You’ll shit your pants at the 45 second mark:
February 8, 2010
In a spur of the moment decision, the Sonic Retro podcast crew decided to get together last Saturday for a Sonic Retro podcast special focusing around discussion of the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Participants this time around include Tweaker, InstantSonic, Spexfox, JackSkellinghog, Slingerland, Aquaslash, Katzu Niku, and David the Lurker. We’re a bit late for making the Super Bowl, but Instant was a bit sick and needed to eat more RINGS.
A bit of a heads up–this one is a bit longer than the most, clocking in at about two hours. Also, my sound quality sucks this time around for no good reason. Sorry about that! Hopefully you enjoy our extensive coverage of the things on the table right now when it comes to Sonic 4; we tried to cover as many elements of the game as possible, though an obvious classic bias would be expected from Sonic Retro. ;P