No no, calm down fanboys. I wish it were a real leap from SEGA back into the hardware sector, but this unfortunately isn’t the case. What we have here is a game console featuring officially licensed SEGA games as well as 16 other titles which feature “innovative motion controls”. The original posting by features a few interesting images of the console, including the one shown here. But what’s most interesting is the main image in the article, showing off a version of what’s seen here but with heavier SEGA branding. Although this console may be a simple ripoff of the Wii trying to make a quick buck, one can’t help but get lost in the idea of what it would be like if it was still SEGA and Nintendo duking it out and if SEGA’s result might be something similar to this.
February 1, 2010
We’re a bit late, but here it is, for your listening pleasure! Sonic Retro Retrocast No. 3! We’ve got a slew of things to talk about this time around, as we cover some exciting site news as well as the latest buzz around the community regarding Project Needlemouse.
We discuss the games of Sonicmases past, including Sonic Adventure and the game that might have taken it’s place. There’s even a special contest being held that you’ve just gotta get in on!
So pull up a chair and grab a snack, this week’s topics are as follows:
The Sonic Retro Wiki – The home stretch! We can do it!
Sonic Adventure – The hype, the production, the legend.
Sonic Xtreme – I hear you have a leak somewhere..
Project Needlemouse – Sonic and the Secret Codenames.
Sonic’s Chilidog Recipe – Sonic saves his friends to cook them in the end!