Daily Archives

February 11, 2010

Humor, Miscellaneous

Sonic 4 Announcement Leads to Domestic Abuse

Credible news source The Escapist has conjured up a feature on the new upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Extensive research and interviews with professionals reveal how Sonic 4–and by extension, the Sonic series in the last ten years as a whole–may be nothing more than a classic case of domestic abuse.

With the cards on the table, the question ultimately remains–will Sonic 4 break Sonic’s rampant addiction to speed and lust for new cheap thrills? Only time will tell. Until then, this reporter advises readers to seek counseling to avoid further emotional trauma.


SEGA you clever clever troll…

Alright so it’s offical. SEGA is totally screwing with us as Compsense has pointed out on the forums. Take a look here:

As you can see here, SEGA’s website has offered an additional hidden graphic which names the N2 platform as the fourth release platform for Sonic 4. This is strange considering SEGA already slipped a graphic that the iPhone was the last platform.

For those who don’t know, the N2 is an arcade game platform built on Nvidia graphics technology and very easy to port to PC. So this begs the question: Did SEGA anticipate our snooping after all? Or are they adjusting their marketing to suit it? Whatever the case SEGA, keep doing it. It’s far more entertaining then the past few Sonic games. But hopefully not as fun as Sonic 4 should be.
