Okay so the SEGAbits gods thought that no longer linking SEGAbits and general SEGA stuff in Monday Links wasn’t such a great idea. But you know what’s a good idea? Still not linking them on Monday Links and instead doing a separate feature with just SEGA stuff and without the Sonic. So here’s a new feature that’s a recap of SEGAbits and SEGA stuff.
Featured SEGAbits Article of the Week
- This week’s Swingin’ Report Show has an interview with Greg Johnson, the co-creator of ToeJam & Earl who right now is doing a Kickstarter so he can make a new sequel [Cool details about stuff that happened to the development of the other ToeJam & Earl sequels included]
SEGAbits Features
- This month we take a look at the stuff Team Andromeda did [You know, those people who made Panzer Dragoon]
- SEGA Tunes: Panzer Dragoon’s OST is a beautiful masterpiece [Just listen to these tunes]
- Nope, SEGA’s not leaving the console marker [Don’t trust articles by writers who didn’t pay enough attention, kids]
- 2-Man Scramble put the dynamic duo to the test in Batman Forever: The Arcade Game for the SEGA Saturn [Yes, Jim Carrey Riddler is in the game]
- Unboxing a brand new SEGA Menacer from 1992 [Unboxings are cool when they’re of old SEGA stuff, right?]
- Game Freak (Pokémon, Pulseman) and SEGA are working together on a new game that’ll be revealed this Wednesday [Please don’t be mobile-only please don’t be mobile-only]
- Valkyria Chronicles sold over 200,000 copies on Steam last year [This means we’ll get more PC ports, right? Right?]
- Yakuza Zero has a pretty sweet soundtrack filled with Japanese 80’s songs [Possible contender for best game soundtrack of the year?]
- Turns out Alien: Isolation was going to be a third person game at some point [Here’s some footage of when it was that]
- It looks like 3D OutRun will be released on March 12th [More OutRun is never a bad thing]
- This Persona 4: Dancing All Night trailer shows off the new character Kanami Mashita [Awkward fanservice included]
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