channel and a DS to get a hold of it. The demo is the same, as expected, focusing on Sonic’s use of the white and red wisps to make his way through Tropical Resort Act 1.
Alternatively, you can also download and slap the demo onto your preferred DS-game playing device and give it a spin that way.
The demo is awesome. Different, though, because the first play-through I found myself spamming the B button trying to do tricks but doing homing attacks.
Pero ya expiró el link
1’09”15 🙂
Screw that, 0’58”60! 😀
Darn, 1:04.21… unless you used an emulator… I did on the DS.
Well I did emulate, had to if I wanted to record it.
No tool-assistance or savestates or anything though, that was legit.
omgawd its Sonic Rush 3
Sonic Rush but better.
Another comment saying Sonic Rush 3
Honestly much better than Sonic 4, look forward to trying it properly on my DS rather than an emu without sound, was already impressed.
Why does the demo say Sonic Colours? Isn’t this rom the US version?
I can’t stop playing this. It’s A LOT BETTER than Sonic Rush / SRA.
Wait, there’s a white Wisp, too? O_o Or is that referring to those that just fill up the boost-gauge?
@Zero: the download rom in the post is the European demo. Aside from the title card, the U.S. and European demo are identical.
@Herman: The boost gauge ones are indeed the white wisps.
I WILL BUY THIS!!! Best portable Sonic EVAH!
Modded PSP or GP2X Caanoo with Picodrive = Megadrive Sonic on the go.
THAT, is the best portable Sonic evah.
Rupee, I agree 100% thats what im using right now, and im loving SonicCD and megamix to the fullest! as well as other hacks.
Link espirado :”(